Chairs: David Sarrut (F) and Gianfranco Paternò (IT)
David Sarrut
(CNRS and at CREATIS / Léon Bérard cancer center)
10/24/22, 2:00 PM
Marc Granado-Gonzalez
(School of physics and astrophysics, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom)
10/24/22, 2:23 PM
Lorenzo Arsini
(Department of Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza” and INFN)
10/24/22, 2:35 PM
Lorenzo Arsini
(Sapienza and INFN Sec. of Rome)
10/24/22, 2:47 PM
(Laboratory of Medical Information Processing (LaTIM), INSERM-UMR 1101, Brest, (France))
10/24/22, 2:59 PM