24–30 Sept 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Laser wakefield electron acceleration to multi-GeV energies

26 Sept 2017, 18:20
SE, Sala Elena, HH

SE, Sala Elena, HH

talk WG8 - Advanced and novel accelerators for High Energy Physics WG8_Parallel


Prof. Nikolay E. Andreev (Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS)


The development of advanced acceleration methods with a large acceleration gradient, much larger than achieved in conventional radio frequency accelerators, is necessary to reach a TeV-energy range for future electron-positron colliders. One of the possible approaches is based on the multistage acceleration in the wakefields generated in plasma by relativistic-intense femtosecond laser pulses. The laser wakefield acceleration of short electron bunches to multi-GeV energies with small emittance and energy spread is modelled and analyzed. Trapping and acceleration of short electron bunches externally injected into the wakefields generated by intense femtosecond laser pulse in plasma channel are optimized. The influence of the laser nonlinear dynamics and loading effect (self-action of the bunch charge) to the bunch final energy and energy spread of the accelerated electrons is investigated. The restrictions to the charge of accelerated electron bunch caused by the require of its small energy spread are determined [1]. The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 14-50-00124). [1] Andreev N.E., Baranov V.E., Matevosyan H.H., Journal of Physics Conf. Ser., 2017, in press.

Primary author

Prof. Nikolay E. Andreev (Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS)

Presentation materials