4–7 Sept 2017
LNGS and GSSI (Assergi and L'Aquila, Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone


Session II

4 Sept 2017, 14:45
LNGS and GSSI (Assergi and L'Aquila, Italy)

LNGS and GSSI (Assergi and L'Aquila, Italy)


Session II

  • Jim Whitmore (NSF, USA)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Laura Cadonati (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
04/09/2017, 14:45
04/09/2017, 15:25
Aldo Serenelli (Institute of Space Sciences, Spain)
04/09/2017, 15:30
04/09/2017, 16:00
Building timetable...