The plasma wakefield accelerator has demonstrated high-gradient, high-efficiency acceleration of an electron beam. Numerical simulation results backed by theory indicate that also emittance preservation at the level needed for a high luminosity collider may be achievable in the blow out regime. Electron linacs based on plasma wakefield acceleration is therefore a promising technology for a...
The Gamma Factory (GF) proposal is based on the use of partially stripped ion (PSI) beams as drivers of a novel high intensity and high energy (0.1-400 MeV) photon source. We describe the GF concept, the results of the initial beam tests carried out in 2017-2018 at the SPS and LHC with partially stripped xenon and lead beams and we discuss the preparation for proof-of-principle experiment at...
The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) group develops the Structure Wakefield Acceleration (SWFA) concept for a future multi-TeV electron-positron linear collider. The main SWFA approach being considered at the AWA is short-pulse (~25 nsec) two-beam accelerator (TBA). An important milestone for this technology will be to demonstrate substantial energy gain using the TBA scheme. To this end,...
Channeling of charged particles is well known technique to handle beams shaped in specified ways. Having proposed more than 40 years ago this technique has been utilized for beam both collimation and focusing at many famous research centers. Channeling of light charged particles is of a special interest as novel powerful and compact radiation source.
Effective approach for a positron source is...