Investigation of high pressure phase transition by means of infrared spectroscopy in the Cairo frustrated pentagonal magnet Bi2Fe4O9

11 Sept 2019, 11:50


Marine Verseils (Ligne AILES - Synchrotron SOLEIL)


Bi2Fe4O9 is a common by-product in the synthesis of the multiferroic compound BiFeO3 and has been claimed itself to display multiferroic properties [1]. The lattice formed by the two different sites of four iron Fe3+ magnetic atoms is quite remarkable as it materializes the first analogue of a magnetic pentagonal lattice [2]. For its peculiar lattice geometry it has attracted interest in the field of geometrical frustration. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, the crystal structure is orthorhombic within the Pbam space-group and the compounds undergoes a magnetic phase transition at 238 K from a paramagnetic state toward a non collinear magnetic state characterized by a propagation vector k = (1/2,1/2,1/2) and a large degree of frustration (θp/TN ~ 7) [2]. Recently it has been shown that Bi2Fe4O9 undergoes a structural transition under pressure at 6-8 GPa toward the maximal non-isomorphic subgroup Pbnm, with c’ = 2c. The driving force of the phase transition is the displacement of the O1 oxygen atom from fully constrained Wyckoff position 2b to a less-constrained 4c one [3]. Previous studies have reported the investigation of dynamical properties by mean of Raman spectroscopy both at ambient condition and at high pressure in a diamond anvil cell [3,4]. However, the vibrational modes involving O1 oxygen atoms are not Raman active but infrared active.
We will report the first polarized infrared spectroscopy measurement of Bi2Fe4O9 performed in a DAC from 1 to 20 GPa in the far-infrared range [60-800 cm-1] and at low temperature. The measurements have been performed at the AILES beamline of synchrotron SOLEIL exploiting the high-pressure/low-temperature set-up [5] coupled with the high brilliance of the radiation source in a wide spectral range on a very thin sample (~50 µm) placed between diamonds with culets of 500 µm diameter. From our high quality spectra, we are able to identify the B3u and B2u modes within the (ab)-plane. Interestingly, while all phonon frequencies increase with pressure, the phonon mode around 200 cm-1 undergoes an anomalous softening with increasing pressure. In order to assign the phonon modes and reveal the microscopic mechanism of the high-pressure transition we also have performed DFT calculation at different pressures. The calculation mostly accounts for the measured phonon modes allowing the assignation of atomic motions.

[1] A. K. Singh, et al., Applied Physics Letters 92, 132910 (2008).
[2] E. Ressouche, et al., Review Letters 103, (2009).
[3] A. Friedrich, et al., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 145401 (2012).
[4] M. N. Iliev, et al., Physical Review B 81, (2010).
[5] A. Voute, et al., Vibrational Spectroscopy 86, 17 (2016).

Topic 9. Materials under high pressure

Primary author

Marine Verseils (Ligne AILES - Synchrotron SOLEIL)


Dr Ketty Beauvois (INAC/MEM) Dr Alexander Litvinchuck (5Texas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston, USA) Dr Sophie deBrion (Institut Néel, CNRS&Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France) Dr Virginie Simonet (Institut Néel, CNRS&Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France) Dr Eric Ressouche (INAC/MEM, CEA-Grenoble, France) Prof. Vassil Skumryev (ICREA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain
) Prof. Marin Gospodinov (Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

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