24–30 Sept 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Laser-driven Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator

28 Sept 2017, 16:20
SB2, Sala Bonaparte 2, HH

SB2, Sala Bonaparte 2, HH

talk WG3 - Electron Beams from Electromagnetic Structures, Including Dielectric and Laser-driven Structures WG3_Parallel


Prof. James Rosenzweig (UCLA)


A new concept in laser-driven high field acceleration is proposed in which a laser is used to excite, by optical rectification in a nonlinear medium, a series of resonant THz cavities. This second order process entails a mode conversion from optical-IR to THz radiation that is analogous to ponderomotive excitation of plasma waves in the laser wakefield accelerator. With a laser pulse train, it is foreseen to reach GV/m-class fields with this method. We present electromagnetic simulations including the optical rectification process that show the performance of an example system. Practical issues associated with experimental proof-of-principle are discussed.

Primary author

Prof. James Rosenzweig (UCLA)


Dr Brian Naranjo (UCLA) Dr Roxana Tarkeshian (Universität Bern) Prof. Thomas Feuer (Univ. of Bern)

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