Sep 15 – 21, 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Progress on the Commissioning of a Terahertz-Driven Velocity Bunching Experiment

Sep 18, 2019, 7:00 PM
Parking Area (Hotel Hermitage)

Parking Area

Hotel Hermitage

poster WG5 - Plasma devices, plasma and beam diagnostics Cheese and Wine Poster Session 2


Oliver Finlay (Lancaster University)


Terahertz-driven electron beam manipulation promises femtosecond control of bunches with femtosecond timing jitter. A compact, terahertz-driven velocity bunched electron beam demonstration is under development at the Cockcroft Institute. A lithium niobate terahertz radiation source using the tilted pulse front scheme has been established experimentally and its interaction with a 100 keV electron bunch, generated from a previously characterised photoemission gun, has been simulated. This is part of a larger group effort which hopes to demonstrate an apparatus capable of generating, deflecting and accelerating a high quality, ultra-short electron bunch, using one laser system to guarantee synchronisation between stages. Such a short bunch accelerator can be readily applied to ultrafast electron diffraction application, and has potential for solving long-standing challenges of external injection into high-gradient accelerators, such as laser wakefield accelerators.

Primary author

Oliver Finlay (Lancaster University)


Daniel Lake (Lancaster University) Mr Vasileios Georgiadis (University of Manchester) Alisa Healy (Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University) Dr Morgan Hibberd (Cockcroft Insititute, The University of Manchester) Mr Elliott Smith (University of Manchester) Dr Edward Snedden (STFC, Daresbury Lab., ASTeC) Dr David Walsh (STFC, Daresbury Lab., ASTeC) Dr Robert Appleby (Cockcroft Institute, The University of Manchester) Dr Graeme Burt (Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University) Dr Darren Graham (Cockcroft Institute, The University of Manchester) Prof. Steven Jamison (Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University)

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