15–21 Sept 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Development of the millimeter wavelength accelerating structure

16 Sept 2019, 19:00
Parking Area (Hotel Hermitage)

Parking Area

Hotel Hermitage

poster WG3 - Electron beams from electromagnetic structures, including dielectric and laser-driven structures Cheese and Wine Poster Session 1


Mariya Arsentyeva (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk State University)


We present the work on development of the millimeter wavelength accelerating structure. It consists of cylindrical cavities with the operating frequency of 96 GHz. The structure will be excited by the picosecond electron beam from the photocathode RF gun. In order to define exact both structure and exciting beam parameters, analytical estimations and simulations of the structure excitation were performed. We also studied in detail transverse dynamics of the exciting beam being of great importance because of the small structure inner aperture. For the successful propagation of the exciting beam through it, focusing system is needed, with its preliminary design being discussed. Prototype of the millimeter wavelength structure has been manufactured, its measurements are presented.

Primary author

Mariya Arsentyeva (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk State University)


Alexey Levichev (BINP) Mr Danila Nikiforov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Mr Alexey Barnyakov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials