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- Sergei Abdrashitov
S.R. Abhilash
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Alexandru Achim
- Francesca Maria Addesa
- Alexander Afonin
- Alexander Afonin
- H. Ahmed
- Irizawa Akinori
- Tatiana Alekhina
- Petr Aleksandrov
Vladimir Alekseev
- Author in Parametric X-ray Radiation from Powders
- Co-author in Pyroelectric Deflector of 7 MeV Electron Beam
- J. Alozy
- Maria Pia Anania
- Pierluigi Andreoli
- P. Andreoli
- Sergei Anishchenko
Mario Antonelli
- Author in Low EMittance Muon Accelerator
- Giuseppe Aprigliano (European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden)
- Nicola Argiolas
- Xavier Artru
Alexander Aryshev
- Author in First Observation of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Author in Self-Similar Electron Beam: Prospects, Demands, and Applications
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Co-author in Polarization Characteristics of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Wakefield Acceleration Based on Smith-Purcell Effect in Corrugated Dielectric Capillary
- Iliya Ashanin
- Behnam Azadegan
- Behnam Azadegan
- Claudia Azzuti
- Anton Babaev
- Luca Bacci
- Hartmut Backe
- Dina Badreeva
- Jan Badziak
- Jan Badziak
Enrico Bagli
- Author in Advanced Experimental Setups for Investigation of Coherent Interactions of High-Energy Particle Beams with Crystals
- Author in Bent Crystals for Large Angle Deflection of TeV Particle Beams
- Author in Electromagnetic Dipole Moments of Charged Baryons with Bent Crystals at the LHC
- Author in Enhancement of the Inelastic Nuclear Interaction Rate in Crystals via Anti-Channeling
- Author in High-Energy e−/e+ Spectrometer via Coherent Interaction in a Bent Crystal
- Co-author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Co-author in Crystalline Target for Radioisotope Production via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in Silicon Undulator Prototype: Manufacturing and X-ray Characterization
- Co-author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Giovanni Ballerini
- Author in Advanced Experimental Setups for Investigation of Coherent Interactions of High-Energy Particle Beams with Crystals
- Author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Author in Bent Crystals for Large Angle Deflection of TeV Particle Beams
- Author in Electromagnetic Dipole Moments of Charged Baryons with Bent Crystals at the LHC
- Author in Enhancement of the Inelastic Nuclear Interaction Rate in Crystals via Anti-Channeling
- Author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Co-author in Crystalline Target for Radioisotope Production via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in CRYSTALRAD Simulation Code for Modeling of Coherent Effects of Radiation in Crystals
- Co-author in Silicon Undulator Prototype: Manufacturing and X-ray Characterization
- Co-author in The Hybrid Positron Source Using Channeling: a Promising Device for Future Colliders
- Laura Bandiera
- Mihail Barbuta
- Eugeny Barnov
- Sergey Barsuk
- Sergio Bartalucci
- Alessandro Bartolin
- Vladimir Baryshevsky
- Vladimir Baryshevsky
- Aleksandr Baryshnikov
- Konstantin Batrakov
- Andrey Batranin
- Ekaterina Belonogaya
- N. Belyaev
Andrey Benediktovich
- Co-author in Radiation of a Charge Moving in a Wire Structure
Michele Bergamaschi
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Alessandro Berra
R.K. Bhandari
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Fabrizio Giuseppe Bisesto
- Vitold Bleko
Veronika Bleko
- Co-author in Reaction Forces of Polarization Radiation
Oleg Bogdanov
- Author in Cherenkov Radiation from Relativistic Heavy Ions in Liquid Radiator
- Author in Generation of Twisted Photons by Bent Crystals
- Author in Orbital Angular Momentum of Channeling Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Thin Crystals
- Author in The Polarization Characteristics of Radiation from Electrons Channeled in a Half-Wave Crystal
- Co-author in Half-Wave-Crystal Channeling of Relativistic Heavy Ions and Possible Applications
- Co-author in Radiation of Twisted Photons in Periodical Structures in the Classical Regime
- Micola Bondarenco
- Stewart Boogert
- M. Borghesi
- Gennady Britvich
- Gennady Britvich
- Claudia Brizzolari
Eugene Bulyak
- Author in On Coherency of Gamma Photons
- Author in Statistics of the Radiating Relativistic Electrons
- V. Bystritsky
- Roman Böttger
Riccardo Camattari
- Author in Bent Crystals for Large Angle Deflection of TeV Particle Beams
- Author in Enhancement of the Inelastic Nuclear Interaction Rate in Crystals via Anti-Channeling
- Author in Silicon Undulator Prototype: Manufacturing and X-ray Characterization
- Co-author in Crystalline Target for Radioisotope Production via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Michael Campbell
Anna Paola Caricato
- Co-author in New Targets for Laser Proton Production
- Alberto Carnera
- Sara Maria Carturan
- Davide Casotti
- Davide Casotti
- Giovanni Castorina
- Gianluca Cavoto
- Francesco Cerutti
- Iryna Chaikovska
G.K. Chaudhary
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Robert CHEHAB
Yury Cherepennikov
- Author in Comparison of Electron Beam Attenuation in Samples of ABS and HIPS Plastics by Fused Deposition Modeling
- Author in Polycapillary-Based X‐Ray Tomography of Complex Samples with Porous Matrix
- Co-author in Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Generation and Transmission Mechanisms of Cherenkov Radiation in an Optical Fiber
- Co-author in Measurement of Gamma Radiation Beam Profile in the Cross Section by Analyzing of Cherenkov Radiation Generated in the Fiber during Multi-Angle Scanning
- Co-author in Peculiarities of Electron Beam Propagation through Polymer Samples Manufactured by Layer-by-Layer Fusing Method with Different Printing Parameters
- M. Cherry
Yury Chesnokov
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Co-author in A Study on Implementation of Multistripe Crystals to Protect the Septum-Magnets and to Generate the Gamma Radiation on the U-70 Accelerator
- Co-author in Crystal Optical Solution for Generation of High Energy Neutrino Beams
- Petr Chirkov
- Sergey Chistyakov
Stasis Chuchurka
- Co-author in Radiation of a Charge Moving in a Wire Structure
- Alessandro Cianchi
- Grazia Cicala
- Mattia Cipriani
- Fleaca Claudiu
- Fabrizio Consoli
- Anna Coppa (Liceo Statale Ischia)
- Marcello Coreno (LNF)
Roberto Corsini
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Giuseppe Costa
- M. Costa
- Giuseppe Cristofari
Alessandro Curcio
- Author in Fusion Reactions in Solid and Plasma Targets
- Author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Mariapompea Cutroneo
- Mariapompea Cutroneo
Sultan Dabagov
- Author in The Crystal Surface Optimal Geometry to Reflect of a Charged Particles Beam
- Author in Total Yield and Spectra of Positrons Produced by Coherent Bremsstrahlung from 10 – 70 MeV Electrons
- Co-author in Capillary Optics. Modeling of Numerous Transformations of X-rays
- Co-author in Channeling X-Rays: Applied Polycapillary Optics
- Co-author in Computer Simulations for Charged Particles Channeling in Capillaries
- Co-author in Enhancement of Neutrons Yield in dd Reactions within a TiD2 Crystalline under Irradiation by a Deuterium Ion Beam
- Co-author in From Galileo to Abbe: the Contribution of Lenses to the Foundation of Modern Sciences. What is the Role of Lens in the Coming Quantum Era?
- Co-author in GEANT4 Simulation of Energy Deposition in Lead Fluoride Calorimeter for g-2 Experiment
- Co-author in Interaction of Channeled X rays, Coherent Excitation of Fluorescence and Interference Phenomena of Transmitted Radiation at the Exit of Microchannel Plates
- Co-author in Investigation of the Wake Potentials in the Orientational Motion of Charged Particles in Ionic Crystals
- Co-author in Large-Angle Channeling Radiation by Relativistic Muons
- Co-author in On a Zone Structure for Channeled Particles in Optical Lattices
- Co-author in On the Restructuring of the Radiation Spectrum at Three-Frequency Parametric Interaction during Plane Electron Channeling in the Crystals with the Structure of a Zinc Blende
- Co-author in Particles Deflection, Focusing and Collimation in Optical Lattices
- Co-author in Polycapillary-Based X‐Ray Tomography of Complex Samples with Porous Matrix
- Co-author in Simulations of Beam Channeling in a Spherically Bent Crystal
- Co-author in The Mechanism of Induced-Dispersive Channeling of Neutral Atoms and Molecules in Zeolite Channels, Natural Asbestos Fibers and Structured Cylindrical Superlattices
- Co-author in Ultraviolet Channeling Radiation by Protons Accelerated at Medical Units
- Co-author in X-ray Tomography and 3D CFD Simulation of Fuel Mass Distribution in a GDI Spray
- F. Dachs
- Daria Danilova
- Giuseppe Dattoli
- Riccardo De Angelis De Angelis
- Giovanni De Matteis
Davide De Salvador
- Author in Enhancement of the Inelastic Nuclear Interaction Rate in Crystals via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Co-author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Davide De Salvador
Domenico Delle Side
- Co-author in Light Guiding By Defects Into Frustrated Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
- Co-author in New Targets for Laser Proton Production
- Eugene Dergacheva
- Giorgio Di Giorgio
- Emanuele Di Palma
- Alexey Dik
- E. Ditter
Valerio Dolci
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Domenico DORIA
- S. Doronin
- G. Dudkin
- William Dunn
- Arthur Durum
- Arthur Durum
Svetlana Efimenko
- Co-author in Investigation of the Iridescence Scattering of Hydrogen Atoms in Non-Chiral Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in Investigation of the Wake Potentials in the Orientational Motion of Charged Particles in Ionic Crystals
- Co-author in On the Restructuring of the Radiation Spectrum at Three-Frequency Parametric Interaction during Plane Electron Channeling in the Crystals with the Structure of a Zinc Blende
- Co-author in Peculiarities of Channeling and Generated Radiation of Relativistic Electrons in the Charged Axes of Lithium Hydride Crystals
- Yury Eikhorn
- Rozhkova Elena
Alexander Eliseev
- Co-author in Pyroelectric Deflector of 7 MeV Electron Beam
Alexander Eliseyev
- Author in Parametric X-ray Radiation from Powders
- Yutaro Enomoto
- Vladimir Epp
- O. Ettlinger
- Federico Evangelisti
Wilfrid Farabolini
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Alberto Fazzi
- Kirill Fedorov
- Andrey Fedotov
- Jorge Fernandez
- Massimo Ferrario
- Anastasiia Feshchenko
- Henryk Fiedorowicz
- Goncalo Figueira
- Nikolai Filatov
- M. Filipowicz
- K. Filippov
- Stokker Flavian
- Dumitrache Florian
- Sergii Fomin
- Oleksiy FOMIN
- Evgenii Frolov
- Kazuro Furukawa
- Piergiorgio Fusco
- Marco Galimberti
- Mario Galletti
- Francesca Galluccio
Sergey Galyamin
- Author in Charged Particle Bunch Radiation in Cherenkov Concentrator
- Author in Radiation from a Dielectrically Loaded Waveguide with Open End
- Author in Radiation of a Charge Moving in a Wire Structure
- Co-author in Charge Radiation in the Presence of Conical and Prismatic Dielectric Objects: Far-Field Area
Davide Gamba
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Marco Garattini
- Fabio Gargano
Luca Garolfi
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Sergey Gaydamaka
- Hans Geissel
- Giacomo Germogli
- Lekdar Gevorgian
Koryun Gevorgyan
- Co-author in FEL Gain Formed in Sectional Undulator
Hayk Gevorgyan
- Author in Coherent Radiation Characteristics of Modulated Positron Bunch, Formed in Crystalline Undulator
- Author in FEL Gain Formed in Sectional Undulator
- Author in The Influence of Medium Polarization Inhomogeneity on the Channeling Radiation from a Positron Bunch
- Author in Tunable Optical Radiation Formed in Crystalline Undulator
- Lekdar Gevorgyan
- Koryun Gevorgyan
- Subhendu Ghosh
Dario Augusto Giove
- Co-author in Advanced Instrumentation for Laser-Driven Acceleration Experiments
- Co-author in New Targets for Laser Proton Production
Danilo Giulietti
- Co-author in Fusion Reactions in Solid and Plasma Targets
- Co-author in New Targets for Laser Proton Production
- Alexey Gogolev
- Sergey Gogolev
- Levon Grigoryan
- Mher Grigoryan
- Valery Grygoruk
- Giacomo Guidi
Vincenzo Guidi
- Author in Advanced Experimental Setups for Investigation of Coherent Interactions of High-Energy Particle Beams with Crystals
- Author in Bent Crystals for Large Angle Deflection of TeV Particle Beams
- Author in Electromagnetic Dipole Moments of Charged Baryons with Bent Crystals at the LHC
- Co-author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Co-author in Crystalline Target for Radioisotope Production via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in CRYSTALRAD Simulation Code for Modeling of Coherent Effects of Radiation in Crystals
- Co-author in Silicon Undulator Prototype: Manufacturing and X-ray Characterization
- Co-author in The Hybrid Positron Source Using Channeling: a Promising Device for Future Colliders
- Hayg Guler
- Alexandra Gurinovich
- Alexandra Gurinovich
- Sergey Gus'kov
- Dariush Hampai
- Viktar Haurylavets
- Viktar Haurylavets
- Yasushi Hayakawa
- E. Heijne
- Louis Henry
- G. Hicks
- Zhang Hongze
- Alexander Howard
- Francesco Iacoangeli
Esteban Irribarra
- Author in Parametric X-ray Radiation from Powders
- Oleg Ivashchuk
- Thomas James
- Julia Janz
- Vipul Joshi
- Nikolay Kalashnikov
- Takuya Kamitani
Dinakar Kanjilal
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Anna Kaplii
- Valery Kaplin
- S. Kar
Pavel Karataev
- Author in Application of Split-Ring Resonator Based Metamaterials in Accelerators
- Author in Characteristic X-Ray Wire-Scanner for Fast Charged and Neutral Particle Beams Diagnostics
- Author in Longitudinal Beam Profile Diagnostics Using Coherent Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation at CLARA Facility
- Author in Optical Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation as a Tool for Non-invasive Charged Particle Beam Diagnostics
- Co-author in Development of New Approaches to Increase the Intensity of X-ray Radiation in a Pyroelectric Source
Joydeep Karmakar
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
B. Karmakar
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Peter Kazinski
- Hrant Khachatryan
Ivan Kichin
- Author in Characteristic X-Ray Wire-Scanner for Fast Charged and Neutral Particle Beams Diagnostics
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Author in Parametric X-ray Radiation from Powders
- Co-author in Pyroelectric Deflector of 7 MeV Electron Beam
- Valeria Kiziridi
- Yulia Kluchevskaia
- Vahan Kocharyan
- Anatoly Konkov
- S. Konovalov
- Alexander Korchin
- Viktoriia Koriukina
- Alla Kornilova
Konstantin Korotchenko
- Author in Channeling Radiation of Twisted Phonons from Axially Channeled Polarized Electrons
- Author in Large-Angle Channeling Radiation by Relativistic Muons
- Author in Ultraviolet Channeling Radiation by Protons Accelerated at Medical Units
- Co-author in The Crystal Surface Optimal Geometry to Reflect of a Charged Particles Beam
- Mikhail Kostin
- Vartazar Kotanjyan
- Anna Kotanjyan
- Emi Kou Kou
- D. Krasnopevtsev
Angelina Krasnykh
- Co-author in Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Generation and Transmission Mechanisms of Cherenkov Radiation in an Optical Fiber
- Co-author in Measurement of Gamma Radiation Beam Profile in the Cross Section by Analyzing of Cherenkov Radiation Generated in the Fiber during Multi-Angle Scanning
- Co-author in Polycapillary-Based X‐Ray Tomography of Complex Samples with Porous Matrix
- A. Krasnykh
- Timophey Krit
Alexander Kubankin
- Author in Characteristic X-Ray Wire-Scanner for Fast Charged and Neutral Particle Beams Diagnostics
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Author in Parametric X-ray Radiation from Powders
- Co-author in Charged Particles Production by High-Energy Electron Beam in a Tungsten Target
- Co-author in Conception of Piezoelectric Accelerator
- Co-author in Development of New Approaches to Increase the Intensity of X-ray Radiation in a Pyroelectric Source
- Co-author in Pyroelectric Deflector of 7 MeV Electron Beam
- Gero Kube
- Timur Kulevoy
- Soslan Kulov
N. Kumar
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
S. Kumar
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
Yuri Kunashenko
- Author in Coherent Bremsstrahlung from Axially Channeled Electrons
- Author in Total Yield and Spectra of Positrons Produced by Coherent Bremsstrahlung from 10 – 70 MeV Electrons
- Co-author in Channeling Radiation of Twisted Phonons from Axially Channeled Polarized Electrons
- Co-author in Spin Rotation of Planar Channeled Muons and Anti-Muons in Bent Crystal
- Egor Kurnikov
- Sergey Kuznetsov
- Igor Kyryllin
- Werner Lauth
- Georgiy Lazarenko
Thibaut Lefevre
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- Aleksandr Legkodymov
Ulf Lehnert
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Konstantin Lekomtsev
- Konstantin Lekomtsev
- Alexander Lerer
- Alesia Leukovich
- Alesia Leukovich
- Eugeny Levichev
- Xiatong Li
Yangmei Li
- Author in Studies of Beam-Channel Misalignment in the Hollow Channel Plasma Accelerator in Nonlinear Regime
- Author in Towards Positron Acceleration and High Quality Preservation in Nonlinear Wakefields in Hollow Plasma
- Co-author in Compton Scattering in Delayed Counter-Propagating Laser Beams Irradiating Solid Target
- Dmitry Liakin
- Shan Liu
- X. Llopart
- Ivan Lobanov
- Alexander Lobko
- Francesco Loparco
- Alexey Lyapin
- A. Macchi
- Anna Mackowa
- Giancarlo Maero
- Gianluigi Maggioni
Vladimir Maisheev
- Author in A Study on Implementation of Multistripe Crystals to Protect the Septum-Magnets and to Generate the Gamma Radiation on the U-70 Accelerator
- Author in Crystal Optical Solution for Generation of High Energy Neutrino Beams
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Sergey Maksimenko
- Dmitriy Maksyuta
Nikolae Maksyuta
- Author in Investigation of the Iridescence Scattering of Hydrogen Atoms in Non-Chiral Carbon Nanotubes
- Author in Investigation of the Wake Potentials in the Orientational Motion of Charged Particles in Ionic Crystals
- Author in On the Restructuring of the Radiation Spectrum at Three-Frequency Parametric Interaction during Plane Electron Channeling in the Crystals with the Structure of a Zinc Blende
- Author in Peculiarities of Channeling and Generated Radiation of Relativistic Electrons in the Charged Axes of Lithium Hydride Crystals
- Co-author in The Mechanism of Induced-Dispersive Channeling of Neutral Atoms and Molecules in Zeolite Channels, Natural Asbestos Fibers and Structured Cylindrical Superlattices
- Petr Malinsky
- Maxym Malovytsia
- Viacheslav Malyshevsky
- Daniele Marangotto
Augusto Marcelli
- Author in From Galileo to Abbe: the Contribution of Lenses to the Foundation of Modern Sciences. What is the Role of Lens in the Coming Quantum Era?
- Co-author in Capillary Optics. Modeling of Numerous Transformations of X-rays
- Co-author in Interaction of Channeled X rays, Coherent Excitation of Fluorescence and Interference Phenomena of Transmitted Radiation at the Exit of Microchannel Plates
- Luca Marchitto
- Aurelian Marcu
- Alberto Marocchino
- P. Martin
- Luigi Martina
- Fernando Martinez-Vidal
- Eugene Martysh
- Pavel Martyshkin
- V. Mascagna
- Valerio Mascagna
- laure massacrier
- Mikhail Mazuritskiy
- Mario Nicola Mazziotta
- Giovanni Mazzitelli
Andrea Mazzolari
- Author in Advanced Experimental Setups for Investigation of Coherent Interactions of High-Energy Particle Beams with Crystals
- Author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Author in Bent Crystals for Large Angle Deflection of TeV Particle Beams
- Author in Electromagnetic Dipole Moments of Charged Baryons with Bent Crystals at the LHC
- Author in Enhancement of the Inelastic Nuclear Interaction Rate in Crystals via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in Crystalline Target for Radioisotope Production via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in Silicon Undulator Prototype: Manufacturing and X-ray Characterization
- Co-author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Co-author in The Hybrid Positron Source Using Channeling: a Promising Device for Future Colliders
Stefano Mazzoni
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- A. McIlvenny
- P. McKenna
- Vitaliy Mechinsky
- Andrea Merli
Irina Miloichikova
- Co-author in Comparison of Electron Beam Attenuation in Samples of ABS and HIPS Plastics by Fused Deposition Modeling
- Co-author in Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Generation and Transmission Mechanisms of Cherenkov Radiation in an Optical Fiber
- Co-author in Measurement of Gamma Radiation Beam Profile in the Cross Section by Analyzing of Cherenkov Radiation Generated in the Fiber during Multi-Angle Scanning
- Co-author in Peculiarities of Electron Beam Propagation through Polymer Samples Manufactured by Layer-by-Layer Fusing Method with Different Printing Parameters
- Co-author in Polycapillary-Based X‐Ray Tomography of Complex Samples with Porous Matrix
- Daniele Mirarchi
Victor Miroshnik
- Co-author in Conception of Piezoelectric Accelerator
- Maksim Mishunin
- Fusashusi Miyahara
Alpik Mkrtchyan
- Author in Features of Radiation Generated by Bunches of Charged Particles Passing Through the Centre of a Ball
- Author in The Transparency Effect in Two Wall Acoustic Tubes at the Presence of Standing and Running Acoustic Fields Exited There
- Author in Transition Radiation on Surface Waves
- Co-author in Generation of Surface Polaritons in Dielectric Cylindrical Waveguides
- Co-author in On Amplification of Radiation from a Charged Particle Circulating around a Cylinder
- Artak Mkrtchyan
- Matthew David Moulson
Vaishali Naik
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Z. Najmudin
- Valentina Nasonova
- Vincenzo Nassisi
- Vincenzo Nassisi
- Kuzminchuk-Feuerstein Natalya
- Andrii Natochii
Gennady Naumenko
- Author in Coherent Unipolar Cherenkov and Diffraction Radiation Generated by Relativistic Electrons
- Author in Monochromatic Coherent Grating Transition Radiation of a Relativistic Electron Bunch Train
- Co-author in First Observation of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Polarization Characteristics of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
Ramazan Nazhmudinov
- Author in Characteristic X-Ray Wire-Scanner for Fast Charged and Neutral Particle Beams Diagnostics
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Author in Parametric X-ray Radiation from Powders
- Co-author in Charged Particles Production by High-Energy Electron Beam in a Tungsten Target
- Co-author in Passage of 10 keV Electrons through Ceramic Macrochannels
- D. Neely
- Mikhail Negodaev
- Nicola Neri
- federico Nguyen
- Elisabeth Niel
- Ivan Nikulin
Ivan Nikulin
- Co-author in Conception of Piezoelectric Accelerator
- Kyoko NOGAMI
- Artem Novokshonov
- Gabor Náfrádi (Institute of Nuclear Techniques (NTI), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
- Andrey Olchak
- Andrey Oleinik
- Pedro Oliveira
- Thomas Pacey
A. Pandey
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Jenya (Evgeny) Papeer
Vahram Parazian
- Author in Transition Radiation on Surface Waves
- Bruno Paroli
- Piotr Parys
Padmanava Patra
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Heinz Pernegger
- Mark Pesaresi
Massimo Petrarca
- Co-author in Studies on mm-Waves at CLEAR
- D. Piazzullo
- Vladimir Pilipenko
- Hugo Pires
- Viktor Pitalev
Yury Pivovarov
- Author in Total Yield and Spectra of Positrons Produced by Coherent Bremsstrahlung from 10 – 70 MeV Electrons
- Co-author in Cherenkov Radiation from Relativistic Heavy Ions in Liquid Radiator
- Co-author in Half-Wave-Crystal Channeling of Relativistic Heavy Ions and Possible Applications
- Co-author in Influence of Channeling Effect on Enhancement Factor for Reaction D(3He,p)4He in Astrophysical Energy Region 16÷34 keV in ZrD Target
- Co-author in Orientation Effect in the Neutron Yield in Deuterated Pd Target Bombarded by Deuterium Ion Beam
- Co-author in Simulation of High-Energy Particles Channeling Using Mathematica©
- Co-author in The Polarization Characteristics of Radiation from Electrons Channeled in a Half-Wave Crystal
- Antonio Davide Polosa
Sergey Polozov
- Author in Current status of Russian 4th generation Specialized Synchrotron Radiation Source SSRS-4
- Author in Influence of the Frequency Detuning to Electrodynamics Parameters of an Electron Linac
- Author in Longitudinal Motion Stability of Electrons inside the Plasma Channel of LPWA
- Co-author in Injector Linac Prototype of the Russian 4th Generation Specialized Synchrotron Radiation Source SSRS-4 as a Possible Compact XFEL
- Co-author in Optimal RF-Photogun Parameters for the Compact XFEL Based on the New Linac-Injector Prototype
- Igor Poluektov
- Riccardo Pompili
- D. Ponomarenko
- Alexsandr Ponomarenko
- Konstantin Popov
- Marco Potenza
Alexander Potylitsyn
- Author in Azimuthal Asymmetry of Coherent Cherenkov Radiation From a Tilted Bunch
- Author in Characteristic X-Ray Wire-Scanner for Fast Charged and Neutral Particle Beams Diagnostics
- Author in First Observation of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Longitudinal Beam Profile Diagnostics Using Coherent Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation at CLARA Facility
- Co-author in Monochromatic Coherent Grating Transition Radiation of a Relativistic Electron Bunch Train
- Co-author in Polarization Characteristics of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- M. Prest
- Michela Prest
- Alexey Pronikov
- R. Radomskii
- Vladimir Rashchikov
- Stefano Redaelli
- Christoph Rembser
- Sergey Reshetnikov
- Roman Rezaev
- Patrick Robbe
G.O. Rodrigues
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- L. Romagnani
Marco Romagnoni
- Author in Advanced Experimental Setups for Investigation of Coherent Interactions of High-Energy Particle Beams with Crystals
- Author in Bent Crystals for Large Angle Deflection of TeV Particle Beams
- Co-author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Co-author in Crystalline Target for Radioisotope Production via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in Silicon Undulator Prototype: Manufacturing and X-ray Characterization
- Co-author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Anatoli Romaniouk
- Massimiliano Romè
- Marcin Rosinski
- Marcin Rosinski
- Luis Roso
- Roberto Rossi
Amit Roy
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Joan Ruiz Vidal
- Alexander Rupasov
- Alexey Rusetskii
- Maxim Rychkov
- Аnatoly Sabirov
Aram Saharian
- Author in On Amplification of Radiation from a Charged Particle Circulating around a Cylinder
- Author in Transition Radiation on Surface Waves
- Co-author in Generation of Surface Polaritons in Dielectric Cylindrical Waveguides
- Co-author in Synchrotron Radiation in a Homogeneous Medium for a Rotating Observer
B.K. Sahu
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Takeshi SAKAI
- Martina Salvadori
- Yury Sandomirskiy
- Anush Sargsyan
- Isamu SATO
- Masanori Satoh
Aleksandr Savchenko
- Author in GEANT4 Simulation of Energy Deposition in Lead Fluoride Calorimeter for g-2 Experiment
- Co-author in Backward X-ray TR from a Multilayered Structure
- Co-author in Future Transition Radiation Detectors: Theory and Experiment
- Co-author in Non-Dipolarity of Axial Channeling Radiation at GeV Beam Energies
- Yuri Saveliev
- Danil Savin
Walter Scandale
- Co-author in Dechanneling Population at Extreme Crystal Bending with 6.5 TeV Proton Beam
- Co-author in Measuring the Magnetic Dipole Moments of Short Living Particles Using Bent Crystals
- Co-author in New Experimental Method to Measure Inelastic Nuclear Interactions of High Energy Positive Charged Particles with Bent Crystals
- Doug Schaefer
- Christoph Scheidenberger
- Enrico Junior Schioppa
- Matthias Scholz
- Alessandro Scordo
- C. Scullion
- Luca Serafini
- Mihai Serbanescu
Darya Sergeeva
- Author in Diffraction Radiation for 2D Transverse Beam Size Diagnostics
- Author in Dispersion Relations for Different Types of Radiation from Periodic Structures: Similarities and Differences
- Author in Local Field Effect in Smith-Purcell Radiation from Dotted Grating
- Co-author in Future Transition Radiation Detectors: Theory and Experiment
- Co-author in Self-Similar Electron Beam: Prospects, Demands, and Applications
- Co-author in Wakefield Acceleration Based on Smith-Purcell Effect in Corrugated Dielectric Capillary
- Mewael Sertsu
- Francesco Sgarbossa
- A. Sgattoni
Anahit Shamamyan
- Co-author in FEL Gain Formed in Sectional Undulator
A. Sharma
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
Alexander Shchagin
- Author in Comparison of Parametric X-ray Radiation and Diffracted Transition Radiation
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Author in Pyroelectric undulator
- Co-author in Charged Particles Production by High-Energy Electron Beam in a Tungsten Target
- Co-author in Conception of Piezoelectric Accelerator
- Co-author in Development of New Approaches to Increase the Intensity of X-ray Radiation in a Pyroelectric Source
- Co-author in Pyroelectric Deflector of 7 MeV Electron Beam
- Mikhail Shevelev
Mikhail Shevelev
- Author in X-ray Hybrid Radiation
- Co-author in Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Generation and Transmission Mechanisms of Cherenkov Radiation in an Optical Fiber
- Co-author in First Observation of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Monochromatic Coherent Grating Transition Radiation of a Relativistic Electron Bunch Train
- Co-author in Polarization Characteristics of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Self-Similar Electron Beam: Prospects, Demands, and Applications
- Dmitry Shkitov
Nikolai Shul'ga
- Author in Advances in Coherent Radiation and Channeling
- Author in An Analogue of the Ramsauer-Townsend Effect for Relativistic Positrons at Scattering in Ultrathin Crystals
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Author in On Fast Charged Particles Scattering in a Thin Crystal Undulator
- Author in Processes of Coherent and Incoherent Scattering of Charged High-Energy Particles in Ultra Thin Targets
- Author in Radiation on Conducting Sphere and Hemispherical Bulge in Conducting Plane: Further Development
- Co-author in Deflection of High-Energy Negatively Charged Particles by Means of a Bent Crystal
- Co-author in Measuring the Magnetic Dipole Moments of Short Living Particles Using Bent Crystals
- Co-author in On Coherency of Gamma Photons
- Co-author in Periodical Dependence of Radiation Intensity on Crystal Thickness and Incidence Angle at Motion of Fast Charged Particles in the Planar Field of a Thin Crystal
- Co-author in Soliton-like Regime of Neutron Transport in a Multiplying Medium. Physical Ground of Traveling Wave Reactor
- Co-author in Statistics of the Radiating Relativistic Electrons
- Co-author in X-ray Emission by a High-Energy “Half-Bare” Electron in Ultra-Thin Crystals
- E. Shulga
- Sergiy Shulga
- Mirko Siano
- Peter Sievers
- Letteria Silipigni
- Evgeniy Simakov
Yuri Slinchtnko
- Co-author in On the Restructuring of the Radiation Spectrum at Three-Frequency Parametric Interaction during Plane Electron Channeling in the Crystals with the Structure of a Zinc Blende
- Co-author in Peculiarities of Channeling and Generated Radiation of Relativistic Electrons in the Charged Axes of Lithium Hydride Crystals
- S. Smirnov
- Y. Smirnov
- Ekaterina Smirnova
- Vladimir Smolyanskiy
- Zdenek Sofer
- Andrey Sokolov
- M. Soldani
- Mattia Soldani
- Mattia Soldani
- Aleksei Sotnikov
- Valentina Sotnikova
- Aldo Spallone
- ivan spassovsky
- Paolo Spinelli
- Olga Stepanova
- Achille Stocchi
Mikhail Strikhanov
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
- Co-author in Backward X-ray TR from a Multilayered Structure
- Co-author in Coherent Radiation from Modulated Electron Beams in a Сompton Laser
- Co-author in Diffraction Radiation for 2D Transverse Beam Size Diagnostics
- Co-author in Future Transition Radiation Detectors: Theory and Experiment
- Co-author in GEANT4 Simulation of Energy Deposition in Lead Fluoride Calorimeter for g-2 Experiment
- Co-author in Local Field Effect in Smith-Purcell Radiation from Dotted Grating
- Co-author in Parametric X-ray Radiation in Crystals with Locally Disturbed Characteristics
- Co-author in Wakefield Acceleration Based on Smith-Purcell Effect in Corrugated Dielectric Capillary
Sergei Stuchebrov
- Author in Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Generation and Transmission Mechanisms of Cherenkov Radiation in an Optical Fiber
- Author in Measurement of Gamma Radiation Beam Profile in the Cross Section by Analyzing of Cherenkov Radiation Generated in the Fiber during Multi-Angle Scanning
- Author in Peculiarities of Electron Beam Propagation through Polymer Samples Manufactured by Layer-by-Layer Fusing Method with Different Printing Parameters
- Co-author in Comparison of Electron Beam Attenuation in Samples of ABS and HIPS Plastics by Fused Deposition Modeling
- Co-author in Polycapillary-Based X‐Ray Tomography of Complex Samples with Porous Matrix
- Viktoria Sugar (HAS Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary)
- Leonid Sukhikh
- Tsuyoshi Suwada
- Vladislav Syshchenko
- Alexei Sytov
Alexei Sytov
- Author in Advanced Experimental Setups for Investigation of Coherent Interactions of High-Energy Particle Beams with Crystals
- Author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Author in Bent Crystals for Large Angle Deflection of TeV Particle Beams
- Author in CRYSTALRAD Simulation Code for Modeling of Coherent Effects of Radiation in Crystals
- Author in Enhancement of the Inelastic Nuclear Interaction Rate in Crystals via Anti-Channeling
- Co-author in Silicon Undulator Prototype: Manufacturing and X-ray Characterization
- Co-author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Yuichi Takabayashi
- Toshinari TANAKA
Nobuhiro Terunuma
- Co-author in First Observation of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Polarization Characteristics of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Self-Similar Electron Beam: Prospects, Demands, and Applications
- Co-author in Wakefield Acceleration Based on Smith-Purcell Effect in Corrugated Dielectric Capillary
- P. Teterin
Victor Tikhomirov
- Author in Quantum Features of Relativistic Particle Scattering and Radiation in Crystals
- Author in Strong Reduction of the Effective Radiation Length in an Axially Oriented Scintillator Crystal
- Co-author in Beam Steering and Radiation in Ultrashort Silicon and Germanium Bent Crystals at the MAinzer MIkrotron
- Co-author in CRYSTALRAD Simulation Code for Modeling of Coherent Effects of Radiation in Crystals
- Co-author in GEANT4 Simulation of Electromagnetic Shower Development in Oriented Crystals
- Co-author in The Hybrid Positron Source Using Channeling: a Promising Device for Future Colliders
- Co-author in Timing Resolution in Aligned PWO Crystal Scintillators
- Vladimir Tikhomirov
Markus Tischer
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
Alexey Tishchenko
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
- Author in Backward X-ray TR from a Multilayered Structure
- Author in Diffraction Radiation for 2D Transverse Beam Size Diagnostics
- Author in Dispersion Relations for Different Types of Radiation from Periodic Structures: Similarities and Differences
- Author in Status of Diagnostic and Control System Development for Russian New Light Source Project SSRS-4*
- Author in Wakefield Acceleration Based on Smith-Purcell Effect in Corrugated Dielectric Capillary
- Co-author in Coherent Radiation from Modulated Electron Beams in a Сompton Laser
- Co-author in Current status of Russian 4th generation Specialized Synchrotron Radiation Source SSRS-4
- Co-author in Future Transition Radiation Detectors: Theory and Experiment
- Co-author in GEANT4 Simulation of Energy Deposition in Lead Fluoride Calorimeter for g-2 Experiment
- Co-author in Local Field Effect in Smith-Purcell Radiation from Dotted Grating
- Co-author in Parametric X-ray Radiation in Crystals with Locally Disturbed Characteristics
- Co-author in Self-Similar Electron Beam: Prospects, Demands, and Applications
- Szabina Torok
- Alfio Torrisi
- Lorenzo Torrisi
- Lorenzo Torrisi
S. Tripathi
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
Sergii Trofymenko
- Author in Charged Particles Production by High-Energy Electron Beam in a Tungsten Target
- Author in Evolution of the Landau Spectral Peak Produced by 50 GeV Protons and 7 GeV Electrons in Si Detector at Rotation of the Detector
- Author in X-ray Emission by a High-Energy “Half-Bare” Electron in Ultra-Thin Crystals
- Valentina Trunova
- Valentin Truten'
edward tsyganov
- Author in Crystal Based Fusion Processes
Timur Tukhfatullin
- Author in Half-Wave-Crystal Channeling of Relativistic Heavy Ions and Possible Applications
- Author in Influence of Channeling Effect on Enhancement Factor for Reaction D(3He,p)4He in Astrophysical Energy Region 16÷34 keV in ZrD Target
- Author in Orbital Angular Momentum of Channeling Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Thin Crystals
- Author in Orientation Effect in the Neutron Yield in Deuterated Pd Target Bombarded by Deuterium Ion Beam
- Author in Simulation of High-Energy Particles Channeling Using Mathematica©
- Co-author in The Polarization Characteristics of Radiation from Electrons Channeled in a Half-Wave Crystal
- Vito Turco
Andrey Tyukhtin
- Author in Charge Radiation in the Presence of Conical and Prismatic Dielectric Objects: Far-Field Area
- Author in Surface Radiation from Charge Moving along Corrugated Metal Structure with Small Period
- Co-author in Charged Particle Bunch Radiation in Cherenkov Concentrator
- Co-author in Cherenkov-Transition Radiation in a Waveguide with a Semibounded Strongly Magnetized Plasma
- Co-author in Radiation from a Dielectrically Loaded Waveguide with Open End
- Co-author in Radiation of a Bunch in a Waveguide with a Semibounded Anisotropic Dielectric
- Co-author in Radiation of a Charge Moving in a Wire Structure
- Sergey Uglov
- Razvan Ungureanu
Junji Urakawa
- Co-author in Delhi Light Source: a compact FEL-THz facility
- Co-author in First Observation of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Polarization Characteristics of the Grating Diffraction Radiation
- Co-author in Self-Similar Electron Beam: Prospects, Demands, and Applications
- Co-author in Wakefield Acceleration Based on Smith-Purcell Effect in Corrugated Dielectric Capillary
- Cristina Vaccarezza
- Erik Silvio Vallazza
- E. Vallazza
- Martin van Beuzekom
- M. van der Heijden
- Ivan Vas’kovskiy
- Luciano Velardi
- Graziano Venanzoni
- Gianluca Verona Rinati
- Victor Verzilov
- Igor Vnukov
- Kristina Vokhmyanina
Vladimir Volkov
- Co-author in Conception of Piezoelectric Accelerator
- Viktor Vorobev
- Viktor Vorobev
- K. Vorobev
- Artem Vukolov
- Artem Vukolov
Vladimir Vysotskii
- Author in Formation and Application of Coherent Correlated States of Charged Particles at Action of Weak Electromagnetic Field and During Orientation Motion of Particles in Periodic Structures
- Author in The Features of Propagation and the Remote Collapse of the Correlated Wave Packet
- Author in The Mechanism of Effective Nuclear Reactions under the Action of Optimal Pulsed Magnetic Fields in Natural Lightning and Discharge Channels
- Author in The Mechanism of Induced-Dispersive Channeling of Neutral Atoms and Molecules in Zeolite Channels, Natural Asbestos Fibers and Structured Cylindrical Superlattices
- Co-author in Investigation of Stimulated Action of Distant Undamped (Self-Channeled) Temperature Waves on Nuclear Fusion in Remote Targets
- Co-author in Investigation of the Iridescence Scattering of Hydrogen Atoms in Non-Chiral Carbon Nanotubes
- Co-author in Investigation of the Wake Potentials in the Orientational Motion of Charged Particles in Ionic Crystals
- Co-author in On the Restructuring of the Radiation Spectrum at Three-Frequency Parametric Interaction during Plane Electron Channeling in the Crystals with the Structure of a Zinc Blende
- Co-author in Peculiarities of Channeling and Generated Radiation of Relativistic Electrons in the Charged Axes of Lithium Hydride Crystals
Mykhaylo Vysotskyy
- Co-author in Formation and Application of Coherent Correlated States of Charged Particles at Action of Weak Electromagnetic Field and During Orientation Motion of Particles in Periodic Structures
- Co-author in The Features of Propagation and the Remote Collapse of the Correlated Wave Packet
- Co-author in The Mechanism of Effective Nuclear Reactions under the Action of Optimal Pulsed Magnetic Fields in Natural Lightning and Discharge Channels
- Co-author in The Mechanism of Induced-Dispersive Channeling of Neutral Atoms and Molecules in Zeolite Channels, Natural Asbestos Fibers and Structured Cylindrical Superlattices
- Przemyslaw Wachulak
- Wolfgang Wagner
- H.-Ulrich (Uli) Wienands
- S. Williamson
- Jerzy Wolowski
Guoxing Xia
- Co-author in Compton Scattering in Delayed Counter-Propagating Laser Beams Irradiating Solid Target
- Co-author in Studies of Beam-Channel Misalignment in the Hollow Channel Plasma Accelerator in Nonlinear Regime
- Co-author in Towards Positron Acceleration and High Quality Preservation in Nonlinear Wakefields in Hollow Plasma
- Lixin YAN
- Andrey Yanovich
- Andrei Yanovich
- Peter Zagyvai (HAS Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary)
- Agnieszka Zaraś-Szydłowska3
Yuan Zhao
- Author in Compton Scattering in Delayed Counter-Propagating Laser Beams Irradiating Solid Target
- Co-author in Studies of Beam-Channel Misalignment in the Hollow Channel Plasma Accelerator in Nonlinear Regime
- Co-author in Towards Positron Acceleration and High Quality Preservation in Nonlinear Wakefields in Hollow Plasma
- K. Zhukov
- Polina Zhukova
- Arie Zigler
- Margarita Zotova