David Mascali
9/23/17, 11:00 AM
Oral presentation
The AISHa ion source is an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source designed and developed for the generation of high brightness multiply charged ion beams with high reliability, easy operations and maintenance for feeding linear accelerator or cyclotrons. Its innovative magnetic field is provided by a Halbach-type permanent magnet hexapole (radial confinement) and for four high field He-free...
Sergey Bogomolov
9/23/17, 11:25 AM
Oral presentation
A new all-permanent magnet ECR Ion source DECRIS-PM had been developed to be used at the high voltage platform of DC-280 cyclotron. The source has been designed at the FLNR JINR (Dubna) in collaboration with the “ITT-group” company (Moscow, Russia).
The operating frequency selected to be 14 GHz for the source. The corresponding values of Binj, Bmin and Br were chosen according to scaling...
Giuseppe Castro
9/23/17, 11:50 AM
Oral presentation
Several projects will require high beam current for H2+either for neutrino factories and for applications. Different strategies have been envisaged, including overdense plasmas in microwave discharge ion sources (MDIS) and the recent developments in terms of production of high current high stability beams are satisfactory. The paper will describe the state of the art and the future...
Taneli Kalvas
(University of Jyvaskyla)
9/23/17, 12:15 PM
Oral presentation
The Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Jyvaskyla (JYFL) has performed radiation effects testing of electronics since 1998 using a K130 cyclotron and cocktail beams produced with ECR ion sources (ECRIS). Currently most of the tests are done at 9.3 MeV/u energy which is achievable with the charge states produced by the 14 GHz ECRIS of the laboratory. The radiation effects community has...