Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the next edition of the Torino Workshop will take place June 19-24, 2022 in Perugia, Italy. The conference is the thirteenth in the Torino Workshop series. The focus of the workshop will be the physics and nucleosynthesis of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and many related topics. The current major advances in stellar evolution, astronomical observations, modeling of stellar winds and dust formation, meteoritic stardust measurements, galactic chemical evolution, theoretical and experimental nuclear astrophysics will be explored. The workshop will bring together researchers from a variety of research fields to address the current issues and discuss the future directions by interdisciplinary approaches.
We would like to inform you that the workshop will be held in person unless major restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic come out. In the meantime, we wish you all the best and will be in touch with more information in the near future.
The 13th Torino Workshop program will include selected oral and poster contributions on significant experimental and theoretical results in researches related to AGB stars. The workshop is also being held to celebrate the 70th birthday of Prof. Maurizio Busso. Over the course of his career, Maurizio has produced a number of significant contributions to the theory of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis. Special sessions during the meeting will be dedicated to highlighting his achievements on these topics.
The details about the workshop venue, accommodation, etc. will be given in the forthcoming circulars and on the constantly updated website:
We kindly invited all the colleagues interested to attend the workshop in person, to pre-register on the conference website. Pre-registration does not involve any commitment but will allow us to estimate the number of participants and choose the conference room most suitable to host us safely.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Carlos Abia (University of Granada, Spain)
Sachiko Amari (Washington University, USA)
Franz K ppeler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary)
Marco Pignatari (University of Hull, UK)
Oscar Straniero (INAF - OAAb and INFN, Italy)
Local Organizing Committee:
Sara Palmerini (chair, University of Perugia and INFN, Italy)
Sergio Cristallo (INAF - OAAb and INFN, Italy)
Marco La Cognata (INFN - LNS, Italy)
Diego Vescovi (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
Azzurra Zucchini (University of Perugia and INFN, Italy)
Please forward this announcement to everybody who may be interested in the workshop.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the next Torino Workshop,
Sara, Sergio, Marco, Diego, Azzurra.