24–30 set 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome fuso orario

A Paultrap-system for isolated targets at high-power laser systems

25 set 2017, 19:30
Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

Parking Area, Hotel Hermitage

poster WG2 - Ion Beams from Plasmas Wine and Poster Session 1(WG1-WG2-WG3-WG8)


Sig. Johannes Gebhard (LMU Munich)


We present a target positioning system based on an electrodynamic trap specifically designed for high-power laser plasma interactions. By applying an electro-optical damping technique, micron-precise positioning of isolated targets of arbitrary material and shape is enabled, ensuring reliable overlap with the laser focus. Results from a beamtime at the TPW [1] and two beamtimes at the PHELIX-PW [2] show expected acceleration mechanisms and reproducible acceleration of protons and ions using plastic, copper and tantalum spheres. Current developments include the automatization of the trapping process for faster (sub-minute) target replacement, to satisfy requirements for the high repetition-rate PW laser at the new ‘Center for advanced laser applications’ (CALA) in Garching. Within the same update-phase trapping of planar nano-platelets made of Gold or Graphene will be pursued. We present our strategies for automatization as well as for trapping, positioning and alignment of such free-floating platelet. The repetition-rate will allow for applications using radiation being generated in the laser-plasma interaction [e.g. 1,2]. The novel platelet target may facilitate experimental tests of intriguing yet experimentally inaccessible ideas that have thus far only been studied via simulation [e.g. 3,4,5].

Autore principale

Sig. Johannes Gebhard (LMU Munich)


Sig. Daniel Haffa (LMU Munich) Sig. Eugen Sperling (LMU Munich) Prof. Jörg Schreiber (LMU Munich) Sig. Peter Hilz (LMU Munich) Sig. Tobias Ostermayr (LMU München and MPI-Q)

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