Oct 23 – 25, 2019
Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome timezone
We had been hoping to be able to hold the conference on the originally scheduled period in October 2021 but given the pandemic situation we have decided to postpone the conference period to October 2022.

Bootstrapped Newtonian gravity: from stars to corpuscular black holes (C)

Oct 24, 2019, 2:50 PM
Aula Gerace

Aula Gerace

Polo Fibonacci Edificio C Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa
talk Cosmology Talks on specific topics


Roberto Casadio (University of Bologna / INFN)


In corpuscular gravity black holes are condensates at the critical point, with a large number of bound gravitons and no central singularity. This innovative approach moves away from the semi-classical picture of quantum field theory on curved backgrounds and considers self-gravitating systems as truly quantum. We shall introduce a bootstrapped Newtonian gravitational potential which includes non-linearities inspired by general relativity and test the quantum corpuscular picture within this approach. Application to cosmology will also be briefly reviewed.

Primary authors

Roberto Casadio (University of Bologna / INFN) Dr Andrea Giusti (Bishop University) Michele Lenzi (B) Dr Octavian Micu (Institute of Space Science)

Presentation materials