Sep 15 – 21, 2019
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Recent developments in dielectric laser acceleration

Sep 18, 2019, 11:00 AM
SML (Hotel Hermitage)


Hotel Hermitage

talk Invited Plenary Talk Plenary Session 6


Peter Hommelhoff (University of Erlangen (FAU))


Dielectric laser acceleration has made tremendous progress. We will give an overview of recent results, most of them obtained in the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation-funded Accelerator on a Chip International Program, ACHIP. Highlight results include: acceleration gradients of around 1 GeV/m; the generation of electron pulse trains with attosecond bunchlet duration via optical near field or via free space ponderomotive interaction; acceleration powered by on-chip photonic waveguides; laser-driven electron lensing using dielectric structures; electron guiding by alternating phase focusing, allowing continued acceleration of electrons over, in principle, infinitely long structures with little particle loss. The current status on the way to a particle accelerator on a photonic chip will be given, as well as the status of dielectric laser acceleration experiments at the high energy beam facilities.

Primary authors

Peter Hommelhoff (University of Erlangen (FAU)) Prof. Robert L. Byer (Stanford University) Dr R. Joel England (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials