Sep 24 – 30, 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Seeded Self-Modulation along the Proton Bunch at AWAKE

Sep 27, 2017, 7:30 PM
Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

poster WG5 - High-Gradient Plasma Structures/Advanced Beam Diagnostics Wine and Poster Session 2 (WG4-WG5-WG6-WG7)


Mr Fabian Batsch (CERN)


The AWAKE experiment uses the seeded self-modulation (SSM) to drive large amplitude wakefields in a plasma. The seed for the wakefields is a sharp ionizing front located near the middle of the proton bunch. It is created by an intense laser pulse ionizing Rubidium (Rb). For electron acceleration, the electron bunch must be injected into the accelerating and focusing phase of the wakefields, approximately 100 plasma periods behind the seed laser position. Here, we show that by using a replica of the intense laser pulse we can determine precisely the position (timing) of the proton micro-bunches with respect to the ionizing laser pulse. Since the relative phase of the wakefields is tied to the proton micro-bunches, this method can be used to determine experimentally the delay between the ionizing laser pulse and the electron bunch so that the electrons can be injected into the accelerating and focusing phase of the wakefields. The results presented also show that the timing of the micro-bunches is stable against variations of the proton input parameters. They show as well the difference between seeded and unseeded self-modulation.

Primary author

Mr Fabian Batsch (CERN)


Ms Anna-Maria Bachmann (CERN) Dr Edda Gschwendtner (CERN) Mr Falk Braunmueller (Max-Planck Institute for Physics) Florence Friebels Dr Joshua Moody (Max Planck Institute for Physics) Mr Karl Rieger (Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich) Mathias Hüther Dr Mikhail Martyanov (Max Planck Institut fur Physik, Munich) Prof. Patric Muggli (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) Spencer Gessner (CERN) Dr Valentin Fedosseev (CERN)

Presentation materials