5:45 PM
Optical Performance of SIS Photon Detectors at Terahertz Frequencies
Hajime Ezawa
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
6:00 PM
Detailed STJ and MCA Characterization with a Pulsed UV Laser
Stephan Friedrich
(Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory)
6:15 PM
Systematic studies of a sapphire bolometer with phonon pulses in the temperature range of 10-100 mK
Abhijit Garai
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai 400005, India)
6:30 PM
Development of Neganov-Luke light detectors for a rare event experiment
JA Jeon
(Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science)
6:45 PM
Ziqing Hong
(Northwestern University)
6:45 PM
TES bolometer arrays for the QUBIC B-mode CMB experiment
Stefanos Marnieros
6:45 PM
Overview of SuperCDMS Experiment
Ziqing Hong
(Northwestern University)
6:45 PM
Development of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors for near-IR single photon counting
Renato Mezzena
(Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento and INFN - TIFPA Trento)
6:45 PM
Development of Low-Frequency Space-Optimized TES Bolometer Arrays for LiteBIRD
Greg Jaehnig
(University of Colorado Boulder)
6:45 PM
Broad-band, high-resolution, transition-edge-sensor arrays for x-ray astrophysics
Stephen Smith
6:45 PM
The CROSS Experiment: Unveiling Neutrino’s Mysteries with Superconductivity Methods
Hawraa Khalife
6:45 PM
High impedance NbSi TES for very large arrays in X-Ray astronomy.
Galahad Jego
(CEA - Saclay)
6:45 PM
W-Band Lumped-Element Kinetic Inductance Detector array for large ground-based telescopes
Alessandro Coppolecchia
6:45 PM
Thermal impact of cosmic ray interaction with X-ray microcalorimeter array
Antoine, R Miniussi
6:45 PM
MMC critical temperature switch development with an integrated heater
sora kim
6:45 PM
Development of Gamma-Ray Position-Sensitive Transition-Edge Sensor Microcalorimeters
Naoko Iyomoto
(Kyushu University)
6:45 PM
Development of a 350-GHz Dual-Polarization On-Chip Spectrometer
LI Jing
6:45 PM
Pulse response of a Kinetic Inductance Detector in the non-linear regime
Chiara Bellenghi
6:45 PM
Optical and Tunneling Studies of Energy Gap in Superconducting Niobium Nitride Films
Yoshinori Uzawa
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
6:45 PM
Characterization of a Ti/Au TES with Au/Bi absorber under AC and DC bias
Carlos Pobes Aranda
6:45 PM
Towards a realistic resistive transition model for AC-biased TESs
Luciano Gottardi
(SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
6:45 PM
Development of a TiAu TES microcalorimeter array as a backup sensor for the Athena/X-IFU instrument
Kenichiro Nagayoshi
(SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
6:45 PM
Archeological Lead detectors for neutrino physics
Luca Pattavina
(Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy) & Technical University of Munich (Germany))
6:45 PM
Fabrication of Planar Integrated SIS Mixer Circuit with High Uniformity and High Yield
Shohei Ezaki
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
6:45 PM
Ka band narrowband parametric amplification via non-linear dynamics in superconducting waveguide cavities
Danielius Banys
(The University of Manchester)
6:45 PM
Detector fabrication development for the LiteBIRD satellite mission
Benjamin Westbrook
(UC Berkeley)
6:45 PM
Status of the SIMP project: Towards the Single Microwave Photon Detection
Paolo Falferi
6:45 PM
Anti-reflection coating to improve the optical quantum efficiency of PtSi MKIDs arrays
Gregoire Coiffard
6:45 PM
The CLASS 150/220 GHz Polarimeter Array: Design, Assembly, and Characterization
Sumit Dahal
(Johns Hopkins University)
6:45 PM
Gradient-index Silicon Optics for Millimeter-wave detectors
Eduard Driessen
(Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique)
6:45 PM
Synthesis and Characterization of MoxNb1-x Films Superconducting at 100-200mK
Volodymyr Yefremenko
(High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory)
6:45 PM
Microfabrication of TES microcalorimeters for the HOLMES experiment
Elena Ferri
Flavio Gatti
6:45 PM
Fabrication of mushroom-type gold absorber for transition edge X-ray detectors
Bo Gao
(Shanghai institute of microsystem and information technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
6:45 PM
Atomic Layer Deposition Niobium Nitride Films for High-Q Resonators
Calder Sheagren
(University of Chicago)
6:45 PM
SuperCDMS IMPACT: an Ionization Yield Calibration Program
Runze Ren
(Northwestern University)
6:45 PM
HUBS: Hot Universe Baryon Surveyor
Wei Cui
(Tsinghua University)
6:45 PM
The CMB-S4 Experiment
Clarence Chang
(Argonne National Lab)
6:45 PM
TES Detector for the ALPS II Experiment
Rikhav Shah
(Uni Mainz/DESY)
6:45 PM
Precision measurement of the absorbed dose in heavy ion beam by superconducting transition edge sensor
Masashi Ohno
(The University of Tokyo)
6:45 PM
MetroMMC: Electron-capture spectrometry with cryogenic calorimeters for science and technology
Philipp Chung-On Ranitzsch
(PTB Braunschweig)
6:45 PM
The AMoRE Pilot experiment
Kyungrae Woo
(Institute for Basic Science; University of Science and Technology)
6:45 PM
Compact Gamma Spectrometer
Mark Croce
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
6:45 PM
KATANA – Koolstof (Carbon) Atom Tomography with Advanced Nanotechnology for Astronomy
Kenichi Karatsu
(SRON/TU Delft)
6:45 PM
Development of Transition-Edge Sensor X-ray Microcalorimeter Linear Array for High Energy Applications
Umeshkumar Patel
(Argonne National Laboratory)
6:45 PM
Development of low threshold detectors for light dark matter detection
Hyelim Kim
6:45 PM
The Medium and High Frequencies Telescopes of LiteBIRD
Baptiste Mot
6:45 PM
Thermal simulations of temperature excursions on the Athena X-IFU detector wafer from impacts by cosmic rays
Samantha Stever
(Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)
6:45 PM
Stabilization heaters for AMoRE
Dohyung Kwon
(University of Science and Technology)
6:45 PM
Alpha line detection with Nb based and YBCO based superconducting resonators
Masato Naruse
(Saitama university)
6:45 PM
Atomic Layer Deposition Josephson Junctions for Cryogenic Circuit Applications
Christine Jhabvala
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
6:45 PM
Development of a closed-cycle miniature dilution refrigerator for a fast-cooldown 100 mK detector wafer test cryostat
Susanna Azzoni
(The University of Manchester)
6:45 PM
Data analysis and results for multi-absorbers TES
Sophie Beaumont
6:45 PM
Systematics in the On-Sky Performance of the Microwave-SQUID Multiplexer
Cyndia Yu
(Stanford University)
6:45 PM
The CUORE pulse tubes noise cancellation technique
Valentina Dompè
6:45 PM
Lowering the energy thresholds for the CUORE Experiment: A comparison between Optimum Trigger and Derivative Trigger Algorithm performances
Alice Campani
(Università degli studi di Genova, INFN )
6:45 PM
Self-absorption and Phonon Pulse Shape Discrimination in Scintillating Bolometers
Geon-Bo Kim
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
6:45 PM
Developing a Large -Scale Cryogenic System for the Simultaneous Operation of Three Detector Focal Planes in TolTEC, A New Multichroic Imaging Polarimeter
Nat DeNigris
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
6:45 PM
Extending KIDs Optical Response to the Mid-IR for Future Space Observatories
Joanna Perido
6:45 PM
High resolution digitization system for the CROSS experiment
Paolo Carniti
6:45 PM
Holographic Beam Maps with Transition Edge Sensors
Riccardo Gualtieri
(University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
6:45 PM
A cryogenic front-end preamplifier operating at 120K for bolometric detector
Ashif Reza
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai-400005, India)
6:45 PM
Suppression of the relaxation induced by radioactivity in superconducting qubits and Kinetic Inductance Detectors
Nicola Casali
6:45 PM
Nanoscale Phononic Crystal Membranes for Low Temperature Detector Applications
Tuomas Puurtinen
(University of Jyväskylä)
6:45 PM
The Dark Matter Radio Pathfinder
Arran Phipps
Arran Phipps
(Stanford University)
6:45 PM
Large Area TES Chip with 40meV Resolution
Caleb Fink
(University of California Berkeley)
6:45 PM
New Approaches to Very Low-energyCalibration of Cryogenic Detectors
Muad Ghaith
(Queen's University)
6:45 PM
Performance of a low-parasitic frequency domain multiplexing architecture
Amy E. Lowitz
(Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics - University of Chicago)
6:45 PM
dc-SQUID readout scheme with high dynamic range and intrinsic MHz frequency-domain multiplexing capability
Daniel Richter
(Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany)
6:45 PM
Development of a Reconfigurable Readout for Superconducting Arrays
Adrian Sinclair
(Arizona State University)
6:45 PM
Characterization of aliased noise in the Advanced ACTPol receiver
Patricio Gallardo
(Cornell University)
6:45 PM
MOCCA: A 4k-pixel molecule camera for the position and energy resolving detection of neutral molecule fragments at the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR
Dennis Schulz
(Heidelberg University)
6:45 PM
Expanding the Capability of Microwave Multiplexed Readout for Fast Signals in Microcalorimeters
Kelsey Morgan
(University of Colorado Boulder)
6:45 PM
Development of the low-frequency detectors for BICEP Array
Cheng Zhang
6:45 PM
Flat low-loss silicon gradient index lens for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths
Fabien Defrance
(California Institute of Technology)
6:45 PM
The HiRMES Focal Plane Array
James Hays-Wehle
6:45 PM
A New Measurement of the 60 keV Transition in Am-241 Decays using Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters
Geon-Bo Kim
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
6:45 PM
The Simons Observatory: Small Aperture Telescopes
Aamir Ali
(UC Berkeley)
6:45 PM
CCAT-prime: Cosmology with A Six-meter Submillimeter Telescope at Cerro Chajnantor
Steve Choi
(Cornell University)
6:45 PM
QUBIC: the Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology
Elia Stefano Battistelli
6:45 PM
Charge exchange measurements with neutral hydrogen using the X-ray Quantum Calorimeter (XQC)
Conjeepuram Ambarish
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
6:45 PM
Properties of the SQUID readout chain under development for the ATHENA X-IFU instrument
Jan van der Kuur
(Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
6:45 PM
Dynamic characterization of cryogenic optical photon detectors with Ir/Pt bilayer transition edge sensors
Vivek Singh
(University of California, Berkeley)
6:45 PM
Microwave SQUID multiplexer for readout of optical TES array
Naoki Nakada
6:45 PM
HeRALD, a new detector concept for light dark matter direct detection
Alessandro Serafin
(University of Massachusetts (Amherst))
6:45 PM
Detector Performance in the Micro-X Telescope
David C. Goldfinger
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern University)
6:45 PM
The KID Interferometric-Spectrum Survey (KISS) experiment
Alessandro Fasano
6:45 PM
The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: instrument status at the beginning of the Preliminary Definition phase
F. Pajot
(Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse (CNRS-INSU) France)
6:45 PM
Measuring Transmission Line Losses at sub-mm wavelengths with an on-chip Fabry-Perot resonator
Sebastian Hähnle
(SRON, Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
6:45 PM
A flexible GPU-accelerated radio-frequency readout for superconducting detectors
Lorenzo Minutolo
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
6:45 PM
Adaptable Firmware for Microwave SQUID Readout on a Commercial Hardware Platform
Johnathon Gard
(University of Colorado)
6:45 PM
ZCU111 RFSoC Characterisation, in the Context of a Cost Effective Microwave Readout System for MKIDs
Colm Bracken
(Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
6:45 PM
Microcalorimetry of carbon ion beam for medical treatment by transition edge sensor
Ryan Smith
(University of Tokyo)
6:45 PM
A status of CUPID-Mo bolometric experiment to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 100Mo
Denys Poda
6:45 PM
title: on-chip spectrometry at THz frequencies and high resolving power
Erik Shirokoff
(University of Chicago)
6:45 PM
Titanium nitride lumped element kinetic inductance detector with parallel plate capacitances
Fabien Defrance
(California Institute of Technology)
6:45 PM
Full-Array Noise Performance of Deployment-Grade SuperSpec mm-wave On-Chip Spectrometers
Kirit Karkare
(University of Chicago)
6:45 PM
The Design of The CCAT-Prime Epoch of Reionization Spectrometer Instrument
Nicholas Cothard
(Cornell University)
6:45 PM
Louis Rodriguez
(AIM/DAp/IRFU/DRF/Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives)
6:45 PM
Design, simulation and fabrication of highly sensitive cooled silicon bolometer for millimetre wave absorption
6:45 PM
Diamond Detectors for Direct Detection of Sub-GeV Dark Matter
To Chin Yu
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
6:45 PM
Cryogenic instrumentation developed for the characterization of advanced CMOS technologies down to 250 mK
Ismael Martínez
(National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics (INAOE))
6:45 PM
Complex impedance of optical transition-edge sensors with sub-microsecond response
Kaori Hattori
6:45 PM
Complex beam maps and a fourier optics analysis of a wide field MKID camera
Stephen Yates
6:45 PM
Optical Characterization of BICEP3 and the Keck Array from 2016 to 2019
Tyler St Germaine
(Harvard University)
6:45 PM
The phonon mediated TES cosmic ray detector for focal plane of ATHENA x-ray Telescope
Michele Biasotti
6:45 PM
An array scalable zero-bias far-IR detector with noise thermometry readout
Boris Karasik
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
6:45 PM
Recent Advances in Frequency-Multiplexed TES Readout: Vastly Reduced Parasitics and an Increase in Multiplexing Factor with sub-Kelvin SQUIDs
Tijmen de Haan
6:45 PM
Low temperature measurement on directional dependence of phonon-scintillation signals from a zinc tungstate crystal
JA Jeon
(Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science)
6:45 PM
Near Infrared and visible TiN- based parallel-plate capacitor kinetic inductance detectors
(GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Université, CNRS, 75014 Paris – France)
6:45 PM
Towards energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy with sub-eV energy resolution: Metallic magnetic calorimeters with direct sensor readout
Matthäus Krantz
(Kirchhoff Institute for Phyiscs)
6:45 PM
Precision Measurements of Beta Spectra using Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters within the European Metrology Research Project MetroBeta
Martin Loidl
(CEA Saclay)
6:45 PM
A 32x32 Doped Silicon based matrix read by HEMT/SiGe Cryo-electronics
Xavier-François Navick
6:45 PM
Characterization of Transition Edge Sensors for Simons Observatory
Jason Stevens
(Cornell University)
6:45 PM
Improving detection efficiency using polycapillary optics for broadband, ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy of particle induced X-rays with TES microcalorimeter arrays
Ari Helenius
(University of Jyväskylä)
6:45 PM
Development of Gamma-Ray Transition-Edge-Sensor Microcalorimeters on Thick Membranes
Tetsuya Tsuruta
(Kyushu University)
6:45 PM
Fabrication of Bismuth Absorber Arrays for NTD-Ge Hard X-ray Microcalorimeters
Salvatore Ferruggia Bonura
(Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Palermo–Italy - Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica - Emilio Segrè, Palermo–Italy)
6:45 PM
Low-loss Microstrip Transmission Line Fabricated with Improved Liftoff Process
Larry A. Hess
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Larry Hess
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Larry Hess
(NASA\Goddard Space Flight Center)
6:45 PM
Towards Photon Counting Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Far-Infrared Spectroscopy
Jake Connors
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Jake Connors
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
6:45 PM
TES microcalorimeters for PTOLEMY
Mauro Rajteri
(Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) - Torino Italy and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Sezione di Genova - Italy)
6:45 PM
Increased multiplexing of superconducting microresonator arrays by post-characterization adaptation of the on-chip capacitors
Shibo Shu
(Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique)
6:45 PM
Development of a Wide-Range X-ray Emission Spectroscopy Measurement System with Transition Edge Sensors and Microwave Multiplexed Readout
Matthew Carpenter
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
6:45 PM
High energy background event identification using local group trigger in a 240-pixel X-ray TES array
Shinya Yamada
(Tokyo Metropolitan university)
6:45 PM
Diamond cryogenic detector for low-mass Dark Matter searches
Lucia Canonica
6:45 PM
Designing a Gas Cell Experiment for the Calibration of DESHIMA
Zhongyue Zhang
(Leiden University/TU Delft)
6:45 PM
Design of a testbed for the study of system interference in space CMB polarimetry
Tommaso Ghigna
(University of Oxford)
6:45 PM
Low Temperature MMC Detector Arrays for the IAXO experiment
Loredana gastaldo
(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University)
6:45 PM
Development of MMC based combined photon and phonon detector for rare event searches
Andreas Fleischmann
(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University)
6:45 PM
Development of metallic magnetic calorimeter arrays with embedded $^{163}$Ho for the ECHo experiment
Federica Mantegazzini
(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University)
6:45 PM
Fast readout cryogenic electronics for SIS photon detectors
Hiroshi Matsuo
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
6:45 PM
Noise reduction techniques for the CUORE experiment
Guido Fantini
6:45 PM
A cross-talk mitigation technique for FDM readout system in the SAFARI instrument
Pourya Khosropanah
6:45 PM
Planar Self-Similar Antennas for Broadband Millimeter-Wave Measurements
Jeremy Meinke
(Arizona State University)
6:45 PM
Compact, add-on sub-Kelvin modules extend the working range of 4K mechanical pre-coolers to temperatures below 1K
Emily Ronson
(Chase Research Cryogenics Ltd)
6:45 PM
Multilayer Etched Antireflective Structures for Silicon Vacuum Windows
Theodore Macioce
(California Institute of Technology)
6:45 PM
Determination of depairing current of superconducting thin films by means of superconducting nanowire resonators
Simone Frasca
6:45 PM
Process development for dual-thickness, multi-absorber x-ray microcalorimeter arrays
James Chervenak
6:45 PM
SuperCDMS HV Detector R&D
Noah Kurinsky
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)