15–21 Sept 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

A PWFA Multi-TeV gamma-gamma collider

17 Sept 2019, 16:30
Sala Bonaparte 2 (SB2) (Hotel Hermitage)

Sala Bonaparte 2 (SB2)

Hotel Hermitage

talk WG8 - Advanced and novel accelerators for High Energy Physics WG8


Erik Adli (University of Oslo, Norway)


The plasma wakefield accelerator has demonstrated high-gradient, high-efficiency acceleration of an electron beam. Numerical simulation results backed by theory indicate that also emittance preservation at the level needed for a high luminosity collider may be achievable in the blow out regime. Electron linacs based on plasma wakefield acceleration is therefore a promising technology for a compact future linear collider. However, there are currently no evident solutions for achieving the same performance for positron acceleration. Instead, two Multi-TeV electron linacs may be used to produce Multi-Tev gamma-gamma collisions. We discuss the option of a Multi-TeV gamma-gamma collider, including a brief look at the physics potential.

Primary authors

Erik Adli (University of Oslo, Norway) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Philipp Roloff (CERN) Jian Bin Ben Chen (CERN/University of Oslo)

Presentation materials