The deadline for the fee payment is fixed on 23rd September! ->FEE PAYMENT DETAILS: BENEFICIARY NAME: CONSORZIO COMETA BENEFICIARY ADDRESS: VIA SANTA SOFIA N. 64 – 95123 CATANIA BANK NAME: MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA S.p.A. – AGENZIA 7 BANK ADDRESS: VIA S.SOFIA, 78- 95123 - CATANIA IBAN : IT 35 Z 01030 16908 000000271066 BIC/ SWIFT CODE: PASCITM1CT7 IN THE REASON FOR PAYMENT, PLEASE INDICATE: "Participation fee to IV international Geant4 School" Please send an e-mail to and with the transfer details including the name and the institution of the participant, once the payment has been completed. Due to the large number of participants we are not actually able to accept everyone. For this reason consider that: 1.- Only when the registration fee is received your registration will be considered completed; 2.- Priority will be given as respect the received payment. 3.- Participant that will pay but that cannot be admitted will be refunded, of course. 4.- Admitted or refused participant will be immediately notified.
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