
Registration will be available starting from 5th July 2019. Early bird registration ends on the 21st July 2019 

1. Regular early fee 330 €; regular late fee 450 €
2. Student early fee 220 €; student late fee 340 €
3. Accompanying persons 150 €

For Regular and Student attendees the Conference fee includes:

  • admission to all the scientific sessions
  • admission to poster and technical exhibition
  • opening cerimony buffet
  • coffee breaks, all lunches 
  • guided bus tour to Legnaro accelerator
  • guided walk tour to Ferrara city center
  • social dinner

For accompanying person fee includes:

  • opening cerimony buffet
  • guided bus tour to Legnaro accelerator
  • guided walk tour to Ferrara city center
  • social dinner

Any nutritional restriction for food (such as vegetarian menu or others) at coffee breaks, lunches and banquet must be declared no later than the 1st of September via e-mail to



Registration will only be valid when full payment will be received by the Secretariat. The confirmation will be sent exclusively by e-mail, together with the related invoice.



The payment of registration fees must be in Euros (EUR) only and can be done by BANK TRANSFER or by CREDIT CARD.



Payment by bank transfer must be certified during the registration process with the upload of the bank receipt.


Bank Name: Unicredit Private Banking – Ferrara, Italy

Account Number: 1326114

IBAN: IT 87 W 02008 13009 000001326114


Payment REASON: DiProSo 2019 – NAME SURNAME of the participant.


Bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and should be paid at source in addition to the registration.



Payment by credit card may be carried out directly at the end of the registration process. Once concluded the transaction on the secure site for payments, please remember to CONFIRM the participation on the registration form.



Cancellations must be notified to the Administrative Secretariat by e-mail (

Registration fee will be refunded as follows:

Before AUGUST 15th – 80%

After AUGUST 15th  – no refund will be made

Dates refer to the receipt of the cancellation notice. Missing participants will not receive the refund.



  1. Follow the registration link to access the CFR Conference Portal
  2. Click on “sign in” to require your credentials. Fill in all the fields to successfully register and choose your password (the password must be at least 8 characters and contain both letters and numbers) to be used to access the portal.
  3. Check your e-mail boxes, you will receive an e-mail attesting your registration to the CFR Conference Portal (please note, this e-mail is not a confirmation of the registration to the event, for which you must access the link received and complete the registration procedure and payment (see below).

You can access the registration pages and complete the registration procedure in every moment.

  1. Use your ID (your e-mail) and PASSWORD to access the registration pages (the same you used to ask for the credentials)
  2. Tick the box which applies to the type of registration
  3. Follow the link “personal and fiscal data”, on the left fill out the fields with your personal data, on the right fill out the fields for the invoice header and shipping
  4. Tick the box which applies to the type of invoicing and the one for the privacy policy
  5. N.B.:*** only for the Italian Delegates, tick the box “FATTURA ENTE PUBBLICO” if the registration fee will be paid by your University or Public Administration.***
  6. Follow the link “accepted method of payment” and select the preferred one
  7. Follow the link “summary and confirmation” check carefully the typed data
  8. In case of BANK TRANSFER you must upload the bank receipt (jpg o pdf)
  9. In case of CREDIT CARD payment, you will be redirected to the Security Site for Payment. Once concluded the transaction on the secure site for payments please return to the portal and CONFIRM your registration as follows
  10. To confirm your completed registration please remember to click on the statement “Please confirm your participation in the event“. You will receive an e-mail attesting the successful conclusion of the registration process.

NB: if you do not receive the e-mail attesting your registration it means that something in the process is not correct, maybe you forgot to click on the statement “Please confirm your participation in the event“

  1. You will receive the OFFICIAL REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION along with the related INVOICE only after the bank will communicate to the Secretariat that the amount paid has been accredited.

***ONLY FOR ITALIAN DELEGATES – INFORMAZIONI DEDICATE AI PARTECIPANTI CHE AFFERISCONO AD ISTITUTI E/O UNIVERSITA’ ITALIANE e LE CUI ISCRIZIONI VERRANNO ECONOMICAMENTE SUPPORTATE DAGLI ENTI DI APPARTENENZA – Fatturazione Elettronica verso la Pubblica Amministrazione (Decreto MEF 55/2013 modificato da DL. 66/2014). I partecipanti la cui quota di iscrizione è pagata DIRETTAMENTE dall’ENTE PUBBLICO DI APPARTENENZA dovranno provvedere alla registrazione ON LINE inserendo i propri dati come partecipante, i dati completi dell’ENTE a cui intestare la fattura elettronica e spuntare la voce FATTURA ENTE PUBBLICO dove dovranno riportare ulteriori informazioni. Proseguendo la registrazione, il pagamento non sarà dovuto. L’incasso della somma deve avvenire solo a seguito di emissione di FATTURA ELETTRONICA ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE da parte dell’ente.