Aldo Spallone
(Embassy of Italy in Russian Federation), Dr
Claudio Cigliano,
Danilo Giulietti
(PI), Prof.
Sultan Dabagov
23/09/2018, 14:00
A. Ulianova
(Liceo Statale Ischia), Mrs
Anna Coppa
(Liceo Statale Ischia), Mrs
Chiara Di Leva
(Liceo Statale Ischia)
23/09/2018, 14:30
Oral presentation
Since 2006, the Liceo Statale Ischia has joined the Envirad and Radiolab Projects, promoted by the INFN (Naples section) on the study of radon. Radon is a natural radioactive gas that can get high concentrations in indoor environments, with consequent risk to health. The Lyceum students promoted in the first years a measurement campaign of radon concentrations in public buildings, especially...
Antonio Davide Polosa
23/09/2018, 14:45
Oral presentation
I will present some new ideas for detecting sub-GeV light dark matter, from 2D materials, like graphene and carbon nanotubes, to superfluid helium.
Sergii Fomin
(NSC "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology")
23/09/2018, 15:15
Oral presentation
An essentially nonlinear process of neutron transport in a multiplying medium, such as fuel of a nuclear reactor, under certain conditions leads to the realization of a self-sustaining regime of a propagating chain nuclear reaction in the form of a traveling wave. This phenomenon is called nuclear deflagration or slow nuclear burning. The possibility, as well as the criterion for the...
Augusto Marcelli
23/09/2018, 15:45
Oral presentation
The invention of the compound microscope dates back to 1590 and, while visiting Venice in 1609, Galileo first heard of the spyglass invented by Dutch. He realized that a device based on lenses could be modified to made distant objects appearing closer with obvious military and potential financial value. By combining concave and convex lenses he was able to improve the original design by...
Giovanni Mazzitelli
23/09/2018, 16:15
Oral presentation
In the world of communication, nobody can be out of the fray! Since many years the science communication and more in general the ability of a researcher to communicate his work to founding agency, policy makers, entrepreneurs and public at large, starts to be a fundamental skill of the researcher’s job. This skill is needed and requested to access funds and successfully disseminate the...
William Dunn
(Kansas State University)
23/09/2018, 16:45
Oral presentation
The International Radiation Physics Society (ISRP) has been in existence for over thirty years, having been founded at the Third International Symposium on Radiation Physics (ISRP-3), which was held in Ferrara, Italy, in 1985. The primary objective of IRPS is “to promote the global exchange and integration of scientific information pertaining to the interdisciplinary subject of radiation...
Nikolai Shul'ga
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT, Karazin Kharkiv National University)
24/09/2018, 09:00
Oral presentation
At motion of fast charged particles in crystal at small angle to one of its axes or planes different coherent and interference effects are possible in interaction of particles with the lattice atoms. Thanks to these effects, the interaction cross-sections of particles with atoms may differ substantially from the corresponding cross-sections of particle interactions with the amorphous medium...
Hartmut Backe
(Institute for Nuclear Physics)
24/09/2018, 09:30
Oral presentation
The formula of Baier et al. for the de-channeling length of electrons in single crystals
Lee = 2U_0 pvX_0/E_s^2 [1] was frequently used for a comparison with various calculations, including simulation calculations. It will be pointed out in this contribution, that the fundamental parameter E_s^2 = (2π/α) (m_ec^2)^2 = (15 MeV)^2 must be replaced by E_s = 10.6 MeV if thin crystals are used....
Alexei Sytov
24/09/2018, 09:45
Oral presentation
In this work we present the CRYSTALRAD simulation code, including all the features of the CRYSTAL simulation code for calculation of charged particles trajectories in a bent crystal and RADCHARM++ routine for calculation of radiation. The CRYSTALRAD code is based on Monte Carlo simulations of trajectories in interplanar and interaxial electric field either in a straight or bent crystal with...
Sergii Trofymenko
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT)
24/09/2018, 10:00
Oral presentation
The process of coherent X-ray emission by a high-energy electron successively crossing two parallel targets – thick upstream amorphous and ultra-thin downstream crystalline ones, separated by a certain distance – is considered. Inside the thick target the electron’s field becomes partially screened by the target polarization [1]. After crossing this target the electron still has suppressed...
Sergei Abdrashitov
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 10:15
Oral presentation
The radiation from relativistic electrons moving along a helical trajectory is known to possess the orbital angular momentum (OAM) [1]. An example of the trajectories of such a type is the trajectory of a charged particle in a helical undulator. Twisted photons with energy of 99 eV and OAM ± ħ are observed experimentally in the undulator radiation from 917 MeV electrons [2]. However, the...
Bruno Paroli
(Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano)
24/09/2018, 10:30
Oral presentation
Even though the generation of radiation carrying Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) has been made both with visible light [1] and with millimeter-waves [2], the practical realization of high brilliance X-ray vortices is an open problem. The main limitation is related to the damage threshold of the optical elements.
Novel approaches to generate OAM X-ray by using relativistic beams interacting...
Andrea Mazzolari
24/09/2018, 10:45
Oral presentation
In this work we report the observation of 855 MeV electrons deflection and radiation by ultrathin silicon and germanium crystals, bent along (111) planes, at the MAinzer Mikrotron MAMI. The crystal length of 15 μm of length was chosen to be comparable with the dechanneling length of electrons. In order to make the measurements for different values of bending radius of the same crystal we used...
Nicola Neri
24/09/2018, 11:20
Oral presentation
We propose a unique program of measurements of electric and magnetic dipole moments of charm, beauty and strange charged baryons at the LHC, based on the phenomenon of spin precession of channeled particles in bent crystals. Studies of crystal channeling and spin precession of positively- and negatively-charged particles based also on GEANT4 simulations are presented, along with feasibility...
Vladimir Baryshevsky
(Belarusian state University, Institute for Nuclear Problems)
24/09/2018, 11:50
Oral presentation
Spin rotation of channelled particles at the LHC enables measuring constants, which determine Todd, Podd (CP) violating interactions and Podd, Teven interactions of baryons with electrons and nucleus, similarly to possibility of measuring electric and magnetic moments of charm, beauty and strange baryons.
For a particle moving in a bent crystal a new effect, which is caused by nonelastic...
Roberto Rossi
24/09/2018, 12:05
Oral presentation
The Crystal Collimation layout present in LHC provides, since 2015, a unique test stand for hadron beam manipulation at TeV energy. The two crystals installed in 2014 were used to investigate the performance of the crystal collimation system in LHC. The data collected were used to probe the channeling, and the other coherent effect related, of hadrons with bent crystal in this specific...
Sergei Abdrashitov
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 12:20
Oral presentation
As known the radiation of high-energy electrons in aligned crystalline target (radiator) and subsequent electron-positron pair production in downstream amorphous target (convertor), so called a “hybrid” solution [1, 2], might be an effective positron source.
Here we investigate the dependence of total positron yield and positron energy spectra on incident electron beam energy by means of...
24/09/2018, 12:35
Oral presentation
The important enhancement in photon generation due to channeling radiation in oriented crystals, with respect to ordinary bremsstrahlung, was observed experimentally at CERN and KEK. Positron sources using crystals have been extensively studied . Devices associating crystal-radiators and amorphous converters with a sweeping magnet between them, the so-called hybrid source, have been adopted by...
Alexander Shchagin
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)
24/09/2018, 12:50
Oral presentation
Comparison of parametric X-ray radiation and diffracted transition radiation
A.V. Shchagin
Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine
Ultra-relativistic charged particle incident a crystal emits both diffracted transition radiation (DTR) and parametric X-ray radiation [1]. Both kinds of...
Xavier Artru
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon)
24/09/2018, 14:30
Oral presentation
Particles travelling in aligned crystals at small angle w.r.t. crystallographic axes or planes are essentially steered by the continuous Lindhard potential. This interaction conserves the energy E, the parallel momentum p_||, the transverse energy of the particle E_T and is elastic concerning the crystal wave function. At high enough energy the resulting transverse motion can be described by...
Eugene Bulyak
24/09/2018, 15:00
Oral presentation
We report the statistical consideration of the radiating electrons. At the statistical stage, the spectrum of radiating electrons moves toward a stable distribution. The stability parameter gradually increases when the average number of recoils increase, from unity (the Landau distribution) asymptotically approaching two (the Gaussian distribution). A concrete dependence of the stability...
Anatoly Konkov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 15:15
Oral presentation
Dynamic polarization is a complex process of the rapid interchange of energy between the alternating electromagnetic fields and medium's atoms/molecules. In result of this process a part of the electromagnetic field free energy is expended in the moving of “free” electrons (the conduction current) and displacement of the latent electricity (the displacement current). The first component of the...
Anastasiia Feshchenko
24/09/2018, 15:30
Oral presentation
The brightest sources of X-ray radiation are known to be realized on the basis of radiation from the beams of charged particles. Depending on the required range of the X-ray part of the spectrum, various radiation generation schemes are used. For example, synchrotron radiation exhibits extremely high spectral brightness in a wide frequency range. The absolute leaders in vacuum UV and soft...
Gennady Naumenko
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 15:45
Oral presentation
For usual (bipolar) radiation the integral of the electric field strength over the time is zero. First time the possibility of unipolar radiation (strange electromagnetic waves) generation has been considered theoretically in 1990 [1]. According to this work the unipolar radiation is radiation for which the integral of the electric field strength over the time differs significantly from zero....
Lekdar Gevorgian
24/09/2018, 16:00
Oral presentation
The possibility of generating coherent THz radiation from an electron bunch with a weak asymmetry in the distribution as a result of grouping of electrons is considered. It is shown that the partially coherent THz radiation is generated in a wiggler from such electron bunch with energy of 50 MeV.
Alexander Kubankin
(Belgorod National Research University),
Esteban Irribarra
(Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador), Mr
Ivan Kishin
(Belgorod National Research University), Mr
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
(Belgorod National Research University)
24/09/2018, 16:15
Oral presentation
Parametric X-ray Radiation (PXR) from a tungsten powder was registered during the interaction of the target with a 7 MeV electron beam. The tungsten powder presents a purity of 99,987 % and is constituted of crystallites which average size is between 0.8 and 1.7 µm. The radiation was registered by silicon drift detectors under observation angles of 150˚ and 180˚ regarding the velocity of the...
Riccardo Pompili
24/09/2018, 16:50
Oral presentation
A new method able to transport charged particle beams along a curved path is presented. It is based on curved capillary-discharge waveguides where the induced azimuthal magnetic field is used to focus the beam and, at the same time, keep it close to the capillary axis. We show that such a solution is highly tunable, it allows to develop compact structures providing large deflecting angles and,...
Anna Kotanjyan
(Yerevan State University)
24/09/2018, 17:20
Oral presentation
We investigate the radiation of surface polaritons by a charged particle rotating around a dielectric waveguide. General case is considered when the waveguide is immersed in a homogeneous medium. For the evaluation of the corresponding electromagnetic fields the electromagnetic Green tensor is used. A formula is derived for the spectral distribution of the radiation intensity for surface...
Darya Sergeeva
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
24/09/2018, 17:35
Oral presentation
In this report we theoretically investigate the effect of interaction between separated elements of 2D dotted grating and its influence on SPR characteristics. The developed approach allows us to calculate the macroscopic radiation properties proceeding from the microscopic properties of the grating [M.I. Ryazanov, A.A. Tishchenko, JETP (2006)]. We show that the local field effects can change...
Hayk Gevorgyan
24/09/2018, 17:50
Oral presentation
Channeling positrons of a bunch oscillate with equal frequencies, but with different amplitudes in a harmonic potential of a planar channel. That is, the positron bunch radiation generates in a medium with polarization inhomogeneity.
Within the framework of the Thomas-Fermi statistical model, the electron density distribution, depending on the transverse coordinate of a channel, is...
Alexey Gogolev
(Tomsk polytechnic university), Dr
Roman Rezaev
(Tomsk polytechnic university)
24/09/2018, 18:05
Oral presentation
Seems to be small any technical parameter deviations or uncertainties in the systems forming the scanning radiation (for example, diffraction gratings) may produce significant distortions of the wave phase that can lead to the wrong interpretation of the results of scanning (such as the incorrect location of the patient tumor). Due to this reason, the tomography systems based on Talbot effect...
Anatoly Konkov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University), Mr
Mikhail Shevelev
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 18:20
Oral presentation
Transition and Cherenkov radiation generated by a charge are well known phenom- ena and find a broad application for different scientific communities. Frank was the first to point out the possibility of interference between transition and Cherenkov radi- ation [1]. This interference is understandable, since both radiation mechanisms may be described as a secondary electromagnetic field...
Aleksandr Savchenko
(NRNU MEPhI, Russia, Moscow)
24/09/2018, 18:40
Backward transition radiation (BTR) is used at accelerators as a precise instrument for beam diagnostics. Being conventionally used in optical range, BTR based monitors are promising for submicron diagnostics, provided EUV and soft X-ray range is operated. Despite the theory of TR is very well developed, however, to the best of our knowledge the theory of backward TR from multilayered...
Yuri Kunashenko
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University; Tomsk State Pedagogical University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
In the present report on the base of solution Dirac equation [1] for axially channeled electron with fixed spin direction we find CR cross – section of twisted phonons (photons with fixed projection of angular momentum).
Sergey Galyamin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
We continue investigation of radiation produced by a charged particle bunch moving through the concentrator for Cherenkov radiation. We take into account a series of issues affecting the dimensions of the focal spot and distribution of the field across this area. It is reasonable to take into account finite length of the bunch and a small shift of the bunch from the axis. Moreover, it is...
Yuri Kunashenko
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University; Tomsk State Pedagogical University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
The solution of the Dirac equation for the electron (positron) in a continuous potential of the crystal axis taking into account the periodicity of the crystal in the direction of the axis was found in [1].
In a present report using those wave functions, we theoretical study the coherent bremsstrahlung from axially channeled electrons. Calculation shows that channeling of created particles...
Coherent Radiation Characteristics of Modulated Positron Bunch, Formed in Crystalline Undulator
24/09/2018, 18:40
The coherent X-ray radiation at a zero angle and at a resonant frequency, formed in crystalline undulator (CU) by the modulated positron bunch, is investigated. Taking into account the medium polarization, CU parameter and bunch energy are determined for both the conservation of channeling phenomenon and the photon beam with optimal characteristics. The spectrum of a coherent radiation has...
Behnam Azadegan
(Hakim Sabzevari University, Physics department)
24/09/2018, 18:40
At ion accelerators, the neutron yield is investigated in dd reactions within a TiD2 crystalline under irradiation by a deuterium ion beam with the energy of less than 30 keV [1-8]. To study such reaction with an ultralow collision energy, there is a need in the information on the yield of neutrons in the reaction d(d,n)3He versus the angular and spatial distribution of particles during the...
Sergei Stuchebrov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
This report demonstrates the results of experimental and theoretical studies of generation and transmission mechanisms of Cherenkov radiation in an optical fiber when an electron beam hits (or interacts with) a fiber. Measured dependence of a signal level of Cherenkov radiation transmitted through the fiber on value of incidence angle is presented. The experimental study has been carried out...
Alesia Leukovich
24/09/2018, 18:40
We present the details of the modification of GEANT4 cross-sections for bremsstrahlung and electron-positron pair production in case of particle moving along the strongest PWO crystal axes. The scaling coefficients for cross-section modification depend on particle energy and have been previously calculated through the direct integration of Baier-Katkov formula. We used the modified GEANT4 to...
Aleksandr Savchenko
(NRNU MEPhI, Russia, Moscow)
24/09/2018, 18:40
We continue our investigation of the calorimeter system for the muon g-2 experiment. In our previous work we have shown the excellent spatial distribution of photons at the calorimeter crystals back surface, which is of a certain importance for the precise measurement of primary positron energy. We have also evaluated both photon energy and angular distributions as well as the time...
Oleg Bogdanov
Peter Kazinski
(Tomsk State University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
At the present moment, the bent crystals are employed as an effective tool for deflection of particle beams. There are also promising prospects for their use as alternative inexpensive sources of x-ray photons [1]. We develop this idea to apply the bent crystals for production of the so-called twisted photons, i.e., the photons with definite the energy, the longitudinal projection of momentum,...
Timur Tukhfatullin
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
The measurements of cross-sections of fusion reactions with ‘bare nuclei’ D(d, p)3H, D(d, n)3He, T(d, n)3He, 3He(d, p)4He, and D(3He, p)4He at astrophysical energies is of interest both for basic and applied physics [1]. These reactions participate in primordial nucleosynthesis. Information on the number of the D, T, 3He, and 4He nuclei formed in the early universe is used to characterize...
Nikolai Maksyuta
(Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine)
24/09/2018, 18:40
This paper is a continuation of [1, 2]. In [1] at investigation of the channeling of relativistic electrons in ionic crystals it was shown that its electromagnetic field induces non-stationary dipole moments in a crystalline medium. This effect is the result of the inverse action of the field of channeled particle to crystal environment. From the other hand the arising non-stationary dipoles...
Xiatong Li
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
Kirill Fedorov
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
24/09/2018, 18:40
Producing and diagnostic of short bunches in modern particle accelerators are forefront issues. For example in modern high-gain free-electron lasers the electron bunches are longitudinally compressed down to 100 fs to achieve high peak currents which is crucial to drive FEL process. Such a short bunch duration opens the possibility to use effect of coherent radiation for longitudinal beam...
Eugene Bulyak
24/09/2018, 18:40
We report estimations on production of coherent photons in gamma region by relativistic electrons in periodic structures. Two aspects of coherency were considered: coherency of photons emitted by a single electron over the system, and coherency of the photons emitting by a bunch of electrons at a given position. The first aspect provides density of radiation in proportion to squared number of...
Nikolai Shul'ga
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT)
24/09/2018, 18:40
When fast charged particles move in crystal at small angle to one of the crystalline planes their motion in the crystal can have both finite (planar channeling) and infinite (above-barrier) character relatively the crystalline planes. The problem of the motion of such particles in a crystalline undulator in which the crystalline planes are periodically deformed is of special interest. It is...
Nikolai Maksyuta
(Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev)
24/09/2018, 18:40
This paper is a continuation of the work [1], in which was considered the possibility of generation of a short-wave radiation due to the pseudophotons fields use based on three-frequency parametric interaction on channeled electrons system in certain crystallographic directions of some crystals in which there are non-unimodal potential wells. For example, crystals with the structure of a zinc...
Julia Janz
(Tomsk polytechnic university)
24/09/2018, 18:40
The angular momentum of electromagnetic radiation has been widely studied in recent years. The first theoretical and experimental research have been made by use of laser radiation. Radiation in the x-ray range carrying the angular momentum was recently obtained by using a helical undulator at BESSY II storage ring. Some authors proposed the methods for generation radiation with angular...
Nikolai Maksyuta
(Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev)
24/09/2018, 18:40
Crystal LiH is one of the best objects for creation of effective sources of hard radiation, generated by electron channeling. We have calculated the interaction potential of electrons with the main charged axes [110] of LiH and also found the radiation spectrum in this potentialal. These calculations were based on one-particle potentials for Li+ and Н– ions in a lithium hydride (LiH) crystal...
Vladimir Baryshevsky
(Belarusian state University, Institute for Nuclear Problems)
24/09/2018, 18:40
Combining the photonic crystal-based structures with vacuum electronic devices opens the way for creation of a family of radiation sources: photonic BWOs, volume FELs (VFEL), etc. Some beneficial options of such structures, which enable tunability and increasing the radiation source efficiency, are discussed. The VFEL instability law declares start current for generator with the interaction...
Nikolai Shul'ga
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT)
24/09/2018, 18:40
In the present paper there was investigated on the base of the quantum electrodynamics eikonal approximation the process of charged high-energy particles scattering in ultrathin targets. There was suggested a unified approach that allows one to consider the scattering of particles in this case in both amorphous and crystalline targets from a single point of view.
Particular attention was paid...
Sergey Galyamin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
In this report, we study electromagnetic field produced by a charged particle bunch exiting an open-ended circular waveguide with dielectric filling placed inside collinear vacuum waveguide of a larger radius. We suppose that the bunch is prolonged along its trajectory and negligibly thin in the orthogonal direction. Based on the previously developed theory, we mainly investigate Cherenkov...
Tatiana Alekhina
(SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
24/09/2018, 18:40
Investigation of the field of a particle bunch in a waveguide loaded with dielectric is important for the wakefield acceleration technique and for other problems in the accelerator physics. Problems of producing high acceleration fields bring to study more effective methods, for example, with using anisotropic materials. Here we study the dielectric anisotropy influence on radiation of a bunch...
Xiatong Li
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
In the present report, we study the spin rotation of muons and anti – muons moving in a bent crystal in planar channeling regime. For this purpose, we find particle’s trajectory in the crystal. Using calculated trajectory we find exact solution of the BMT equation and calculated the angel of muon (anti - muons) spin rotation. The result of calculation is compared with one for spin rotation of...
Koryun Gevorgyan
(Yerevan State University (student))
24/09/2018, 18:40
The problem of channeling radiation of positron bunch in the system of packed nanotubes is investigated. An expression is obtained for the spectral distribution of the total radiation of a positron bunch. The spectral distribution, taking into account the inhomogeneity of the polarization of the medium, differs significantly from the case when the averaged homogeneous polarization of the...
Dina Badreeva
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
24/09/2018, 18:40
The capture process of the high energy particle into the axial channeling state in single crystal if considered in the laboratory reference system is a sufficiently relativistic process. The cross-section calculation of this process, especially in case when the electrons capture is accompanied by the emission of a high energy photon in ultra-relativistic case is not trivial and not very clear....
Oleg Bogdanov
24/09/2018, 18:40
The concept of channeling in a Half-Wave Crystal (HWC) was proposed in [1-3] for a proton beam. In our previous works [4,5], the processes of scattering and radiation of relativistic electrons channeled in a Si HWC according the beam parameters of the SAGA LS accelerator (Japan) were studied in detail.
It is known, that the radiation from channeled electrons in a straight crystal has...
Hayk Gevorgyan
24/09/2018, 18:40
The problem of optical radiation produced by a bunch of relativistic positrons channeled to a crystalline undulator (CU) is considered. Taking into account the polarization of the crystal medium, an energy threshold takes place to form the radiation. If the energy of the bunch is above the threshold, the radiation is created in a limited frequency range. Both soft and hard boundary photons...
Yury Eikhorn
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
24/09/2018, 18:40
CR in both optical and ultraviolet regions occurs under the condition n > 1 for the crystal refractive index (see [2]), i.e. at the large angles to the direction of motion for channeled particles - near Cherenkov angle.
This radiation can be used, for example, in biomedical research. In modern medical clinics the proton accelerators are in active use. By supplementing at such medical...
Sergey Maksimenko
(Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University)
25/09/2018, 09:00
Oral presentation
We demonstrate that surface plasmon-polariton waves with low phase velocity in carbon nanostructures can be utilized for the generation of coherent terahertz radiation through the Cherenkov mechanism, the effect being expected to be observable in carbon nanotubes and being especially pronounced in spatially expanded double- and multi-layer graphene structures owing to the suppression of the...
Sergey Uglov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
25/09/2018, 09:30
Oral presentation
Recently [1] we have reported about the observation of the Cherenkov effect on the L-edge of the absorption of the aluminium. In the present report new results are provided in experimental study of the X-ray Cherenkov effect with photons energy about hundred eV. Using an electron beam with energy of 5.7 MeV, we observed the Cherenkov effect on Si and Be target with a photon energy of about...
Andrey Tyukhtin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
25/09/2018, 09:45
Oral presentation
We analyze radiation of charges moving in presence of some dielectric targets. The first of them is a cone with vacuum channel where the charge moves. The second is a prism (the charge moves along one of its borders). We use the “aperture method” developed in our previous works. Here the main attention is given to the far-field area. Analytical and numerical results are shown and main physical...
Sergey Galyamin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
25/09/2018, 10:00
Oral presentation
In the X-ray frequency region, interaction of relativistic electrons with crystals results in parametric X-ray radiation (PXR), with its frequency being determined by distance between crystallographic planes and direction of electron motion.
If instead of crystal one considers an artificial periodic structure with periods of the order of mm, one can expect emission of radiation of a similar...
Aram Saharian
(Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia)
25/09/2018, 10:15
Oral presentation
The radiation from a charged particle uniformly rotating around an infinitely long cylinder made of composite material is investigated. For the dielectric function of the cylinder we use the generalized Drude-Lorentz-Sommerfeld formula. The study is based on the exact solutions of the Maxwell equations. The dispersion of electromagnetic waves inside a cylinder is taken into account. It is...
Vladislav Syshchenko
(Belgorod State University)
25/09/2018, 10:30
Oral presentation
The description of diffraction and transition radiation (DR and TR) on a metal sphere based on the method of images known in electrostatics (see, e.g., [1]) has been developed in [2]. In the method of images the boundary conditions for the field of the incident particle on the perfect conductor surface are satisfied via introduction of one or more fictitious charges (the “images” of the real...
Alpik Mkrtchyan
(Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA)
25/09/2018, 10:45
Oral presentation
The radiation generated by a rectilinearly and uniformly moving train of fine bunches of charged particles is investigated. It is assumed that the particles cross a ball made of conductive, dielectric or composite material passing through its center. The obtained numerical results are based on the corresponding exact analytical solutions of Maxwell equations [1,2].
It is shown that there...
Pavel Karataev
(Royal Holloway, Unviersity of London)
25/09/2018, 11:20
Oral presentation
Transverse beam diagnostics is a key sub-system in any accelerator facility enabling to evaluate its performance. Invasive techniques such as optical transition radiation (OTR) or wire scanners are not good enough because high power beam can destroy the OTR target or a thin wire so quickly that the diagnostics equipment will become useless for a long period of time required to repair it....
Gero Kube
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
25/09/2018, 11:50
Oral presentation
Standard beam profile measurements of high-brightness electron beams based on optical transition radiation (OTR) may be hampered by coherence effects induced by the micro-bunching instability which render a direct beam imaging impossible.
For the European XFEL it was decided to measure transverse beam profiles based on scintillating screen monitors using LYSO:Ce as scintillator material....
Alexey Tishchenko
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
25/09/2018, 12:05
Oral presentation
In this report, we suggest a new type of target capable of advanced beam diagnostics. The target is a screen with 5 holes in it: one in the centre and 4 are at the corners of a rectangle. As the rectangle’s sides differ, the radiation will contain information about two beam sizes, which opens the possibility to detect two transversal beam sizes simultaneously. To describe the radiation we...
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
(Belgorod National Research University)
25/09/2018, 12:20
Oral presentation
The spectra of ionization loss of 50 GeV protons and 7 GeV electrons in 131 and 300 μm thick silicon detector [1,2] at different alignments of the detector are presented. The thickness of the depleted zone of the semiconductor detector Hamamatsu S3590-18 was 131 μm at 10 V and 300 μm at 100 V power supply. Spectra of ionization loss were measured at different angles of the detector rotation...
Alexey Rusetskii
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences)
25/09/2018, 12:35
Oral presentation
O.D. Dalkarov a, M.A. Negodaev a, A.S. Rusetskii a, A.P. Chubenko a,
Yu.L.Pivovarov b, T.A.Tukhfatullin b
a P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI), Moscow, Russia
b National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
At the ion accelerator HELIS at the LPI, the neutron yield is investigated in DD reactions in deuterated Pd target, during an...
Vladimir Maisheev
(Institute for High Energy Physics)
25/09/2018, 12:50
Oral presentation
The problem of creation of high energy neutrino beams on the basis of modern and future circular proton accelerators with the help of traditional technology seems to be expensive and difficult. Because of this, we propose the solution of this problem based on the usage of focusing bend single crystals. In the report we demonstrate the possibilities of acceptance and focusing of a pion beam...
H.-Ulrich (Uli) Wienands
(Argonne National Laboratory)
25/09/2018, 14:30
Oral presentation
In recent years, several key experiments channeling high-energy electrons and positrons have been performed in the US at SLAC. using the FACET and the ESTB beam facilities. The results include measurements of channeling parameters in a little-explored energy range and the first experimental demonstration at high energy of quasi-channeling oscillations predicted by Sytov et al. Quantitative...
Victor Tikhomirov
(Research Institute for Nuclear Problems)
25/09/2018, 15:00
Oral presentation
Classical trajectory simulations, widely used in crystals at high energies, have never been supported by a rigorous quantum treatment. To do this, both the notion of optic curved ray eiconal and Wigner function proved to be necessary. We reveal that, being essentially quantum in nature, incoherent scattering of relativistic elementary particles in crystal is correctly described by both the...
Sergiy Shulga
(aNational Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology)
25/09/2018, 15:15
Oral presentation
At motion of a fast charged particle in crystal near the direction of one of main crystallographic planes, a periodical deviation of the trajectory from the initial direction is observed (channeling, over-barrier motion), that is accompanied by irradiation of the electromagnetic field quanta. If the target thickness is small compared to the radiation formation length, the spectral density of...
Nikolay Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University Mephi)
25/09/2018, 15:30
Oral presentation
The ultra-relativistic electron with energy E up to 10^11 eV moving along the crystallographic axis in an axial channeling mode, can be considered as a non-relativistic 2D-atom, possessing the discrete spectrum of energies and orbital momentum, if the electron motion is considered in the so called accompanying reference system (ARS), moving parallel to the channeling axis with the velocity,...
Aleksandr Savchenko
(NRNU MEPhI Moscow)
25/09/2018, 15:45
Oral presentation
We continued our investigation of the non-dipolarity of channeling radiation (CR) at GeV beam energies [1] which remarkably change the CR spectrum and its intensity [2]. The experimental proof that CR and coherent bremsstrahlung (CB) substantially influence the output of positrons at conversion of γ-radiation into e+e- pairs in crystalline targets has been given at the KEK B facility [3]. An...
Micola Bondarenco
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology)
25/09/2018, 16:00
Oral presentation
The analytic theory of volume reflection of fast charged particles in a bent crystal [1] is generalized to the case of an arbitrary interplanar potential shape. The mean deflection angle and the angular distributions for positively and negatively charged volume reflected particles are derived, with simplifications occurring under condition R>>R_c. Cases of crystal orientation (110) and (111)...
Igor Kyryllin
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology)
25/09/2018, 16:15
Oral presentation
When a high-energy charged particle moves in a crystal having a small angle between its momentum and one of the main atomic axes or planes, correlations between successive collisions of the particle with neighboring atoms occur. These correlations give the possibility to deflect the direction of motion of the particle to the angles, which significantly exceed the critical angle of channeling....
Giuseppe Dattoli
25/09/2018, 16:50
Oral presentation
Review of undulator based Free Electron laser (U-FEL) theory
Review of CARM (Coherent Auto Resonance Maser) theory
Analysis of analogies and differences
Development of a common theoretical framework
Presentation of the ENEA Frascati CARM experiment
Peter Kazinski
(Tomsk State University)
25/09/2018, 17:20
Oral presentation
It is known [1,2] that the radiation produced by classical sources may possess a well-defined projection of the angular momentum. Such a radiation is convenient to represent as a collection of the so-called twisted photons, i.e., the photons with definite the energy, the longitudinal projection of momentum, the projection of the total angular momentum, and the helicity. At present, the twisted...
Lixin YAN
(Accelerator Lab, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
25/09/2018, 17:35
Oral presentation
Recently, the dual color X-rays production from Thomson/Compton sources has been demonstrated on the high brightness linac at Accelerator Laboratory of Tsinghua University (THU). We present two simple schemes for producing two-color Thomson/Compton radiation with the possibility of controlling time separation of the two different colors, respectively based on the interaction of one single...
yuan zhao
25/09/2018, 17:50
Oral presentation
In the realm of quantum dynamics, electrons can absorb one or several photons and emit a photon with higher energy through Compton scattering. A novel scheme, i.e. using electrons accelerated by laser-plasma interaction to collide head-on with laser to create ultra-bright γ-rays has already attracted lots of attention in the past decades. However, the number of accelerated electrons is limited...
Alexander Lobko
(Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University)
25/09/2018, 18:05
Oral presentation
Evaluation of crystal effects in the PWO scintillator of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter showed that the peak of the electromagnetic shower shifts by 2-4 radiation lengths to its entry surface [1]. Shower development acceleration also affects timing resolution of a crystal calorimeter. In current study we used the similar approach like in [1], in order to get in-depth understanding of PWO...
Yangmei Li
(University of Manchester, Cockcroft Institute)
25/09/2018, 18:20
Oral presentation
Unlike electrons, it is difficult to accelerate positrons in the blowout regime as the positive charges are quickly expelled away from the bubble by the background ions therein. To obtain an acceptable efficiency, it requires precisely placing the positrons in the narrow region of plasma electrons with a peak density. In addition, the transverse nonlinearity of the accelerating field results...
Alexander Potylitsyn
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
25/09/2018, 18:40
Femtosecond and sub-femtosecond electron pulses are used in different scientific fields (pump-probe experiments, laser-driven acceleration, ultrafast electron diffraction, etc.). Diagnostics tools for such ultrashort electron bunches have to be developed parallel to the progress of accelerator technologies.
In the paper [1] the coherent transition radiation process is proposed to measure not...
Vladimir Baryshevsky
(Research Institute for Nuclear Problems)
25/09/2018, 18:40
The electrostatic cumulation of current density in relativistic vacuum diodes with ring-type cathodes is described theoretically and confirmed experimentally. The distinctive feature of the suggested cumulation mechanism is a very low energy spread of electrons. As a result of electrostatic cumulation, a thin relativistic electron beam with a current density of 1 kA/mm2 can be formed. This...
Dmitry Shkitov
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
25/09/2018, 18:40
The Grating Diffraction Radiation (GDR) mechanism can provide monochromatic beams in THz and sub-THz ranges with a possibility of the spectral line tuning [1]. Additional advantage of this mechanism is connected with its flexible polarization characteristics. In contrast with THz beams generated via the transition radiation (TR) mechanism [2], where polarization is radial, for the GDR case (as...
Anatoly Konkov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
25/09/2018, 18:40
Some eight decades after the first experimental observation of the polarization radiation mechanism, new systems of particle acceleration, beam diagnostics and radiation sources are still being designed and implemented, illustrating the continued and dynamic interest in this unique physical phenomenon. Polarization radiation, like many other processes of the particle-medium interaction, brings...
Andrey Tyukhtin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
25/09/2018, 18:40
We study a "longwave" radiation of a charge moving along a corrugated structure perpendicularly to its grooves. The wavelengths under consideration are assumed to be much more than the period and the depth of corrugations. The real surface is replaced with the plane on which equivalent boundary conditions are set. It is shown that relativistic charge can generate surface waves. The detailed...
Vladimir Vysotskii
(Kiev National Shevchenko Univ, Kiev, Ukraine)
25/09/2018, 18:40
Controlled long-distance transportation of neutral particle beams is one of the most interesting problems of atomic physics. Some features of the interaction of moving neutral atoms, molecules and clusters with a superlattice field (e.g., crystal lattice and system of magnetic or electric domains) were considered in [1]. In our new paper we consider the possibility of using the...
Luis Roso
(Director of the Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers, CLPU. and Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Salamanca)
26/09/2018, 09:00
Oral presentation
The basic principles of laser acceleration using a short pulse Petawatt laser are well established, and now is probably the right time to consider them as an interesting alternative to conventional accelerators, with some restrictions on one side and some advantages in other side. There are now a few Petawatt lasers at one shot per second operative around the world (Berkeley, Dresden and...
Marco Galimberti
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
26/09/2018, 09:30
Oral presentation
The Vulcan Petawatt Laser Facility is operational from different years, delivering high quality support for the laser plasma community. To keep the facility at world leading level, continuous development is necessary.
For that reason, to allow better understanding of the laser plasma interaction at petawatt level, a new laser beamline was proposed to allow betatron radiation probing of the...
Mattia Cipriani
(ENEA - CR Frascati)
26/09/2018, 10:00
Oral presentation
The internal structure of porous materials determines the features of laser absorption and the characteristics of relaxation and transport processes in laser-produced plasma. Many experiments have been carried on in the last decades, producing a large dataset, which can be the base for improving theoretical models and numerical codes. The microscopic structure of these materials cannot be...
(Nuclear Physics Institute, AS CR)
26/09/2018, 10:30
Oral presentation
A 10-Hz repetition rate, Nd:YAG pulsed laser (λ=1064 nm, pulse energy of 700 mJ, pulse duration of 3 ns) was used to irradiate different double stream gas-puff targets (DSGPTs). The interaction gives rise to the formation of plasma and the emission of SXR/EUV radiation. The DSGPTs are produced by a 0.4 mm in diameter nozzle, which injects the working gas (N2, Ar or Xe) at different pressures,...
Vincenzo Nassisi
(Dip. di Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italia)
26/09/2018, 10:45
Oral presentation
In this work we report the investigation of two different photocathodes (PCs) based on nanodiamonds (NDs) irradiated by a nanosecond excimer laser (KrF) operating at 248 nm (5eV). The ND layers of cathodes were deposited by means of pulsed spray technique. Specifically, the active ND layer of each PC consists of untreated or hydrogenated particles, 250 nm in size, sprayed on p-doped silicon...
Alberto Fazzi
(Politecnico di Milano and INFN-MI)
26/09/2018, 11:20
Oral presentation
In laser-driven ion-acceleration experiments the interaction of the ultra-intense laser beam (in the order of 1020 W/cm2) with the solid target produces an extremely intense emission of radiation with a broad spectrum. The occurrence of such an emission, sometimes named EMP-electromagnetic pulse-, traditionally prevents the implementation of active devices for ion beam diagnostics in the...
Aurelian Marcu
26/09/2018, 11:50
Oral presentation
Laser irradiation with various materials has plenty of technical and technological applications, from CD players and material processing (cutting drilling and so on) to medical applications. There are special cases when the laser beam needs to target a precisely determined zone or the target needs to be in a rather narrow laser focus zone, and laser driven particle acceleration it is just one...
Alessandro Curcio
26/09/2018, 12:05
Oral presentation
In recent years there has been a renewed interest in nuclear fusion processes, induced in laser
produced plasmas. The consequences of these studies, both experimental and theoretical,
concern the production of nuclear energy for civil purposes, the development of mono-energetic
high brillance neutron sources, up to the models of nucleosynthesis within the stars. In
particular we want to...
Tatiana Alekhina
(SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
26/09/2018, 12:20
Oral presentation
The plasma filled waveguides was of great interest since it was shown that such devises could be useful for the purpose of particle acceleration and development of high power electromagnetic radiation sources. One of problems consists in analysis of the effect of the transverse boundary on the wave field. Here we consider the case of waveguide loaded with semi-infinite magnetized plasma using...
Vladimir Vysotskii
(Kiev National Shevchenko Univ, Kiev, Ukraine)
26/09/2018, 12:35
Oral presentation
In the paper the results of the investigation of the effect of undamped (self-channeled) thermal waves on low energy nuclear fusion in a remote TiD target are presented. These waves are formed on the reverse side of the metal (cavitation) target, which is affected by the jet of water in a state of cavitation, and are characterized by strictly defined frequencies (in air under normal conditions...
Alexey Dik
(Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Science)
26/09/2018, 12:50
Recent theoretical studies have shown the possibility of charged particles channeling at their interaction with inhomogeneous laser field, particularly with so-called optical lattices, similar to crystal channeling. Till present we have not yet been related to careful experimental investigations in this field, however, the results on electron diffraction by the light standing wave [1] have...
Aleksandr Baryshnikov
26/09/2018, 18:40
Capillary optics is one of the best tools for controlling X-ray radiation. It allows handling the X-ray beams, which pass through many materials practically without breaking and much loss of intensity, with the correct selection of the parameters of the optics and the source of radiation.
In order to proper calculate the experiment as well as to define optimized optics it is necessary to...
Rozhkova Elena
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
26/09/2018, 18:40
Properties of spectral and angular distributions of Cherenkov radiation (ChR) from relativistic heavy ions (RHI) in solid radiators taking account of their slowing-down have been recently investigated [1-3]. The obtained new peculiarities such as the bright diffraction like structure showed that not all features of ChR are well studied yet while they might be attractive for modern detector...
Lorenzo Torrisi
(Dipartimento MIFT, Università di Messina, Italy)
26/09/2018, 18:40
A compact Thomson parabola spectrometer for diagnostics of laser-generated plasma was built in Messina University to be employed in different experiments. It allows to detect the charge particles emitted from hot and fast plasma separating them per charge state, energy and mass-to-charge ratio. Moreover, it is possible to detect electrons emitted from plasma. It uses a double pin-hole input...
Yury Cherepennikov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
26/09/2018, 18:40
In this paper, the numerical simulation and the experimental study of the electron beams propagation in polymer materials suitable for the sample production by rapid prototyping technique were carried out [1]. To conduct experimental studies the sets of plates with various thicknesses were made of ABS and HIPS plastics by fused deposition modeling [1]. The combination of these plates allows...
Valentina Trunova
(Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The analysis of bottom settlings by the scanning X-ray fluorescence spectrometry method (SR-XRF scan) is carried out in the context of paleoclimate research.
Comparison of these reconstructed Siberian records with the annual record of air temperature for the Northern Hemisphere shows similar trends in climatic variability over the past 800 yr. Estimated harmonic oscillations of temperature...
Szabina Torok
(HAS Centre for Energy Research)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The objective of the presented cave is to shield users from radiation of a series of macromolecular neutron diffraction experiments planned at European Spallation Source being constructed in Lund Sweden. The design process was iterative considering physical (radiological) and engineering constraints. The vicinity of the cave is considered as supervised area and a factor two was considered as...
Anush Sargsyan
(Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA, 25 Hr. Nersessian St.,Yerevan, Armenia)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The phenomenon of scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave on a conductive ball is studied taking into account the dispersion of electromagnetic waves inside the ball material. The analysis is based on the corresponding exact analytical solutions of Maxwell equations. These solutions are obtained by the method of Green function presented in [1,2].
A visual explanation is given about why...
(Nuclear Physics Institute, AS CR)
26/09/2018, 18:40
Graphene oxide foils implanted by copper ions at low energy and high dose, have been proposed as hybrid graphene based materials suitable to be laser irradiated in vacuum to produce hot plasmas. The special lattice structure of the graphene oxide foil can improve the propagation of the laser accelerated electrons inside the foil and enhance the electron density emerging from the rear foil...
Nikolai Maksyuta
(Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev)
26/09/2018, 18:40
As shown in [1], the radial profile function of the probability density of localization of channeled hydrogen atoms in a carbon nanotube (CNT) has two clearly fixed maxima. One of them (the greater) is in the center of the CNT. The second maximum (smaller) is located in the region of the minimum of the averaged interaction potential of hydrogen atoms with the inner wall of a CNT. It was shown...
Vito Turco
(Università del Salento - Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica)
26/09/2018, 18:40
We study the light scattering by localized quasi planar excitations of a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal known as spherulites. We quantitatively evaluate the cross section of the axis-rotation for polarized light, by taking into account the anisotropic optical properties of the medium and the peculiar shape of the excitations. Because of the complexity of the system under consideration, first we...
Sergei Stuchebrov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The report presents result of experimental measurement of gamma radiation beam profile in the cross section. The measurement done using radioactive gamma source Со60. Dielectric fiber located under different angles in the scanned plane is used as sensitive detector. The interaction between gamma radiation and dielectric material causes creation of electrons with energy sufficient to generate...
Subhendu Ghosh
(Inter University Accelerator Centre)
26/09/2018, 18:40
A Coherent Synchrotron Radiation source is under construction at Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. In this project, a train of super-radiant electron microbunches will be created inside a 2.6 cell normal conducting photo-injector and injected in to a compact undulator to produce coherent radiation in the frequency range of 0.18 - 3.0 THz. The synchrotron radiation emitted by an...
Vladimir Smolyanskiy
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The paper presents the results obtained in the study of the properties of bremsstrahlung generated at the grazing incidence of 18-MeV betatron electrons with narrow targets, 50 μm and 8 μm thick Si crystals and 13 μm thick Ta foil with a length of 4 mm along the electron beam, mounted in an internal goniometer inside the betatron chamber.
The results show strong changes in the angular...
Luciano Velardi
(Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, LEAS Laboratory, Lecce)
26/09/2018, 18:40
We present a new method for the hydrogen enrichment of targets for high-power laser-matter interaction. Transition metals (Ta, Ti, Nb, Pd) are known as good H2 adsorbers. After a laser cleaning process (by KrF excimer laser) of thin samples (thickness ~ 10 µm) a constant flow of H2 (6.0 pure) was maintained inside the vessel. Next, we exposed the metal foils to excimer laser irradiation (1500...
Evgenii Frolov
26/09/2018, 18:40
Oral presentation
Charged particles interaction with high-intensity optical lattice is often referred to as channeling. Indeed, as was shown previously, charged particles could be trapped, guided, focused or collimated with channels of effective potential, formed in non-uniform laser field [1].
On the one hand, beams shaping and control techniques, based on charged particles channeling in optical lattice,...
Sergei Stuchebrov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
26/09/2018, 18:40
In this work, we study the features of the passage of an electron beam through polymer samples manufactured using additive technologies with different printing parameters.
The technology of layer-by-layer fusing makes it possible to produce samples with different filling factor by plastic in the volume of the product [1]. For the experimental studies, ten polymer test samples with different...
Lorenzo Torrisi
(Dipartimento MIFT, Università di Messina, Italy)
26/09/2018, 18:40
Advanced targets based on thin films of graphene oxide covered by metallic layers have been irradiated at high laser intensity (1018 - 1019 W/cm2) with 40 fs laser pulses to investigate the forward ion acceleration in the TNSA regime. Time-of-flight technique was employed with silicon-carbide detectors and ion collectors as on-line plasma diagnostics. At the optimized laser focus position with...
Yury Cherepennikov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
26/09/2018, 18:40
X-ray computed tomography (CT) is one of the most advanced methods for the non-destructive investigation of the internal structures of various objects. Researchers have been developing instrumentations for the CT research over several decades. As a result, some modern units can provide a spatial resolution of about several microns but their contrast resolution is often not high enough for CT...
Vardazar Kotanjyan
(erevan State University)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The electromagnetic fields and the energy-momentum tensor are considered for a charged particle rotating in a homogeneous medium from the point of view of a rotating observer. In the corresponding coordinate system there is a horizon and the latter can serve as a simple model for horizons in more complicated problems with gravitational fields.
Alpik Mkrtchyan
(Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The transparency effect in two wall acoustic tubes at the presence of standing and running acoustic fields excited there which allows to manage all working parameters of transparency.
It has been investigated experimentally and theoretically the dependence of X-ray absorption on the parameters of external acoustic waves [1]. Sharp decrease of the X-ray absorption coefficients has been...
Aram Saharian
(Institute of Applied Problems in Physics NAS RA)
26/09/2018, 18:40
We investigate the electromagnetic fields and the radiation from a charged particle intersecting the boundary between two dielectric media on which surface waves are excited. A formula is derived for the spectral-angular density of the radiation intensity assuming that the amplitude of the surface wave is small compared with the corresponding wavelength. The dependence of the peaks in the...
Mario Galletti
(Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
26/09/2018, 18:40
Coherent light sources in spectral regions which are inaccessible to lasers has been an
important issue for more than five decades. Despite tremendous progress in laser
technology over the last five decades, substantial portions of the optical spectrum from the
ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR) still remain inaccessible to conventional laser sources,
at time scales ranging from...
Alexey Gogolev
(Tomsk polytechnic university), Dr
Roman Rezaev
(Tomsk polytechnic university)
26/09/2018, 18:40
The challenge of reliable measurement and diagnostics of extremely short electron bunches is of crucial importance for commissioning and operation of the accelerators like a FELs and colliders. A method widely applied for bunch length diagnostics is Coherent Radiation Diagnostics (CRD). Radiation is emitted coherently if the wavelength is in the order of the bunch length, i.e. information...
Gianluca Cavoto
27/09/2018, 09:00
Oral presentation
The parasitic non-resonant beam extraction aided with bent crystals is an interesting solution to direct the LHC high energy particles to external targets. This would open new opportunities in the study of hadronic interactions in a kinematic range not easily accessible before.
I will review the status of the ERC funded CRYSBEAM project. The aims of CRYSBEAM were to develop high quality ...
Francesca Galluccio
27/09/2018, 09:30
Oral presentation
The UA9 experiment is installed in the CERN SPS since 2009 with the aim of investigating the coherent interaction of high energy particle beams with crystalline materials, and ultimately of demonstrating the feasibility of crystal-aided beam halo collimation in high energy particle colliders such as the LHC.
Recently the scope of the UA9 experiment has been extended to new investigations...
Aleksandr Savchenko
(NRNU MEPhI, Russia, Moscow)
27/09/2018, 09:45
Oral presentation
X-ray transition radiation (XTR) is known to be the only precise instrument for identification of charged particles with a Lorentz factor more than 1000. With increasing of charged particle energies at modern and future colliders a separation of high energy collision products becomes a complicated task. A further development of the XTR detector techniques is required for many physics studies....
Enrico Bagli
27/09/2018, 10:00
Oral presentation
The atomic order of a crystalline structure generates an electrostatic field capable of confining charged particle trajectories. Depending on the charge sign, points of equilibrium of the oscillatory motion under channeling lie between or on atomic planes for positive and negative particles, respectively. This forces positive particles to stably oscillate far from the planes, while negative...
Marco Romagnoni
27/09/2018, 10:15
Oral presentation
Bent crystals can be efficiently employed to steer high energy particles via channeling. To achieve optimal performances several strict conditions must be satisfied, such as a homogeneous curvature and a high lattice quality. While for small bending angles up to few hundreds of microradians several solutions have already been deployed, for larger deflection angles in the range of 1-15...
Marco Garattini
(CERN, Imperial College London)
27/09/2018, 10:30
Oral presentation
A new experimental method able to study inelastic nuclear interactions of high energy positive charged particles with bent crystals has been developed. This new approach permits precise measurements of this interaction rate for different crystal orientations, providing the interaction reduction factor both in planar and axial channeling, with respect to the amorphous case. Moreover, using a...
edward tsyganov
(cold fusion power int)
27/09/2018, 10:45
Oral presentation
Chemical energy sources (oil and gas) will run out in the next 30-50 years. In addition to the depletion of these sources, there is a so-called greenhouse effect, which imposes severe restrictions on the use of chemical fuels.
Nuclear reactors use uranium and thorium reserves of fissile materials that will last for no more than 100–200 years. In addition, the problem to hide the radioactive...
Dariush Hampai
27/09/2018, 11:20
Oral presentation
Polycapillary optics (polyCO) is a commonly utilized optical device for a wide variety of applications that operates by collecting X-rays and efficiently propagating them down to the channels by total external reflection in order to form both focused and parallel beams. The development of a compact source-detector system with characteristics to match the requirements of polyCO allows...
Jorge Fernandez
(Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna)
27/09/2018, 11:50
Oral presentation
The modified Boltzmann-Chandrasekhar equation of transport for photons is the proper framework for describing the photon radiation field with a complete description of the polarization state. The characterization of the radiation field requires a detailed description of the interactions of photons with mater and comprises also the contribution of the secondary electrons to the photon field...
Yasushi Hayakawa
(Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University)
27/09/2018, 12:05
Oral presentation
K-edge subtraction (KES) imaging is one of the advanced imaging techniques based on drastic change of X-ray absorption power at K-shell absorption edge of an attention element. The method can provide the information on the spatial distribution of the element. Since the monochromaticity and the energy tunability are required for X-rays in the imaging, it is substantially difficult to carry out...
Luca Marchitto
(Istituto Motori- Im)
27/09/2018, 12:20
Oral presentation
The spray formation plays a fundamental role for the optimization of combustion efficiency and exhaust emissions of Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines, allowing the control of the combustion process through the local equivalence ratio of air-fuel mixing. Non-intrusive diagnostics and three-dimensional (3D) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models provide a deep insight of fuel-air...
Alessandro Scordo
27/09/2018, 12:35
Oral presentation
Bragg spectroscopy is one of the best established experimental methods for high energy resolution X-ray measurements; however, this technique is limited to the measurement of photons produced from well collimated or point-like sources (tens of microns) and becomes quite inefficient for photons coming from extended and diffused sources.
The VOXES project’s goal is to realise a prototype of a...
Mikhail Mazuritskiy
(Southern Federal University)
27/09/2018, 12:50
Oral presentation
We present here investigation on x-ray fluorescence excited inside hollow microcapillaries which propagates inside them and this phenomenon corresponds to the process of channeling of x-ray fluorescent radiation through a waveguide. The propagation of radiation through microcapillaries is a complex wave process depending by the energy of the radiation and the characteristics of the optical...
27/09/2018, 14:30
Oral presentation
We measured a considerable increase of the emitted radiation by 120 GeV/c electrons in an axially oriented lead tungstate scintillator crystal, if compared to the case in which the sample was not aligned with the beam direction. This enhancement resulted from the interaction of particles with the strong crystalline electromagnetic eld. The data collected at the external lines of CERN SPS were...
Giacomo Germogli
(INFN Ferrara)
27/09/2018, 15:00
Oral presentation
The development of more efficient production techniques for radioisotopes is a field of special interest, especially for modern nuclear medicine, in order to overcome some possible limitations in the supply chain of Mo-99 with nuclear reactors [1]. In particular, the production of radioisotopes in cyclotrons is spreading worldwide, despite its higher cost with respect to the production in...
Anton Babaev
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
27/09/2018, 15:15
Oral presentation
In the report the next model is considered. The spherically bent crystal is the crystalline plate that has surfaces bent spherically, i.e surfaces represented by a fragment of sphere. Beam of charged particles enters (and then exits) the crystal through spherically bent surface. The planar channeling in the crystal was simulated for the case when planes providing the channeling are orthogonal...
Mario Antonelli
27/09/2018, 15:30
Oral presentation
A study of a new scheme to produce very low emittance muon beams using a positron beam of about 45 GeV interacting on electrons on target is presented. One of the innovative topics to be investigated is the behaviour of the positron beam stored in a low emittance ring with a thin target, that is directly inserted in the ring chamber to produce muons. Muons can be immediately collected at the...
Oleksiy FOMIN
(LAL, CNRS et Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
27/09/2018, 15:45
Oral presentation
We discuss a possibility of measuring the magnetic dipole moments (MDM) of short living particles by studying their spin precession induced by the strong effective magnetic field inside the channels of a bent crystal.
This method was proposed by Baryshevsky in 1979 and its first and only experimental realisation was carried out in Fermilab at the 800GeV proton beam for measuring the MDM of...
Vladimir Vysotskii
(Kiev National Shevchenko Univ, Kiev, Ukraine)
27/09/2018, 16:00
Oral presentation
In the report the universal method of short-term and very significant suppression of the tunneling effect and very essential optimization of nuclear interaction of low-energy particles by the use of coherent correlated states [1-10] formed by weak controlled external action on these particles is discussed. The main factor of such process is connected with the self-similar synchronization of...
Sergio Bartalucci
27/09/2018, 16:15
Oral presentation
An experimental programme is described in this paper, aiming at detecting the formation of correlated coherent states (CCS) in thin surface layers of crystals, when bombarded by a very low energy proton/deuteron beam.
CCS are a generalization of “non-classical” states of light, such as the coherent and squeezed states, whose existence has been demonstrated long ago, giving rise to the...
Massimo Ferrario
27/09/2018, 16:50
Oral presentation
On the wake of the results obtained so far at the SPARC_LAB test-facility at LNF, we are currently investigating the possibility to design and build a new multi-disciplinary user-facility, equipped with a soft X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL) driven by a ~1 GeV high brightness linac based on plasma accelerator modules in the framework of the H2020 Design Study EuPRAXIA. EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB is...
Oleg Ivashchuk
(Belgorod National State University)
27/09/2018, 17:20
Oral presentation
Conception of piezoelectric accelerator
O. Ivashchuka, A. Shchagina,c, A. Kubankina,b, V. Miroshnikc, I. Nikulina, A. Oleinika,d, V. Volkovc
a Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
b Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia
c J. Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine
d John Adams Institute at Royal Holloway,...
Fabrizio Giuseppe Bisesto
27/09/2018, 17:35
Oral presentation
The interaction between solid state matter and very intense lasers in the relativistic regime (IL>1018 W/cm2) has been widely investigated in the last two decades, mainly aiming to probe the feasibility of completely new, extremely compact proton accelerators thanks to the high electric fields generated (>TV/m). Nevertheless, the physical mechanism is still not completely clear, also due to...
Alexander Shchagin
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)
27/09/2018, 17:50
Oral presentation
Pyroelectric Undulator
A.V. Shchagin
Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine
The electric undulator for production of radiation was first proposed in [1]. However, magnetic undulators were developed in further researches [2]. More recently, pyroelectric source of strong electric field was...
Zhang Hongze
(Tsinghua Center)
27/09/2018, 18:05
Oral presentation
Thomson scattering of intense laser pulses from relativistic electrons can generate high-brightness and tunable-polarization X/γ-ray pulses. In this paper, we demonstrate an experiment about the polarization control of the Thomson scattering source. The polarization of X/γ-ray relates to the incident polarized laser beams, which is controlled by rotating a wave plate. In this experiment, the...
Riccardo Camattari
27/09/2018, 18:20
Oral presentation
High-intensity and monochromatic X-ray sources are important tools for research in fundamental to applied science. Nowadays, intense and monochromatic soft X-ray beams are produced by means of Free-Electron Lasers (FELs). With currently available magnetic undulators, the minimum achievable oscillation period λu is of the order of the centimetres, thus limiting the generation of X-ray to a few...
Vladimir Maisheev
(IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Recently started studies on the application of volume reflection of particles in crystals for the steering beams (for extraction and collimation of a circulating beam in accelerators). Volume reflection is more efficient than channeling, but requires amplification of the deflection angle by applying multicrystals. The report discusses two new applications of multicrystals made like ...
Valerio Mascagna
27/09/2018, 18:40
The last decade has seen a growing interest in the study of the passage of high energy charged particles in oriented or bent crystals. An increasing number of experiments on high energy beam lines are performed to investigate all the involved physical processes.
An experimental apparatus which includes different type of detectors run by a modular architecture data acquisition software is...
Pavel Karataev
(Royal Holloway, Unviersity of London)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Development of non-invasive instrumentation for modern and future accelerator facilities including linear and circular colliders and X-ray free electron lasers has become a separate area of research in accelerator physics during the past two decades. The reason is that the usage of any invasive devices is excluded in high-energy particle accelerators because of safety reasons.
Since the...
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
(Belgorod National Research University)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Diagnostics of transverse phase space of charged particle beams is an important task for modern scientific research. Solid wire-scanners are still very popular due to their simplicity, robustness and sufficient resolution. In high energy linear accelerators bremsstrahlung photons are highly collimated, therefore a detector have to be placed very far downstream that implies difficulties with...
Sergii Trofymenko
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Positrons are usually produced in tungsten (further W) single-crystalline and amorphous targets (see, e.g. [1]). However, in tungsten single-crystals dechanneling length of incident electrons is rather short, which restricts their applicability. The possibility of application of textured polycrystalline targets (in which the channeling of electrons was recently observed [2]) for increasing of...
Egor Kurnikov
27/09/2018, 18:40
Charged particle beams are now widely used in various fields of science, from basic and applied research to technology, in biomedicine and other fields. In this regard, an important task is to transport the beam to the object of investigation or processing. At present, the main technique to form the beams of charged particles is to use magneto-optical systems that are quite complex and require...
Andrey Oleinik
27/09/2018, 18:40
Pyroelectric materials (for example, single crystals of lithium niobate and lithium tantalate or PZT ceramics) are used to generate high potential in vacuum, to accelerate electrons and positive ions, to produce X-rays and neutrons [1-4]. Portable X-ray and neutron sources are being developed, based on this phenomenon [5,6]. However, low intensity makes it difficult to use such sources for...
Hayk Gevorgyan
27/09/2018, 18:40
The problem of increasing the efficiency of free electron laser (FEL) during the passage of a relativistic electron bunch through an undulator with intervals is considered. A formula is obtained for the spectral distribution of spontaneous radiation. The dependence of FEL gain on the number of undulator sections is investigated. It is shown that a increase in the efficiency of FEL, when...
Timur Tukhfatullin
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Half-wavelength crystal (HWC) is a thin crystal, when a channelled particle experiences only one collision with crystallographic plane during penetration through a HWC. Recent experiment [1] demonstrated 2 MeV protons mirroring by thin silicon HWC. More recently, the mirroring effect was observed for 400 GeV protons at CERN-SPS [2]. The existence of mirroring effect using HWC in the case of...
Alexey Pronikov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
27/09/2018, 18:40
It is very important task to define the tolerances necessary for correct operation of electron linac. The detuning of linac main parameters as frequency, RF-field amplitude and phase can sufficiently influence to the beam parameters. It is highly sufficient for linacs with high brightness beams which are necessary for light sources and colliders. It is also sufficient for industrial linacs....
Iliya Ashanin
Sergey Polozov
27/09/2018, 18:40
In this report we present first results of the design of the compact XFEL based on prototype of new linac-injector. This linac develops for the one of the largest Russian scientific projects, 6 GeV 4-th generation light source SSRS4. Both synchrotron and XFEL based on top-up injection linac are proposed to construct in SSRS4 complex. Suggested prototype of the injector initially will include...
Gennady Naumenko
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
27/09/2018, 18:40
In Ref. [1,2] authors observed the monochromatic lines in the spectrum of the coherent transition and diffraction radiation generated by modulated electron beam with the frequency of the accelerating RF field and corresponding to the resonances for .
In this report we present the results of coherent grating transition radiation (CGTR) and spectra measurements within the frequency range...
Igor Vnukov
(Belgorod sate university, Belgorod, Russia)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Projected International Linear Collider [1] and Compact Linear Collider [2] need new measurement methods of parameters of relativistic electron beam with size of some nm and divergence about 10-40 $\mu$rad. Using of fast electrons diffracted transition radiation (DTR) in thin crystals for beam divergence measurements [3] is really impossible because of the crystals destroying [4]. Using of...
Yulia Kluchevskaia
27/09/2018, 18:40
The beam dynamics analysis of the RF-photogun as the LUCX facility at KEK, Japan, and new photo injector for the Russian 4th generation light source SSRS4 was done to chose the optimal length of the section and cell’s number and also to define optimal accelerating gradient and injection phase. The simulation of electrodynamics characteristics and fields distribution in the RF-gun based on...
Kristina Vokhmyanina
(International Scientific and Educational Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Belgorod National Research University), Dr
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
(Belgorod National Research University)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Possibility of charged particles beam manipulation by means of dielectric surfaces has been demonstrated earlier. This effect is caused by formation of a self-consistent charge distribution on the dielectric channel walls. The distribution provides the passage of a part of the charged particle beam without direct contact with the surface of the channel. Efficiency of controlling a beam passing...
Oleg Ivashchuk
(Belgorod National State University)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Pyroelectric deflector of 7 MeV electron beam
O. Ivashchuka, I. Kishina,b, A. Kubankina,b, A. Oleinika,c, A. Shchagina,d, V.I. Alekseev a,b, A.N. Eliseyeva,b
a Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
b Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia
c John Adams Institute at Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, UK.
d Kharkov...
Timur Tukhfatullin
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Experiments with high-energy particle beams using straight and bent crystals is a popular recent trend in high-energy accelerator physics. The strong electrical field of the crystal planes allows steering of particle trajectories. Recently, experiments on the bent crystal channelling of 6.5-TeV protons were performed at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN toward the future beam collimation...
Status of Diagnostic and Control System Development for Russian New Light Source Project SSRS-4*
Timur Kulevoy
27/09/2018, 18:40
The project of the new light source of 4th geberation is under development in Russia under Kurchatov institute leadership. In framework of this project the test bench for timing system as well for diagnostic system is under development. The approach to the control and diagnostic systems for this light sosurce are discussed. Also the first results obtained at the test-bench are presented and discussed.
Yangmei Li
(University of Manchester, Cockcroft Institute)
27/09/2018, 18:40
Hollow plasma has been demonstrated in favor of beam quality preservation in the proton-driven plasma wakefield accelerators, where the transverse wakefields acting on the accelerated beam vary in radius and time in uniform plasma even in the nonlinear regime. With hollow plasma, there is completely no transverse plasma wakefields. However, this scheme requires prefect beam-channel alignment....
Alessandro Curcio
27/09/2018, 18:40
We report on preliminary experimental studies on mm-waves at CLEAR electron LINAC (CERN). The production of coherent radiation in the (sub-)THz region by using ps-long electron bunches is the first step towards the realization of an intense source for both users and applications in accelerator physics. Some of different mechanisms like coherent transition, diffraction, Cherenkov and Smith...
Yury Eikhorn
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
27/09/2018, 18:40
The aim of our investigations is to create the physical model for effective reflection of charged particle beam by the crystal surface to take into account relativistic effects. Particularly, calculation of the optimal structure and reflecting surface geometry, at which the reflection coefficient of incident beam will be maximum.
Mykhaylo Vysotskyy
(Kiev National Shevchenko Univ)
27/09/2018, 18:40
In atomic and nuclear physics the state of moving particles is usually described by idealized plane waves. Such model is approximate and characterizes the features of such particles with some inaccuracies.
A real alternative is to describe the particle as a moving localized wave packet. The main disadvantage of this description is the instability and continuous "spreading" and delocalization...
Mykhaylo Vysotskyy
(Kiev National Shevchenko Univ)
27/09/2018, 18:40
In the report, the problem of realization and optimization of nuclear fusion reactions in electric discharge channel (for example, in a natural lightning channel) is considered. The main mechanism for optimization of such processes is connected with the self-similar formation of coherent correlated states under action of a pulsed magnetic field accompanying such a discharge.
It is shown for...
Aldo Spallone
(Embassy of Italy in Russian Federation)
28/09/2018, 09:00
Oral presentation
Modern Neurosurgery is directed towards mini invasive for the reduction of post-operative complications.
A common strategy between mini invasive neurosurgery and other parasurgical modalities , between which radiotherapy is the main tool, may represent the best available option, and the strategic treatment modality in the future.
I present shortly here my view based on my personal...
Sergey Polozov
28/09/2018, 09:30
Oral presentation
In this report we present new information about one of the largest Russian scientific projects, a new and advanced 6 GeV 4-th generation radiation facility based on both synchrotron and FEL radiation. The report summarizes the results of preliminary research of SSRS4 general layout and accelerator complex parameters.
Luca Serafini
28/09/2018, 10:00
Oral presentation
We developed a Design Study for a combined X-ray source system spanning the 0.3-150 keV photon energy range with un-precedented characteristics of brilliance, flux and coherence. The machine is based on an innovative scheme combining a compact 100 MeV energy recovery Super-Conducting Linac and a 1.5 GeV two-pass CW-SC Linac that can boost the electron beam energy up to 3.8 GeV via a newly...
Victor Verzilov
28/09/2018, 10:30
Oral presentation
The TRIUMF Laboratory, located in Vancouver, Canada, presently undergoes the final stage of construction of an Advanced Radioactive Isotope production facility that will substantially enlarge its Nuclear Physics program [1]. One of the key component of the facility is a 50MeV 10mA CW linear electron accelerator. The construction of the linac has been completed and it is now in the...
Cristina Vaccarezza
28/09/2018, 10:45
Oral presentation
An advanced accelerator facility EUPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB has been proposed to be realized at Frascati (Italy) Laboratories of INFN in the framework of the Eupraxia Design Study. Two advanced acceleration schemes will be applied: an ultimate high gradient 1 GeV X-band linac together with a plasma acceleration stage to provide accelerating gradients of the GeV/m order. A FEL scheme is foreseen to...
Alexey Tishchenko
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
28/09/2018, 11:20
Oral presentation
In this report we discuss the similarities and differences of dispersion relations for different types of radiation in periodic structures – resonant transition radiation from multilayered stack of films, Smith-Purcell radiation, parametric X-ray radiation in crystals, undulator radiation. We show that the key factor here is the existence of frequency dependent dielectric permittivity leads to...
Subhendu Ghosh
(Inter University Accelerator Centre)
28/09/2018, 11:50
Oral presentation
A compact pre-bunched Free Electron Laser facility named as Delhi Light Source is under construction at IUAC [1]. A low emittance electron beam (~ 4 - 8 MeV) will be produced by a photocathode based normal conducting RF gun and will be injected into a compact undulator magnet to produce intense THz radiation (0.18 to 2.85 THz). The gun, electron beam transport, undulator and experimental...
Alexander Aryshev
28/09/2018, 14:30
Oral presentation
Advanced types of particle accelerator systems that could achieve multi-THz repetition rate of accelerated beams [1 and Refs therein] are of utmost importance to reduce the size and cost of future high brilliance radiation sources as well as to provide a widespread availability of a compact accelerator technology to applied labs around the world. Repetitions of the order of a few hundreds of...
Irizawa Akinori
(The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan)
28/09/2018, 15:00
Oral presentation
The free electron laser (FEL) is a tunable monochromatic light source using an electron linear accelerator. Its high power, coherence, pulse, polarized characters yield many aspects of utilization in basic and applied fields. Terahertz (THz) and/or far-infrared (FIR) is just located in the middle region between the light and the radio wave in the electromagnetic wave. This region is so-called...
Sergey Polozov
28/09/2018, 15:15
Oral presentation
The acceleration of electrons in laser plasma channels is one of the contemporary ideas on energy frontier of accelerators. Many simulations and experimental studies are provided before now but all results shows that low fraction of electrons are capturing into acceleration and accelerated electrons have very broad energy-band. New results of beam dynamics simulations in laser plasma channel...
Lixin YAN
(Accelerator Lab, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
28/09/2018, 15:30
Oral presentation
Recently, the high brightness linac at Accelerator Laboratory of Tsinghua University (THU) has been focused on the production of tunable high-peak-current electron bunch trains with picosecond or sub-picosecond spacing. In this talk, we will report on recent research activities with this kind of widely tunable high intensity bunch trains in our laboratory. The production and diagnostics of the...
Alexander Potylitsyn
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
28/09/2018, 15:45
Oral presentation
Development of the linac-based narrow-band THz sources with sub-picosecond, $\mu J$-level radiation pulses is of the great demand among wide scientific community [1 and Refs therein]. The interest appears due to the fact that THz radiation is nonionizing, which prevents destruction of a test sample and enables investigation of living cells without radiation damage. Intrinsically monochromatic...
Alexsandr Ponomarenko
28/09/2018, 16:00
Oral presentation
The accelerating gradient in conventional radio-frequency accelerators is limited to 100 MeV/m. A promising solution is to use wakefield effects either in dielectrics or plasma, where breakdown limit is higher.
Cherenkov radiation (CR) is considered to be the main mechanism in dielectric wakefield acceleration (DWA). Our preliminary study with corrugated capillaries show some modification to...
Daria Danilova
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
28/09/2018, 16:15
Oral presentation
Electron moving through a crystal target can affect the crystal cell by its Coulomb field. Within the first approximation, it leads to arising parametric X-ray radiation (PXR). In the case of consequent short and intense bunches the witness-bunches come to the crystal cells disturbed by the driver-bunches. It can cause the change in the radiation characteristics. To date, such short and...
Nikolai Shul'ga
(National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology", Karazin Kharkiv National University)
At scattering of low energy electrons on atoms the Ramsauer-Townsend effect is possible, at which the full scattering cross-section under some conditions reaches its zero value [1, 2]. This effect is of quantum nature. In particular, it takes place for the particles with the kinetic energy equal to 0.7 eV being scattered on the inert gases atoms (see [3] and references therein). The...
Igor Vnukov
(Belgorod sate university, Belgorod, Russia)
Based on the calculation method [1] of coherent electron radiation in Bragg direction elaborated for point-like beams we developed a technique taking into account the transverse beam size, which well described the experimental results [2]. The dependence of the angular distribution characteristics on the beam size on the crystal was calculated. The calculations show that the measurement of...
Xavier Artru
(Université de Lyon, CNRS/IN2P3, IPNL)
The semi-classical Baier-Katkov formula, which gives the energy-angle spectrum of the radiation by ultra-relativistic electrons in a non-uniform electric or magnetic field, involves only the classical trajectory of the initial electron. We show that it can be obtained with the JWKB method when the external field is described by a potential four-vector independent of the transverse coordinates....