Daniel Gordon
(Naval Research Laboratory, Plasma Physics Division, Washington D.C., USA)
27/09/2017, 08:30
Invited Plenary Talk
The majority of research on laser-plasma acceleration of electrons can be broadly categorized as belonging to either the quasi-linear regime, or the nonlinear blowout regime. The quasi-linear regime is characterized by nearly linear wakes, pre-formed channel guiding, and some auxiliary process to inject an initial population of electrons into the wake. The blowout regime is characterized by...
Axel Bernhard
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
27/09/2017, 09:10
Invited Plenary Talk
Free Electron Lasers are commonly regarded as the potential key appli- cation of laser wakefield accelerators. It was noticed that electron bunches exiting from state-of-the-art laser wakefield accelerators exhibit a normal- ized 6-dimensional beam brightness comparible to those in conventional linear accelerators. Effectively harnessing this beneficial beam property for an LWFA-based FELs is...
Arie Zigler
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
27/09/2017, 09:50
Invited Plenary Talk
Interaction of high-intensity laser pulses with solid targets results in generation of large quantities of energetic electrons that are the origin of various effects such as intense x-ray emission, ion acceleration,etc
Our, recent measurements related to the field enhancement conducted on FLAME laser will be presented. We realized a spatially - resolved Electro Optical Sampling by using...