Sep 20 – 23, 2017
INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Europe/Rome timezone

DECRIS-PM ion source for the DC-280 cyclotron

Sep 23, 2017, 11:25 AM
Sala Villi (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)

Sala Villi

INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro

Viale dell'Università 2, Legnaro PD, Italy
Oral presentation Session 7


Sergey Bogomolov (JINR)


A new all-permanent magnet ECR Ion source DECRIS-PM had been developed to be used at the high voltage platform of DC-280 cyclotron. The source has been designed at the FLNR JINR (Dubna) in collaboration with the “ITT-group” company (Moscow, Russia). The operating frequency selected to be 14 GHz for the source. The corresponding values of Binj, Bmin and Br were chosen according to scaling laws for the axial magnetic field configuration. The injection magnetic field maximum was chosen to be around 1.3 T to have a reasonable weight of the system and basing on the earlier experience of conventional ion sources. Combination of the permanent magnet rings and soft iron plates makes the magnetic structure flexible, and provides the possibility of magnetic field correction during assemblage stage. Other specific feature of the source is an additional coil placed at the center of the structure between the hexapole and central PM ring. The coil will be used to tune the Bmin value during the source operation. Presently the source is under tests at the test bench. In the first experiments the intense beams of Ar8+ (920 eµA), Ar11+ (200 eµA), Ar12+ (150 eµA), Kr15+ (180 eµA) and Kr17+ (125 eµA) were produced. The source is also tested for production of metal ion beams (Mg, Ca and Fe).

Primary author

Sergey Bogomolov (JINR)


Mr Alexander Lebedev (JINR) Mr Andrey Bondarchenko (JINR) Dr Andrey Efremov (JINR) Mr Konstantin Kuzmenkov (JINR) Mr Nikolay Iazvitskii (JINR) Dr Nikolay Konev (ITT Group) Mr Vladimir Bekhterev (JINR) Mr Vladimir Loginov (JINR) Dr Vladimir Mironov (JINR) Mr Yuri Kostyukhov (JINR)

Presentation materials