Oct 23 – 28, 2016
Belgrade (Serbia)
Europe/Rome timezone

General Information

The “IV International Geant4 School” will take place in the “Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences” (VINS) in Belgrade from October 24th to 28th, 2016. Belgrade, the capital of Serbia has 2 millions of inhabitance and is 15 km far from VINS.

VINS (http://www.vin.bg.ac.rs/index.php/en/) was founded in 1948 and is a member of the University of Belgrade (UB). It is the largest and multidisciplinary research institution in Serbia. The research at the Institute covers the following areas: physics, chemistry, biology, power engineering and technology, radiation and environmental protection, accelerator science, and materials science. Owing to the multidisciplinary approach, the Institute is capable of responding to the major strategic lines of research defined at the national level: advanced materials and nanoscience, energy engineering and technology, biomedicine and environmental protection. Currently the total number of employees fluctuates around 800, out of which about 300 hold a PhD degree while 200 are PhD students.

The courses aim to make the participants able to run user applications, simple but comprehensive, based on Geant4.
Lessons will be devided over 5 days (from Monday to Friday) and will also include lectures on software development in applied physics.


Geant4 is a software toolkit, written in C ++, for simulating the tracking of particles in the matter with the Monte Carlo approach. The software is developed and maintained by an International Collaboration of scientists belonging to different institutions, including INFN. Geant4 can be used for applications in high energy physics, astrophysics, medical physics, particle astrophysics and nuclear physics. The software provides all the tools needed to a complete Monte Carlo simulation of the experimental set-up, including modeling of geometry, detector response, event management and user interface. In Geant4 there is a wide range of physical models capable of describing interactions of particles with matter; there are several alternative models, which can be chosen by the user for many physical processes. Geant4 source code and libraries are freely available, along with manuals, from the Geant4 home page.