Sep 15 – 21, 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Few-Cycle Microscopy of Stimulated Raman Side Scattering in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator

Sep 19, 2019, 6:40 PM
SB1 (Hotel Hermitage)


Hotel Hermitage

talk WG5 - Plasma devices, plasma and beam diagnostics WG5-Targets


Malte Kaluza (Institute of Optics and Quantum-Electronics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)


We report on optical probing results using few-cycle microscopy obtained during a laser wakefield acceleration experiment carried out with the JETI-200 laser system at the Helmholtz-Institute Jena. When traveling through the plasma and exciting a plasma wave, the pump pulse can get scattered at plasma structures depending on the pump pulse’s evolution inside the plasma, its chirp and the plasma electron density. This (stimulated) Raman Side Scattering (SRSS) was investigated using Few-Cycle Microscopy on a micrometer scale. Experimental results and numerical simulations will be presented.

Primary authors

Mrs Carola Zepter (Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics) Dr Alexander Sävert (Helmholtz Institute Jena) Mr Andreas Seidel (Helmholtz Institute Jena) Mr Matthew Schwab (Institute of Optics and Quantum-Electronics) Mr Dominik Hollatz (Helmholtz Institute Jena) Prof. Matthew Zepf (Helmholtz Institute Jena) Malte Kaluza (Institute of Optics and Quantum-Electronics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

Presentation materials