4:00 PM
Actuation time optimization in the Advanced Virgo mirror thermo-elastic correction
Enrico Porcelli
(University of Roma Tor Vergata)
4:01 PM
Geophysical imaging and characterization to study the implementation of the Einstein Telescope infrastructure
Marius Waldvogel
(Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University)
4:02 PM
Characterization of Sputtered Amorphous GaN Film for High-Reflectivity and Low Loss Coatings
thu ha dao
4:03 PM
Squeezing in higher-order Hermite-Gaussian modes
Joscha Heinze
(Albert Einstein Institute Hannover)
4:04 PM
Fabrication considerations of large-scale scale silicon mirrors for future cryogenic gravitational wave detectors
Peter Murray
(SUPA University of Glasgow)
Maya Kinley-Hanlon
(University of Glasgow)
4:05 PM
Birefringence measurement of a sapphire mirror for KAGRA
Homare Abe
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:06 PM
Feasibility Study of the Einstein Telescope – Geological Exploration
Jonathan Zinser
(LIH RWTH Aachen)
4:07 PM
Mitigation of the electrostatic charge on test mass mirrors in gravitational wave detectors
Marco Angelucci
4:09 PM
2um laser R&D plans at Cardiff University
Keiko Kokeyama
(Cardiff University)
4:10 PM
Squeezed light at 2128 nm for future gravitational-wave observatories
Julian Gurs
(Universität Hamburg)
4:11 PM
Beam suspensions for cryogenic mirrors
Riccardo DeSalvo
(Universita' del Sannio)
4:12 PM
Radiative mirror thermal compensation system
Riccardo DeSalvo
(Universita' del Sannio)
4:13 PM
Mechanical parametric feedback-cooling for pendulum-based gravity experiments
Daniel Hartwig
(Universität Hamburg)
4:14 PM
Overview of possible multimaterial designs for improving current coatings
Jessica Steinlechner
(Maastricht University)
4:15 PM
Studies of coating absorption for future detectors
Graeme McGhee
(University of Glasgow)
Ross Johnston
4:16 PM
Investigation and mitigation of anomalous power absorptions in the Advanced Virgo Plus core optics
Maria Cifaldi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
4:17 PM
The A+ Low-Loss Faraday Isolators
Rodica Martin
(Montclair State University)
4:18 PM
A new experimental set-up for scattering studies of mirror coatings
Antonios Kontos
(Bard College)
4:20 PM
Implanted Oxygen Ions in Silicon and the Implication for Future Gravitational Wave Mirrors
Maya Kinley-Hanlon
(University of Glasgow)
4:21 PM
Mechanical loss studies at Maastricht University
Viola Spagnuolo
(Maastricht University, Nikhef Institute )
4:22 PM
Influence of environmental noise on Virgo detector during O3
Francesco Di Renzo
4:23 PM
Towards low suspension thermal noise of cryogenic torsion pendulums with crystalline fibres
Ching Pin Ooi
(The University of Tokyo)
4:24 PM
Measurements of multi-material coatings using a cryogenic nodal support
Simon Tait
(University of Glasgow)
4:25 PM
Measurement of the thermo-optic effect in IBS SiNx coating
Matteo Bischi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
4:26 PM
Stabilization of a parametric signal-amplification system using a digital signal-processing device
Kaido Suzuki
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:27 PM
Sensor Placement Optimization for Broadband Newtonian Noise Cancellation in GW Detectors
Roselyn Jose
(Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
4:28 PM
Molecular Dynamics simulations to study dissipation in amorphous SiNx
Francesco Puosi
(INFN Pisa)