Third circular

Dear Colleagues,

the registration to the “13th Torino Workshop on AGB stars and related Topics and 2nd Perugia Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics” is now open. The conference will be held in Perugia from June 19th to June 24th, 2022.

We kindly invite you to register by following the instruction at the conference webpage note that even if you pre-registered for the workshop months ago you have now to register again if you want to attend the meeting.  In any case, your registration will not be confirmed until you have paid the registration fee at the link: 

The registration fee is 250€ (+ 22% taxis) for senior scientists, 210€ (+ 22% taxis) for post-doctoral researchers and 190€ (+ 22% taxis) for MS and PhD students. A reduced fee is applied for accompanying people, according to the events they wish to join in. There will be no fee for participants attending remotely. 

Furthermore, we invite you to submit the abstract of your communications (oral or poster) on the workshop webpage using the "CALL FOR ABSTRACT button of the menu on the right. Traditionally, there are not invited talks at the Torino Workshops and talks by young researchers are encouraged. It would be nice if all communications will be given in person, however, we are aware that a minimum number of talks may need to be held remotely (please choose this option only if strictly necessary). 

Final confirmation on the type of presentations and a preliminary program will be notified   by the end of April.For your convenience we list here the important dates of the 13th Torino Workshop:

●      call for abstract deadline: April 15th, 2022

●      abstract notification and preliminary program: April 30th, 2022

●      registration deadline: May 10th, 2022

●      welcome reception: June 19th, 2022

●      workshop beginning: June 20th, 2022

We are looking forward to meeting you at the next Torino Workshop.

Sara, Sergio, Marco, Diego, Azzurra.