Sep 24 – 30, 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

FLASHForward P-9: An X-band transverse deflection cavity for femtosecond-scale longitudinal phase space diagnostics

Sep 27, 2017, 7:30 PM
Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

poster WG5 - High-Gradient Plasma Structures/Advanced Beam Diagnostics Wine and Poster Session 2 (WG4-WG5-WG6-WG7)


Dr Richard D'Arcy (DESY)


The FLASHForward project at DESY is an innovative beam-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration experiment, aiming to accelerate electron beams to GeV energies over a few centimetres of ionised gas. These accelerated beams must be of sufficient quality to demonstrate exponential free-electron laser gain; achievable only through rigorous analysis of both the driver and witness beam's longitudinal phase space. The pulse duration of these witness beams is typically in the few-fs range and thus difficult to resolve with traditional diagnostic methods. In order to longitudinally resolve these very short bunch lengths it is necessary to utilise the properties of a transverse RF deflector operating in the X-band frequency regime. This X-band Transverse Deflection Cavity (XTDC) will be introduced to the FLASHForward beam line in order to perform fs- level single-shot longitudinal phase space measurements. The initial investigations into the implementation and operation of this device, as well as the international collaborative efforts required to realise it, are outlined.

Primary author

Dr Richard D'Arcy (DESY)


Alexej Grudiev (CERN) Barbara Marchetti (DESY) Mr Florian Christie (DESY) Dr Jens Osterhoff (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) Dr Matthias Vogt (DESY) Dr Paolo Craievich (PSI) Dr Ralph Assmann (DESY) Dr Siegfried Schreiber (DESY) Dr Vladyslav Libov (DESY)

Presentation materials