Sep 4 – 7, 2017
LNGS and GSSI (Assergi and L'Aquila, Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Scientific Program


0 - Some History  
0.1 - Bruno Pontecorvo - The pioneer of neutrino oscillations - 30’ Samoil Bilenky (JINR Dubna, Russia)
0.2 - From the Solar neutrino problem to the oscillation discovery and beyond - 40’ Yoichiro Suzuki (Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo, Japan)
0.3 - 25 years of Borexino - 30’ Gianpaolo Bellini (Milano University & INFN, Italy)

1 - Sun physics  
1.1 - Solar models and neutrinos: the standard model and beyond - 30’ Aldo Serenelli (Institute of Space Sciences, Spain)
1.2 - Solar models and neutrinos: a quantitative analysis of the solar abundance problem - 30’ Francesco Lorenzo Villante (L'Aquila University)
1.3 - Experimental measurements of the Solar neutrinos with scintillator detectors - 40’ Barbara Caccianiga (INFN Milano)
1.4 - Recent experimental measurements of the Solar neutrinos with Cherenkov detectors - 30’ Yusuke Koshio (Okayama University, Japan)
1.5 - Measurement of rare nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest: status and prospects - 30’ Antonino di Leva (Federico II University & INFN, Italy)

2 - Neutrino physics  
2.1 - New results on 8B solar neutrinos from 1.5 kton year of Borexino exposure - 30’ Davide Franco (APC Paris, France)
2.2 - Status and perspectives of theta13 experimental measurements - 30’ Jun Cao (Institute of High Energy Physics, China)
2.3 - Global analysis, neutrino mass, mixing parameters and CP violation - 40’ Maria Concepcion Gonzales-Garcia (ICREA-U. Barcelona, Spain & Stony Brook University, USA)
2.4 - Non-Standard Interactions in Borexino and Daya Bay - 30’ Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla (Institute of Physics, Bhubanswer, India)  
2.5 - New determinations of mixing parameters with atmospheric neutrinos - 30’  Juan-Pablo Yanez Garza (Alberta University, Canada)
2.6 - Prospects on the hierarchy determination - 40’ Mauro Mezzetto (Padova University & INFN, Italy)
2.7 - Low background methods for detection of solar neutrinos - 30’ Frank Calaprice (Princeton University, USA)
2.8 - New limits for the neutrino magnetic moments by Borexino - 20’ Oleg Smirnov (JINR Dubna, Russia)

3 - Neutrino mass  
3.1 - Survey of the absolute neutrino mass measurements - 30’ Kathrin Valerius (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
3.2 - Impact of cosmological observables on the neutrino physics - 40’ Richard Battye (University of Manchester, UK)
4 - Searches on sterile neutrino(s)  
4.1 - Status of the sterile neutrino(s) - 40’ Carlo Giunti (INFN Torino, Italy)
4.2 - Experiments in preparation on sterile neutrino(s) - 40’ Stefan Schönert (TUM Munich, Germany)

5 - Neutrinoless double-beta decay  
5.1 - A survey of the status of Double Beta Decay experiments - 40’ Art McDonald (Queen’s University, Canada)
5.2 - Status of double-beta decay nuclear matrix elements - 30’ Javier Menendez (Center for Nuclear Study,
University of Tokyo, Japan)

6 - Neutrino astrophysics  
6.1 - Multimessengers and high energy neutrino searches - 40’ Elisa Resconi (TUM Munich, Germany)

7- Neutrinos as probes  
7.1 - Geo-neutrinos to understand the earth - 30’ Brian Kurt Fujikawa (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
7.2 - SN1987A and its heritage - 40’ Masayuki Nakahata (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo, Japan)

8 - Dark matter  
8.1 - Sterile neutrinos as dark matter - 30’ Dmytro Iakubovskyi (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark)
8.2 - Supernova neutrino detection with dark matter experiments - 30’  Aldo Ianni (LNGS, Italy & Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc Canfranc, Spain)
9 - Gravitational waves: observation and prospects - 40’ Laura Cadonati (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

10 - Concluding remarks - 40’ Alexei Smirnov (MPI Heidelberg, Germany)