04–05 nov 2019
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Europe/Rome fuso orario

DULIA-bio is a series of meetings organized in deep underground laboratories around the world. The focus of these meetings will be cross-fertilization of research in biology with the community working in underground laboratories.

The 2nd edition of DULIA-bio will be held at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN, Assergi, L’Aquila, Italy, and is organized in collaboration with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, and with the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, Spain.

The aim of the Workshop is to establish a common path for European/International underground laboratories in deep life studies and its application to astrobiology, biophysics, human health and radiation protection.


•    Astrobiology
•    Extremophile Biotechnology
•    Life in Deep Biosphere
•    Life in Low Radiation Environments
•    Life in Acoustic and Electromagnetic Fields
•    Cosmogenic Background
•    Mitigation of Radioactive Backgrounds
•    Low Radioactivity Techniques
•    New Technologies for Acoustic, Electromagnetic and Radioactivity Silence Characterization


Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Room "B. Pontecorvo"
Via Giovanni Acitelli 22 - 67100 Assergi, L'Aquila (Italy)

News - October 28, 2019 - Shuttle buses from L'Aquila to Assergi on November 3 were added. Timetable and relevant information are available on "Travel Info" section, as well as timetable for shuttle bus from affiliated hotels to conference venue.

News - October 21, 2019 - Instructions for poster presenters.
Posters will be displayed on dedicated boards that will be made available through the Organizing Committee. In order to not exceed the available board size your poster must be 700 mm x 1000 mm portrait format size. Each poster presentation must have a title including the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s), city and country.
Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference: Monday, November 4 - Tuesday, November 5.
Poster presenters should stand next to their posters during the poster session for informal Q&A.
the posters will have to be delivered during the check-in process in the morning of November 4. Scotch tape will be provided on site. All posters must be printed by the presenters (no plotter can be provided).


September 10, 2019 - The Workshop will have morning and afternoon sessions; oral and poster presentations are planned.

Videoconference and streaming service will be available. More details will be posted later on.

Submission of abstracts will be open until September 30th, 2019. Abstract form is available above. Further instructions and information can be found in "Abstracts" section on top-left menu.

Registration will be open starting from September 11th, 2019. Registration form is available here below.
Pre-registration fee: 120€
Late registration fee (later than October 23th): 160€
Registration fee covers: scientific program access, lunches, coffee breaks, welcome reception, a tour in the underground laboratory, bus transportation from/to the hotels.
Further info on conference fee are available on "Conference Fee and Payment Info" section on top-left menu.

List of hotels affiliated with the workshop is online. Please check the "Accommodation" section for instructions on reservation process.

Participants who need invitation letter from LNGS for visa application must contact the Workshop Secretariat. Prior to send your request please read carefully the instructions available on "Visas" section.

For more inquiries, you can contact the Workshop Secretariat (see the "Info" section on top-left menu).