May 24 – 28, 2021
Via telematica
Europe/Rome timezone

INFN Cloud: monitoring and accounting services

May 26, 2021, 9:20 AM
Via telematica

Via telematica


Alessandro Costantini (CNAF) Vincenzo Spinoso (BA)


INFN Cloud monitoring and accounting services have been designed to provide admins and users with a complete feedback on the status of the resources and how they are used. Monitoring checks have been implemented in different layers, from the low level of resource view of the overall status of the cloud federation, to the PaaS layer provided to the users. Additionally, a solution to provide the high-level overview of the services instantiated by the users is under evaluation and will be provided. Accounting provides information on how the resources are used by single users and groups. Both monitoring and accounting are provided through user-friendly web interfaces.

Presentation materials