The dark matter problem has accompanied cosmologist and particle physicist for more than 80 years. Nowadays we have an extremely accurate model of our Universe, but still most of its content eludes our observation. Grasping the nature of this missing matter is of compelling necessity for our understanding. Direct searches aim to detect dark matter particles with Earth-bound detectors....
Quantum information technology has turned to be a bullet train supported by many countries (EU, USA, UK, JP and CN). The quantum information process (QIP) involves quantum sources, quantum manipulation tools as well as quantum detectors. Since the photon (of visible and near infrared wavelengths) is one of the most popular quanta to play, single photon detectors (SPDs) play an irreplaceable...
Large low temperature detectors are widely used in nuclear and particle physics, from Dark Matter Searches to Double Beta Decay and, more generally, in rare event searches.
The ability to construct large calorimeters from a wide variety of materials is one of the important advantages of this technology.
The possibility - in addition to the heat- to use a second readout channel (scintillation...
Thanks to the continuous advances in nanofabrication the size of superconducting detector arrays, such as those based on TESs or KIDs, is approaching ~ 10^5 – 10^6 sensors, which is driven by the need to provide faster and more sensitive systems. To access the signals from these arrays, suitable technologies are needed to amplify and multiplex the signals at the cold stage to reduce the...
Arrays of superconducting resonators are used for astronomical imaging, polarimetry and spectroscopy as well as in other areas requiring sensitive metrology such as quantum sensing and computation. The low loss of superconducting components enables large numbers of these resonators to be read out using frequency division multiplexing (FDM). I will discuss the system requirements and...
Low-temperature microcalorimeters for x rays and gamma rays can have energy resolving powers in excess of one thousand and can cover a very broad energy range. They will achieve their ultimate potential, however, only if we take great care in the analysis of their data. To estimate pulse sizes, we must use statistically optimal weighting of the data in the presence of non-white—and possibly...
Researches that use bolometric, scintillating or semiconductor high impedance detectors, such as those experiments devoted to the study of dark matter and the neutrino mass, as well as astrophysics, demand ultra-low noise amplifiers. The signal to noise ratio increases by minimizing both the heat injection and the input stray capacitance, which leads to locate the front-end electronics at...
It is widely accepted that we are in the midst of a second quantum revolution. The first quantum revolution explained the nature of physical reality, and provided much of the technology that makes the modern world possible. The second quantum revolution is deploying modern tools to manipulate and control coherent quantum systems for computation, simulation, communication, and sensing /...
Over the last few years, the Transition-Edge-Sensor spectrometer (TES) has been rapidly matured. This review presents the latest examples of the application of TES to the fundamental sciences; e.g., the beam-line environments for X-ray, the laboratory experiment for the neutral atom spectroscopy, and the space application. The application for the fundamental science is extraordinarily...