Jan 14 – 23, 2020
Asiago Astronomical Observatory
Europe/Rome timezone

About the excellence school

Photo credit and copyrights ©photographer Roberto Costa Ebech - Comune di Asiago


The school, organized within the framework of the excellence program of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, will be held in the beautiful curtains of the Asiago plateau, where the DFA astrophysical observatory is located.

Classes will be held for 6 hrs/day with some hours devoted to supervised hands-on lessons and exercises. A school webpage will be maintained and lecturers will be asked to post their presentations in advance, so that students can study them in due time.

A web forum will be opened and both students and lecturers will be encouraged to use it to exchange ideas and suggestions.  A final test will be performed, and students will be individually evaluated on the basis of it. A questionnaire, to be filled in by the students, will allow to collect attendees' feedback at the end of the school. Participants will be limited to 36 and selected on the basis of their CV and a reference letter.

The school is organized over 10 days, with free Sunday, the first day starting on Tuesday (January 14) at 15.30, and ending on Thursday (January 23) at lunch time.
The first day ( January, 14) we will book a  shuttle bus from Padova (13.30) to Asiago (15.30), then there will be an introduction of the School's themes and a reception party. Astronomical observations are foreseen on that night.
Coffee breaks, packed lunches (8 days), and dinners (7 days except on 18th and 19th) will be organized.
Asiago, due for its particular position reaches very low minimum temperatures and is considered  one of the coldest inhabited centers of the Alps. So, bring with you warm clothes.