INFN-Cloud is an integrated and comprehensive cloud-based set of solutions, delivered through distributed and federated infrastructures. It provides a large and customizable set of services, ranging from simple IaaS to specialized SaaS solutions, centered through a PaaS layer built upon flexible authentication and authorization services offered via INDIGO-IAM, and optimized resources and services orchestration.
The INFN-Cloud architecture is designed to exploit highly heterogeneous cloud resources in terms of hardware (including CPUs, GPUs, low-latency networks and disks), cloud technologies (such as OpenStack, Mesos and Kubernetes), deployment models (supporting private and public clouds) and service delivery (supporting both generic and customized workloads).
This talk will give a general overview of the INFN-Cloud architecture and implementation, its current status and evolution. We will also provide information about accessing INFN Cloud services and the support system offered to the user communities.