23–25 Oct 2019
Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome timezone
We had been hoping to be able to hold the conference on the originally scheduled period in October 2021 but given the pandemic situation we have decided to postpone the conference period to October 2022.

A dipolar quantum gas with supersolid properties (Q)

25 Oct 2019, 14:50
Aula Gerace

Aula Gerace

Polo Fibonacci Edificio C Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa
talk Quantum Gases Talks on specific topics


Carlo Gabbanini (CNR-INO)


Dipolar quantum gases are an extremely interesting playground for studies of quantum phase transitions in the presence of anisotropic, long-range interactions. We present here our recent observation that a dipolar quantum gas under proper conditions, due to the combination of the roton instability and the quantum stabilization, reveals supersolid properties [1]. We also show a study of collective oscillations in this system, which reflect the Goldstone modes associated with the spontaneous breaking of two continuous symmetries: the breaking of phase invariance, corresponding to the locking of the phase of the atomic wave functions at the origin of superfluid phenomena, and the breaking of translational invariance due to the lattice structure of the system. [2]. Our observations thus reveal that the dipolar supersolid has properties similar to those originally hypothesized for supersolid Helium.

  1. Tanzi, L., Lucioni, E., Famà, F., Catani, J., Fioretti, A., Gabbanini, C., Bisset, R. N., Santos, L. & Modugno, G., Observation of a dipolar quantum gas with metastable supersolid properties, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 130405 (2019).
  2. L. Tanzi, S. M. Roccuzzo, E. Lucioni, F. Famà, A. Fioretti, C. Gabbanini, G. Modugno, A. Recati, and S. Stringari, Supersolid symmetry breaking from compressional oscillations in a dipolar quantum gas, arXiv 1906.02791.

Primary authors

Dr Luca Tanzi (Dip. Fisica, Univ. Firenze & CNR-INO) Dr Eleonora Lucioni Dr Francesca Famà (CNR-INO) Dr Andrea Fioretti (CNR-INO) Carlo Gabbanini (CNR-INO) Prof. Giovanni Modugno (Dip. Fisica and LENS, Univ. Firenze & CNR-INO)

Presentation materials