6–10 Sept 2021
Varenna, Villa Monastero
Europe/Rome timezone

Short_Oral_33: Verification of Ni ion dielectronic satellite structure in JET plasma diagnostic for low and high plasma rotation

8 Sept 2021, 17:10
Villa Monastero (Varenna, Villa Monastero)

Villa Monastero

Varenna, Villa Monastero

Short oral in replacement of poster


Karol Kozioł (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Jacek Rzadkiewicz (National Centre for Nuclear Research)


Measurement of the x-ray spectra of the He-like Ni ions (Ni$^{26+}$) and their dielectronic satellites (Ni$^{25+}$, Ni$^{24+}$, and Ni$^{23+}$) plays a crucial role in determination of electronic and ionic temperature of plasma in the JET device. Because $n\ge3$ satellites of Ni$^{25+}$ overlap with resonance 'w' line of Ni$^{26+}$, it is important to reconstruct the structure of these satellites reliably. It is especially important in the cases when plasma rotation is high what results in additional shift of $n\ge3$ satellites of Ni$^{25+}$ in respect to resonance 'w' line.

Collisional-Radiative Modelling (CRM) by using the FAC code has been used for modeling the spectral emission from Ni$^{26+}$ + dielectronic satellite ions from plasmas for various electronic temperatures. Multi-Configurational Dirac-Hartree-Fock + Configuration Interaction (MCDHF-CI) calculations by using the GRASP code has been used to examining electron correlation effect on wavelengths and transition rates for $L \to K$ transitions occurs in He- and Li-like Ni ions. Basing on ab initio calculations we were searching for optimal approach to fit the $n\ge3$ satellites of Ni$^{25+}$ in experimental JET spectra.

Primary authors

Karol Kozioł (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Jacek Rzadkiewicz (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Ashwin Patel (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)

Presentation materials