Fabrizio Giuseppe Bisesto
Plasma wakefield acceleration is the most promising acceleration technique known nowadays, able to provide very high accelerating fields (> 100 GV/m), enabling acceleration of electrons to GeV energy in few centimeters. Due to the instabilities occurring during the process, single shot diagnostics are essential to properly characterize it.
In this work, an overview of the single shot diagnostics for electrons from laser-plasma interaction developped at SPARC_LAB will be given: Electro Optic Sampling (EOS) for temporal measurement on fast elctrons and Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) for an innovative one shot emittance measurements.
Primary author
Fabrizio Giuseppe Bisesto
Alessandro Cianchi
Alessandro Curcio
Arie Zigler
Enrica Chiadroni
Maria Pia Anania
Massimo Ferrario
Riccardo Pompili
Vladimir Shpakov