22–26 Jul 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Hyperspectral X-ray Imaging

25 Jul 2019, 17:45
1h 15m
Piazza Città di Lombardia (Milano)

Piazza Città di Lombardia


Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1, 20124 Milano MI
Poster Low Temperature Detector Applications Poster session


Mark Croce (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)


We are developing a chemical imaging capability (“Hyperspectral X-ray Imaging”) for microscopic samples based on ultra-high-resolution x-ray emission spectroscopy with large transition-edge sensor microcalorimeter arrays in the scanning electron microscope. By combining microcalorimeter arrays with hundreds of pixels, high-bandwidth microwave frequency-division multiplexing, and fast digital electronics for near real-time data processing, our goal is to enable practical chemical speciation analysis using small-laboratory instrumentation rather than synchrotron beamlines. Our focus is on mapping the detailed chemical form of microscopic particles containing materials from the nuclear fuel cycle. Their detailed chemical form is a crucial link to material origin, history, and behavior in the environment. In combination with developing the instrumentation to obtain high-quality x-ray emission spectra on such samples, we are working to develop a validated theory capability to interpret fine structure in the spectra and better understand fundamental properties of actinide chemical bonding. We will present our approach to developing the Hyperspectral X-ray Imaging capability, recent results from a 128-pixel microcalorimeter array at LANL and the 16-pixel STAR Cryoelectronics MICA-1600 spectrometer, and the path to high-throughput chemical mapping.

Student (Ph.D., M.Sc. or B.Sc.) N
Less than 5 years of experience since completion of Ph.D N

Primary author

Mark Croce (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)


Zachary Baker (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Enrique Batista (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Michael Caffrey (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Christopher Fontes (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Katrina Koehler (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Shannon Kossmann (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Stosh Kozimor (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Kathryn McIntosh (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Michael Rabin (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Bryce Renck (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Gregory Wagner (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Ping Yang (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Michael Yoho (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Marianne Wilkerson (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Daniel Becker (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Douglas Bennett (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Johnathon Gard (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Jozsef Imrek (National Institute of Standards and Technology) John A.B. Mates Kelsey Morgan (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Galen O'Neil (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Carl Reintsema (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Dan Schmidt (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Daniel Swetz (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Abigail Wessels (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Joel Ullom (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Robin Cantor (STAR Cryoelectronics) Ad Hall (STAR Cryoelectronics) Travis Carver (STAR Cryoelectronics)

Presentation materials

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