Talks on specific topics: III
- Scilla Degl'Innocenti (PI)
Talks on specific topics: III
- Giovanni Marozzi (Università di Pisa / INFN)
Hawking [1] predicted the emission of radiation by the event horizon of a black hole with a thermal spectrum whose temperature is given by the surface gravity. However, the temperature of emission is extremely low, making its direct detection an almost impossible task. As an alternative, Unruh [2] proposed that the analogue of Hawking radiation could be observed in the subsonic-supersonic...
A holographic model of QCD axion is presented. It describes a composite axion in the KSVZ class. Having a gravity dual, based on the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model, it is calculable in the strongly coupled regime and its UV completion is under control. Its basic properties are derived, including the low energy Lagrangian, from which the axion couplings to nucleons can be derived. Basic features...
Dipolar quantum gases are an extremely interesting playground for studies of quantum phase transitions in the presence of anisotropic, long-range interactions. We present here our recent observation that a dipolar quantum gas under proper conditions, due to the combination of the roton instability and the quantum stabilization, reveals supersolid properties [1]. We also show a study of...
Analogue Gravity can be used to reproduce the phenomenology of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime and in particular phenomena such as cosmological particle creation and Hawking radiation.
In black hole physics, taking into account the backreaction of such effects on the metric requires an extension to semiclassical gravity and leads to an apparent inconsistency in the theory: the black...