04–07 set 2017
LNGS and GSSI (Assergi and L'Aquila, Italy)
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Travel and Accommodation



The Gran Sasso National Laboratory is located in the Gran Sasso National Park (Google map), about 120 kilometers north-east from Rome. The closest airports are Fiumicino (www.adr.it/fiumicino) and Ciampino (www.adr.it/ciampino).

Shuttle bus for the conference and other travel information

Shuttle buses from Rome (Termini train station) and L'Aquila (Hotel Amiternum) will be available on September 3.
Please note that buses will bring participants to affiliated hotels only (see list below).
Those who intend to take our shuttle bus must select one bus on the registration form (you can inform the secretariat of any change just in case). Participants may also add any useful information about their trip in the registration form.

Here you can check our routes timetable to get the right bus for your journey.

Rome (Termini)


expected arrival
time in Assergi

(affiliated hotels)


2:30 pm

4:30 pm

4:50 pm

5:30 pm

7:15 pm

7:30 pm

9:30 pm

11:45 pm

12:00 am

There are two options basically to get our buses.

All people landing in Fiumicino or Ciampino can take a Gaspari direct bus from airport to L’Aquila and catch our bus at Hotel Amiternum. Please find here below Gaspari routes timetable (you can find though more detailed timetable and fare information on Gaspari website).



(Hotel Amiternum)

9:10 am

9:40 am

11:15 am

11:10 am

11:40 am

1:15 pm

2:15 pm

2:40 pm

4:15 pm

4:00 pm

4:30 pm

6:15 pm

7:00 pm

7:30 pm

9:15 pm

9:30 pm

10:00 pm

11:40 pm

Another option is to go to Rome and take our bus leaving from Termini train station. There are plenty of connections between airports and Rome Termini. Here you can find a few.
Fiumicino - Termini

- Bus Shuttle (about every 40 minutes)
- Leonardo express train (about every 30 minutes)
- Terravision (about every 40 minutes)

Ciampino - Termini
- Bus Shuttle (about every 30/40 minutes)
- Schiaffini (about every 40 minutes)

- Terravision (about every 40 minutes)

Those who will travel by train can check Trenitalia National railway company website in order to find trains to Rome Termini.

Also shuttle buses from affiliated hotels to LNGS will be available every day as well as bus to L’Aquila and back on September 6.

At the end of conference shuttle bus will bring people back to Hotel Amiternum and Termini train station in the morning of Friday September 8 (leaving from hotels at 6:30 am, first stop at 7 am at Hotel Amiternum, expected arrival time to Rome Termini 9 am).

Two guided tours of underground lab are foreseen at the end of plenary session on September 5 and 7 respectively. Those who want to take part must sign up by selecting one of the two guided tours in the registration form. Please note that each group is limited to 50 people.

Other options
If you plan to arrive later than September 3, besides Gaspari bus, you can also check TUA-ARPA routes from Rome (Tiburtina train station) to L’Aquila (timetable). Please note that if your train to Rome gets to Termini station you will have to take subway to Tiburtina station in order to catch the TUA-ARPA bus.
First bus stop in L’Aquila is Hotel Amiternum (same as Gaspari bus above). From there either you can take a taxi to Assergi (taxi cabs are normally available at Hotel Amiternum, if needed you can call radio-taxi company +39 0862 25165 - www.radiotaxilaquila.it)
or you can get off at Collemaggio Terminal Bus (final bus stop). From there you can take city bus M6 to Assergi (timetable).

Drivers can take highway A24 from Rome and take the exit Assergi (turn right and after 100 meters turn right again, you will find the laboratory gate on your left).


Here below you can find a list of affiliated hotels near the Lab with contracted rates.
Hotel reservation should be booked personally by the participants. Rooms will be available until the indicated deadline on "first come, first served" basis. Reservation will still be possible though after the dates below, but availability of rooms will no longer be guaranteed.
Reservation code for the workshop participants is "BOREX 10". Please mention this code when  booking the room.

Please note that daily conference shuttle bus will pick up people from these hotels only.

Hotel Nido dell'Aquila ***
Rates: single room 70 euro, double room 85 euro
Deadline: July 15, 2017
Address: Loc. Fonte Cerreto, 67100 Assergi (AQ)
Phone: + 39 0862 606840
Fax: + 39 0862 608811
Email: hotel@nidodellaquila.it
Website: www.nidodellaquila.it

Hotel Giampy ***
Rates: single room 60 euro, double room 70 euro
Deadline: July 3, 2017
Address: SS 17 Bis Km 18, 67100 Assergi (AQ)
Phone: + 39 0862 606225
Fax: + 39 0862 606043
Email: info@hotelgiampy.it
Website: www.hotelgiampy.it - www.hotelgiampy.eu

Hotel Fiordigigli ***
Rates: single room 70 euro, double room 85 euro
Deadline: July 15, 2017
Address: Loc. Fonte Cerreto, 67100 Assergi (AQ)
Phone: + 39 0862 606171 / 2
Fax: + 39 0862 606674
Email: info@fiordigigli.com
Website: www.fiordigigli.com

Hotel Cristallo***
Rates: single room 55 euro, double room 70 euro
Deadline: August 3, 2017
Address: Loc. Fonte Cerreto, 67100 Assergi (AQ)
Phone: +39 348 4715115
Email: hotel.cristallo2016@libero.it
Website: http://cristallo-assergi-it.book.direct

Bed & Breakfast Il Parco
Rates: single room 45 euro, double room 65 euro
Deadline: August 16, 2017
Address: SS 17 Bis Km 18, 67100 Assergi (AQ)
Phone: +39 0862 606774, +39 340 7121425, +39 340 7121426
Email: d.rapiti@alice.it
Website: www.ilparcoassergi.it

Bed & Breakfast Le Pagliare del Gran Sasso
Address: Via di Valle 2, 67100 Assergi (AQ)
Mobile: +39 349 2100605, +39 347 2942970
Email:  info@lepagliaredelgransasso.it
Website: www.lepagliaredelgransasso.it


Other hotels near the Lab (no shuttle bus service available).

Relais Elodia nel Parco ****
Address: Via Valle Perchiana, 67100 Camarda (AQ)
Phone: +39 0862 606830
Fax: +39 0862 608867
Email: relais@elodia.it
Website: www.elodia.it

Relais Villa Dragonetti De Torres ****
Address: Via Oberdan 4, 67100 Paganica (AQ)
Phone: +39 0862 680222/689503
Fax: +39 0862 681902
Email: info@villadragonetti.it
Website: www.villadragonetti.it

Bed & Breakfast Il Grottino di Assergi
Address: Via dell'Arco 2, 67100 Assergi (L'Aquila)
Phone / Fax: +39 0862 606180
Mobile: +39 331 3070174
Email: info@ilgrottinodiassergi.it
Website: www.ilgrottinodiassergi.it

Bed and Breakfast Gran Sasso
Address: Frazione Filetto (AQ)
Mobile: +39 348 2387567
Email: bb-gransasso@libero.it
Website:  www.bb-gransasso.it

Bed and Breakfast Il Mandorlo
Address: Via del Mandorlo 24, 67100 Tempera (AQ)
Mobile: +39 380 7439519
Email: ilmandorlo@ilmandorlo-rooms.it
Website:  www.ilmandorlo-rooms.it

Bed and Breakfast La Meta
Address: SS 17 bis, 67100 Tempera (AQ)
Mobile: +39 335 8785533, +39 335 8123004

Bed and Breakfast Peter Pan
Address: Via della Fioretta, 67100 Paganica (AQ)
Mobile: +39 339 6172533
Email: peter.civisca@air2bite.net