Oct 24 – 26, 2022
Napoli, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

A Monte Carlo based investigation of the FLASH effect by examining inter-track interactions in radiobiological simulations performed with TOPAS-nBio

Oct 25, 2022, 6:22 PM
Centro Congressi “Federico II”, (Napoli, Italy)

Centro Congressi “Federico II”,

Napoli, Italy

Via Partenope 36, Napoli, Italy


Larissa Derksen (Institute of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, University of Applied Sciences, Giessen, Germany)
Topic Radiobiology including Geant4-DNA

Primary author

Larissa Derksen (Institute of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, University of Applied Sciences, Giessen, Germany)


Veronika Flatten (Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology, University Medical Center Giessen-Marburg, Marburg, Germany) Rita Engenhart-Cabillic (Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology, University Medical Center Giessen-Marburg, Marburg, Germany) Klemens Zink (Marburg Ion-Beam Therapy Center, Marburg, Germany) Kilian-Simon Baumann (Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology, University Medical Center Giessen-Marburg, Marburg, Germany)

Presentation materials