Sep 15 – 21, 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

e-SYLOS: a kHz laser wakefield driven beamline for radiobiological and imaging applications at ELI-ALPS

Sep 17, 2019, 6:20 PM
Sala Elena (SE) (Hotel Hermitage)

Sala Elena (SE)

Hotel Hermitage

talk WG4 - Application of compact and high-gradient accelerators WG4


Rob Shalloo (Imperial College London)


The ELI Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) facility is the Hungarian pillar of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project aimed at high-repetition rate, ultrafast science driven by ultrashort few-cycle laser pulses. ELI-ALPS aims to provide ultrashort light pulses from the THz to the x-ray regime as well as high-energy particle sources, all at high repetition rates for developers and end-users. This talk presents an overview of the development of the e-SYLOS beamline; a laser wakefield driven kilohertz electron beamline at ELI-ALPS aimed at producing ultrafast electron bunches and x-rays. Currently transitioning to the implementation phase, the beamline takes advantage of the Single Cycle Laser (SYLOS); a 1 kHz, 37 mJ, 6.4 fs NOPCPA laser system. Once completed, the beamline will be well suited to experiments in radiobiology, x-ray imaging and attosecond science as well as high repetition-rate wakefield development.

Primary authors

Rob Shalloo (Imperial College London) Zulfikar Najmudin (Imperial College London) Nasr Hafz (ELI-ALPS) Dr Song Li (ELI-ALPS) Daniel Papp (ELI-ALPS) Dr Christos Kamperidis (ELI-ALPS, HU)

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