The 9th international workshop "Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-body Systems" will take place at Padova from 22nd to 25th May 2018.
This series of workshop, initially aimed at shape-phase transitions and critical point phenomena in nuclei has started in Berkeley in 2004 and continued with Camerino (2005), Athens (2006), Sofia (2007), Istanbul (2009), Darmstadt (2012), Seville (2014) and Prague (2016). The initial focus has progressively broadened to include other, closely connected, topics such as experimental signatures, excited state quantum phase transitions, shape-coexistence, shell evolution, phase transitions in atoms and molecules and other quantal domains.
It is our purpose to foster an informative and exciting workshop and keep the informal spirit of lively discussions that represents the true success of these meetings. The sessions will be coordinated by Convenors that will give general overview and invite short talks on The workshop will be organized in the historical and beatiful center of the city of Padova, within the premises of the University that dates back to 1222 and has been home to famous scientists such as G.Galiei, N.Copernicus, W.Harvey, A.Vesalius, G.Falloppio, T.Levi-Civita, just to name a few. This university, whose motto is 'Universa universis patavina libertas (Paduan Freedom is Universal for Everyone)', has witnessed the first award of a Ph.D. title to a woman in 1678. The university is now one the most prominent italian university with about 60000 students.
The meeting is organized under the auspices of:
- the City Council of Padova
- the Department of Physics and Astronomy "G.Galilei" of the University
- the University of Padova
- the INFN-Sezione di Padova
- the Legnaro National Laboratory, INFN.
The initiative is financially supported by Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.
Con il Patrocinio del Comune di Padova