Naoki Ikeda
(The University of Tokyo)
We have been developing a tabletop ion accelerator system which can be introduced and operated at the laboratory level for radiobiological experiments. In recent years, a heavy ion radiation therapy which is one of a highly effective radiotherapy for malignant tumors is becoming widespread in the general public. There is, however, not enough statistical data evaluating the influence of ion beam on DNA and so on so that, for example, the associated risk of radiation exposure against the low-speed ion beam cannot be evaluated accurately. Therefore, in our research, the tabletop ion accelerator system is being developed to advance the radiation biology rapidly, which will be used as a compact radiotherapy system in future. In order to accomplish a compact ion accelerator system, we have been developing and demonstrating a dielectric wall accelerator (DWA). DWA system consists of blumlein circuits and photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) and high gradient insulators (HGI). In this workshop, we report the latest results of the performance tests of PCSS and high voltage generation and so on.
Primary author
Naoki Ikeda
(The University of Tokyo)
Daisuke Satoh
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Mitsuru Uesaka
(University of Tokyo, Nuclear Professional School)