Recently, we proposed to use building blocks of THz metamaterials for streaking of ultrashort electron bunches. Such building blocks allow for a precise control of the electric and magnetic near-field distribution in a volume that is defined by the geometry of the structure. THz radiation with wavelengths on the order of a hundred micron is well matched to the transverse and longitudinal size...
Here we present the first demonstration of THz-driven acceleration of a fully relativistic electron beams. The experiments were carried out with the 35MeV bunches of the CLARA research facility at Daresbury Laboratory. The electrons were injected into a dielectric-lined waveguide simultaneously with a quasi-monochromatic laser-generated THz pulse with a longitudinal electric field containing...
A hybrid concept for an Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) based compact ultrafast X-ray pulse source, relying on the combination of a conventional S-band electron gun with a dielectric-loaded waveguide driven by a multicycle THz pulse (THz linac), is under investigation by the authors. The target of this hybrid concept is to generate pC-class ultrashort electron bunches (≤ 1 fs rms), at...