Sep 4 – 7, 2017
LNGS and GSSI (Assergi and L'Aquila, Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Workshop Fee and Payment Info

Workshop fee includes:
- admission to all sessions
- coffee-breaks and lunches
- poster session party
- concert
- transportation

Early bird fee (to be paid by July 31, 2017)
  Euro 220 VAT included
  Euro 190 VAT included (for poster presenters only, if poster is accepted)
Late and on-site fee (after July 31, 2017)
  Euro 250 VAT included
Payment Methods

Bank Transfer
-Beneficiary: INFN – Conto Congressi e Foresterie LNGS
-Bank name: Banca UNICREDIT – Filiale di Frascati
-Address: Via Enrico Fermi, 40 – Frascati, Italy
-Account # 102577667
-IBAN: IT 13 V 02008 39105 000102577667
-Reason for payment (very important!): BOREX 10 - conference fee - name and surname

Payments should be free of all bank expenses, which must be covered by the remitter.

On site cash payment
Cash payment on site is also accepted. Fee can be paid at the registration desk.

Payments are collected by INFN that will issue "receipts" as by national law. Receipts will be addressed to the name of the person indicated in the registration form and in the bank transfer "reference name", unless otherwise indicated.
Should be needed an "Invoice" (instead of a receipt) addressed to the Institute (instead of the participant), it must be clearly requested.
Please note that both receipts and invoices cannot be cancelled, released twice and/or substituted and exchanged.
Receipts of payment can be collected when registering at the registration desk (or later throughout the conference if fee is paid cash upon arrival).

For INFN Employees and Associated only - Per dipendenti e Associati INFN
If expenses to attend the conference (fee included) are paid by INFN, payment of the fee for the INFN employees and associated staff will be handled directly by local INFN administrative departments and it will be processed as an internal transfer of money from one site to another. The applicant is kindly requested to inform his/her administration about the workshop fee when applying for travel and attendance support (the so called “missione”).
I partecipanti in missione a carico INFN dovranno effettuare il pagamento della fee di partecipazione tramite storno dalla propria struttura di appartenenza ai LNGS. Il partecipante deve presentare la richiesta di autorizzazione a compiere la missione all’amministrazione di appartenenza specificando nelle note che “la fee di (€ .......) sarà corrisposta mediante il sistema degli storni tra strutture”. Sarà cura del Servizio Amministrazione dei LNGS richiedere alle rispettive strutture INFN da quali capitoli effettuare lo storno.