A number of accelerator projects are on-going or studied for implementation in Europe and elsewhere, with primary goal pushing towards higher energies and higher beam intensities, as needed for future experimental studies within particle physics. This talk will provide an overview of the status and challenges ahead for on-going and potential future projects aiming for very high accelerator...
The Horizon2020 design study EuPRAXIA was started in 2015. The EuPRAXIA consortium is formed by 41 institutes from Europe, Asia and US and has the goal of developing the conceptual design of a plasma accelerator with superior beam quality and with pilot applications. The conceptual design report will be published in October 2019 when the design study is completed. Improvements in the...
FACET-II is a new National User Facility at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory scheduled to begin operating in 2020. The PWFA collaboration has proposed an ambitious series of experiments consistent with the US DOE Advanced Accelerator R&D Roadmap. A photoinjector in a configuration similar to that of LCLS will enable FACET-II to investigate acceleration and beam quality preservation...