Maximilian Trunk
(University of Hamburg)
Laser-plasma accelerators provide high accelerating gradients and are
therefore promising candidates as drivers for next generation brilliant
light sources. The LUX Beamline, developed and operated in a close collaboration of the University of Hamburg and DESY aims at producing spontaneous undulator radiation from
laser-plasma generated electron beams. The BEAST II undulator is
based on permanent magnets and is designed and built for in-vacuum
operation in the LUX beamline. It features a short period
length of 5 mm, a gap of 2 mm and consists of 100 periods. Already
for an electron beam with a kinetic energy of 400 MeV, the produced
X-ray radiation is expected to reach the water window with a wave-
length of 4 nm. The contribution will cover the design, construction
and commissioning of the BEAST II undulator.
Primary author
Maximilian Trunk
(University of Hamburg)
Andreas Maier
Christian Werle
(University of Hamburg)
Irene Dornmair
(University of Hamburg)