24–30 Sept 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

First experimental evidence for self-modulation of an electron bunch in a plasma

26 Sept 2017, 11:00
SML, Sala Maria Luisa, Hotel Hermitage

SML, Sala Maria Luisa, Hotel Hermitage

talk Invited Plenary Talk Plenary 4


Dr Matthias Gross (DESY)


The self-modulation instability is fundamental for the plasma wakefield acceleration experiment of the AWAKE collaboration at CERN where this effect is used to generate proton bunches short enough for producing high acceleration fields. Utilizing the availability of flexible electron beam shaping together with excellent diagnostics including an RF deflector, a supporting experiment was set up at the electron accelerator PITZ (Photo Injector Test facility at DESY, Zeuthen site). This gives valuable results since the underlying physics is the same for electron and proton beams. The goals are to demonstrate and investigate in detail the self-modulation of long electron beams. In 2016 experiments were conducted with an improved setup compared to the preceding year. An upgraded plasma cell with improved layout was used together with an ArF excimer laser for plasma generation. Here we present first measurements showing clear evidence of self-modulation: the longitudinal profile of the self-modulated electron bunch was measured with an RF deflector. Additionally the longitudinal phase space was measured showing characteristic energy modulations.

Primary author

Dr Matthias Gross (DESY)


Dr Alberto Martinez de la Ossa (DESY) Dr Carl Schroeder (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Dr Dieter Richter (HZB) Dr Dmitrii Malyutin (HZB) Prof. Florian Gruener (CFEL / Universitaet Hamburg) Dr Frank Stephan (DESY, Zeuthen site) Mr Gerald Koss (DESY) Gregor Loisch (DESY Zeuthen) Dr Holger Huck (DESY) Mr Igor Isaev (DESY) Mr James Good (DESY) Dr Jens Osterhoff (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) Mr Johannes Engel (DESY) Martin Khojoyan (SOLEIL synchrotron) Dr Mikhail Krasilnikov (DESY) Mr Osip Lishilin (DESY) Dr Reinhard Brinkmann (DESY) Mr Sebastian Philipp (DESY) Dr Timon Mehrling (DESY) Dr Tino Rublack (DESY) Dr Yves Renier (DESY)

Presentation materials