14–23 Jan 2020
Asiago Astronomical Observatory
Europe/Rome timezone

This is the first Padova Excellence School of Physics of the Universe, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DFA) of the University of Padova. 

This first edition focuses on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. The past four years were marked by huge advancements in this field, with countless invaluable results such as the detection of first gravitational waves, also in correspondence with photons, as well as the simultaneous observation of photons with a 300 TeV neutrino from an active galaxy. The foundation of high energy astroparticle physics are shaken and new theoretical buildings are raised. This calls for additional focused experimental efforts, with careful planning of multi-wavelenght and multi-experiments coordinated observation, especially when pointing telescopes with limited field of view are involved.

This school teaches the cosmology and particle physics background needed to seriouslyapproach multi-messenger astrophysics. It includes key lectures, plus a series of topical lectures and seminars. Exercises will be organized throughout the school on all topics. Hands-on will be organized on a selection of codes. The school will be closed with a final exam for self-evaluation.

This international excellence school will be held in the beautiful curtains of the Asiago plateau, where the DFA astronomical observatory is located. The observatory is currently hosting two 1m-class telescopes hosting several instruments.

The school will be assigned Formative Credits (CFU) for the Universities.

Asiago Astronomical Observatory
viale Osservatorio, Asiago (Vicenza) Italy

Advisory Committee:

G. Busetto
S. Matarrese
G. Piotto
F. Soramel


Scientific Organizing Committee: 

Alessandro De Angelis
Nicola Bartolo
Denis Bastieri
Elisa Bernardini
Daniele Bertacca
Eugenio Bottacini
Enrico Cappellaro
Riccardo Ciolfi
Livia Conti
Francesco D'Eramo
Michele Doro
Michela Mapelli
Mose' Mariotti
Marco Peloso
Elisa Prandini


Local Organizing Committee:

Alessandro de Angelis

Michele Doro

Paolo Ochner

Alessandro Siviero

Linda Tommasella

Paola Zenere

Leila Zoia


Registration for this event is currently open.