Il Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) è un rivelatore sotterraneo a liquido scintillante da 20 kton in costruzione nel sud della Cina che si prevede inizi a prendere dati nel 2022. Il programma fisico di JUNO è mirato nell’esplorare le proprietà del neutrino usando gli anti-neutrini elettronici emessi da due centrali nucleari a circa 53 km di distanza. Con l’obiettivo di...
The aim of the CYGNO project is to demonstrate the capability of a high resolution gaseous TPC based on sCMOS (scientific CMOS) optical readout for present and future directional Dark Matter searches at low WIMP masses (1-10 GeV) down to and beyond the Neutrino Floor.
CYGNO is a typical medium size astro-particle experiment that require a relative small amount of computing resources and for...
The three large Gravitational-Wave collaborations (Virgo in Europe, LIGO in the US and KAGRA in Japan) are joining their offline computing infrastructures in the International Gravitational-Wave observatories Network. At the same time, the low-latency alert generation infrastructure is being updated: event candidate alerts and their timely distribution are crucial assets for multimessenger...
L'esperimento Belle II è in data taking a partire dalla primavera del 2019. Ad oggi più di 2PB di dati sono stati raccolti presso il laboratorio giapponese di KEK e replicati a BNL in USA. A partire dal 2021 la seconda copia dei RAW data verrà distribuità in diversi paesi tra cui l'italia presso il CNAF.
Le sfide per l'implementazione del computing model sono molteplici e includono la...
The computing model of the AMS-02, DAMPE, and HERD Cosmic Ray experiments is designed to cope with several TB of ROOT files produced for every year of mission. Periodically the reprocessing of the full dataset is needed and, on a yearly basis, a massive MonteCarlo production of the various CR species must be run. For example, the data analysis is, typically, performed on reduced ntuples by...
The ALICE experiment is upgrading its hardware and software system during LHC Long Shutdown 2 in view of the next data taking periods, Run 3 and Run 4 , whose start is scheduled in 2022.
One of the main challenge of the ALICE experiment is the change of the data acquisition paradigm to continuous readout mode in order to cope with the high interaction rate expected in Pb-Pb collision, up to...
In the framework of ARIADNEplus task NA4 and EOSC-Pillar working packages 6.5 and 6.9, a cloud system, dubbed Tools for HEritage Science Processing, Integration, and ANalysis (THESPIAN), was developed, which offers multiple microservices to the researchers of the Cultural Heritage Network (CHNet) of INFN, from storing their raw data to reuse them by following the FAIR principles for...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will deploy, over the period 2025-2028, a 40-kton liquid argon TPC detector 1.5 km underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. A new broadband high-intensity neutrino source and Near Detector complex will be located at Fermilab, 1300 kilometers away.
This arrangement and the long data-taking run expected from 2029 and beyond,...
In Run 3 the paradigm of the ALICE experiment will shift towards precision measurements of rare probes. This will be achieved by collecting large data samples at high interaction rates,continuously recording collisions with a triggerless approach called continuous readout.In this scenario, Pb-Pb collisions will be recorded at a rate up to 50 kHz, reaching a raw data flow rate of up to 3.5...